本书由语言学家Paul R. Kroeger所著,是一部融语义学与语用学于一体的作品。书中几乎涵盖了语义学和语用学的所有关键性内容,为读者迈入这两个学科的探究之路提供了有益的启示和参考,具有极高的学术价值。本书理论先进,内容深广,举例翔实,同时兼具多语种性和整体性。此外,本书还配有丰富多样的练习题,是一本实用性很强的语言学教科书。
保罗·R. 克勒格尔(Paul R. Kroeger):美国达拉斯国际大学应用语言学教授,美国国际语言暑期学院语言学高级顾问,博士毕业于斯坦福大学语言学专业,他的主要研究方向为句法和语义学。
ContentsI Foundational concepts 11 The meaning of meaning 32 Referring, denoting, and expressing 153 Truth and inference 354 The logic of truth 53II Word meanings 775 Word senses 796 Lexical sense relations 1077 Components of lexical meaning 119III Implicature 1378 Grice’s theory of implicature 1399 Pragmatic inference after Grice 16110 Indirect speech acts 17911 Conventional implicature and use-conditional meaning 197IV Compositional semantics 21512 How meanings are composed 21713 Modeling compositionality 22914 Quantifiers 25315 Intensional contexts 273V Modals, conditionals, and causation 29116 Modality 29317 Evidentiality 31718 Because 32919 Conditionals 347VI Tense & aspect 37720 Aspect and Aktionsart 37921 Tense 40522 Varieties of the perfect 427References 453Index 475