The transportation system is often referred to as the nations ”lifeblood circulation system”. Without the ability to travel and to transport goods, society must be structured around small self-sufficient communities, each of which produces food and material for all of its needs locally and disposes of its wastes in a similar manner. The benefits of economic specialization and mass production are possible only where transportation exists to move needed materials for production to centralized locations, and finished products to widely dispersed consumers.Referring to domestic and foreign traffic engineering textbooks, traffic engineering standards and norms, this book systematically and briefly introduces the basic concepts, theories and methods of traffic systems, which covers the key research content and research methods of traffic engineering and other essential introductory knowledge. This book is mainly written in English, suitable for domestic undergraduate students majoring in traffic engineering, and also suitable for foreign readers to understand the characteristics of the traffic system in China. The book is organized into seven major functional parts:·Chapter 1--Introduction to Traffic Engineering·Chapter 2--Road User and Vehicle Characteristics·Chapter 3--Traffic Stream Characteristics·Chapter 4--Traffic Control Devices·Chapter 5--Traffic Management·Chapter 6--Transportation Planning·Chapter 7--Intelligent Transportation SystemEach chapter consists of four parts: text, exercises, glossary and the key points. In the text, the traffic engineering professional words are highlighted in italic and bold form, which are explained in Chinese at the glossary part at the end of each chapter. Furthermore, some unusual words (underlined in the text) are also given Chinese definitions to make them easier for readers to understand.
Chapter 1 Introduction to Traffic EngineeringChapter 2 Road User and Vehicle CharacteristicsChapter 3 Traffic Stream CharacteristicsChapter 4 Traffic Control DevicesChapter 5 Traffic ManagementChapter 6 Transportation PlanningChapter 7 Intelligent Transportation SystemReferences