本书对于中药的起源、文化、产地、采集、贮藏、炮制、配伍、性味、归经、剂型、剂量、用法、禁忌等进行了概述,并将常用中药按药食同源、用于保健食品的中药、名贵中药分为三类。由经验丰富的专家团队精心挑选33 味居家常用中药进行介绍,每味中药又细分为广医药师谈选药、广医医师说功效、广医专家话食疗等话题,内容丰富,语言生动,力求兼顾实用性和有效性,便于中医药文化在海内外的传播发展。本书以汉英对照形式编写,海内外读者在系统性、全面性认识中华本草的同时,能够快速上手,走进、了解、使用简单的常见中药。阅读本书不仅能学习中华本草文化,还能掌握中药基础保健知识,以指导日常食疗与养生。
2023 年6 月
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This book provides an overview of the origin,culture, producing area, collection, storage,processing, compatibility, nature and flavor, channelentry, dosage form, dosage and administration,taboos, etc., of traditional Chinese medicine, anddivides the commonly used traditional Chinesemedicinals into three categories: Chinese medicinalsused for both medicine and food, Chinese medicinalsused for healthcare food, precious Chinese medicinals.33 commonly used healthcare Chinese medicinalsare carefully selected by an experienced team ofexperts. Each medicinal is subdivided into topics suchas Drug Selection by the Pharmacist, Efficacy Toldby the Doctor, Diet Therapy Recommended by theDoctor, etc. It is rich in content and vivid in language,and strives to give consideration to practicalityand effectiveness, so as to facilitate the spread anddevelopment of traditional Chinese medicine cultureboth home and abroad. This book is compiled inboth Chinese and English, overseas readers canquickly get started, walk into, understand and usesimple common traditional Chinese medicinalswhile systematically and comprehensivelyunderstanding Chinese materia medica. By readingthis book, readers can not only learn Chineseherbal culture, but also master the basic healthcareknowledge of traditional Chinese medicine to guidedaily diet therapy and health preservation.
Although this book has been published, it isonly a valuable introduction. We expect readersto correct the shortcomings and mistakes of thisbook in time. Your help and encouragement are thedriving force for our progress.
Editorial Board of Chinese Materia Medica
June 2023