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書城自編碼: 3928524
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→歷史史學理論
作者: 倪玉平
國際書號(ISBN): 9787302619376
出版社: 清华大学出版社
出版日期: 2023-10-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 精装

售價:NT$ 500



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本书试图探讨18世纪末和19世纪初的清朝中国与西方国家相比较,其经济发展道路是独特的还是相似的问题。正文部分分为五章:第一章分析了“马尔萨斯奇迹”发生之前的清代人口膨胀及其对策。第二章以主要商品的市场流通量和关税记录,估算19世纪上半叶的商业总产值。关税收入随时间的变化,实际上反映了19世纪中国经济发展的上升趋势和社会制度的加强。第三章集中探讨清朝财政制度的变迁。第四章分析清朝咸同年间的政府借贷活动。第五章分析了清朝1823年大水灾的情况。 结论部分对现有的历史GDP研究和“大分流”研究进行批判,强调利用第一手史料进行研究的重要性。帝国晚期的中国是相当特殊的国家,有着很强的传统和独特的文化传承,但这种“独特”并没有强烈到让中国可以违背普适的政治经济规律。清代中国仍然是一个非常“相似”的国家,仍然遵循着“普遍农业国家”的发展道路。这种发展道路,一些西方国家早已完成,一些国家则直到现在还在完成过程之中。
倪玉平,1975年生,历史学博士、经济学博士后。曾任哈佛燕京访问学者、格罗宁根大学客座教授、UCLA访问学者等,现为清华大学历史系教授、博士生导师。“全国百篇优秀博士学位论文”获得者、国家社科基金重大项目“清代商税研究及其数据库建设”项目主持人。出版《清代漕粮海运与社会变迁》、《Customs Duties in the Qing Dynasty, ca.1644-1911》、《从国家财政到财政国家:清朝咸同年间的财政与社会》等学术著作,在《中国社会科学》、《历史研究》、《中国史研究》、《近代史研究》、Australian Economic History Review 等刊物发表论文数十篇。
Introduction 1
Chapter 1.Population Expansion and Demographic Pressure in
Qing China (1644-1911) .11
1. “The Chinese Thomas Malthus” 11
2. Population Expansion in the Early Qing 17
3. Solutions for the Demographic Pressure 20
4. Conclusion .28
Chapter 2.Total Trade Value in the First Half of the 19th-Century
Qing China 31
1. Estimating the Market Circulation of Commodities .34
2. Verifying the Value of Commodities with Customs Duties 41
3. Conclusion .62
Chapter 3.The Fiscal Transformation of the Qing State in
the Middle of the 19th Century 65
1. The Fiscal Structure of the Jiaqing and Daoguang Times .66
2. War: An Almost Collapse of the Fiscal System .83
3. Structural Change .88
4. Conclusion .102
Chapter 4.To Borrow Money (1851-1874) .110
1. Failure of Domestic Borrowing .110
2. Success of Foreign Loans 118
3. Conclusion .124
Chapter 5.China’s f.lood in 1823 .130
1. The Organization of the Qing State 133
2. The 1823 Flood and Government Response .136
3. Structure and Amount of Disaster Relief 151
4. Relationship to Debates in the Literature .156
5. Conclusion .161
Conclusion 163
References 172
Archival, printed and online sources .172
Bibliography .174
Appendices .182
Appendix A.Customs Revenues Collected at selected Changguan in 1796-1850 (in taels of silver) 182
Table A-1.Shanhai Guan, Zhangjiakou, Shahukou, Guihuacheng,
Dajianlu, Chen Guan, Zhongjiang 182
Table A-2.Fengtian Niuma Shui, Wuchang and Xunchang, Pantaokou, Wuyuancheng, Gubeiko, Chongwenmen, Zuoyi 184
Table A-3.Youyi, Zuoliangting, Huai’an Guan, Xushu Guan, Yangzhou Guan, Wuhu Huguan, Wuhu Gongguan .186
Table A-4.Fengyang Guan, Longjiang Guan, Xixin Guan, Jiujiang
Guan, Gan Guan, Beixin Guan, Nanxin Guan .188
Table A-5.Linqing Huguan, Linqing Gongguan, Taiping Guan, Wuchang Guan, Jingzhou Guan, Hubei Xinguan, Kui Guan 190
Table A-6.Yu Guan, Tianjin Guan, Tianjin Haiguan, Donghai Guan, Jianghai Guan, Zhehai Guan 192
Table A-7.Minhai Guan, Total, Subtotal Huguan,
Subtotal Gongguan 194
Appendix B.Land Tax in 1821-1850 (in taels of silver) 196
Table B-1.Zhili, Shandong, Shanxi, Henan 196
Table B-2.Jiangning, Suzhou, Anhui, Jiangxi .197
Table B-3.Fujian, Zhejiang, Hunan, Hubei 198
Table B-4.Shaanxi, Gansu, Sichuan, Yunnan .199
Table B-5.Guizhou, Guangdong, Guangxi, Total .200
Appendix C.Explaining China’s 1823 Flood Regression Model .201
Table C-1.Price behaviour during and after 1823 f.lood .205
Table C-2.Land Tax And Land Tax Reductions
in 1823 (in tael of silver) .206
Table C-3.Total Relief Payments In China
(1823, in tael of silver) .207
Table C-4.Disaster Spending in Britain (1845-1849, annual average), China (1823), and Prussia’s Rhine Province (1816-1817) 208
Appendix D.Calculating China’s Historical Economic Aggregate:
A GDP-centered Measurement 209
Maarteen Duijvendak*1
Among today’s economists exists a lively debate on the recent economic
development of China. One point of dispute is when China will become the
largest and most productive economy. Economic historians likewise debate the
question of when and why China lost its prominent position as the richest economy
in world history. Should we place this change in the sixteenth, eighteenth
or nineteenth century? Was this position lost because of policies by the Chinese
state; policies on trade, taxes or trust, or was it about the access to coal, capital
and colonies in the other countries? And when this happened, was it China that
diverted from the standard track, or was it the country that took over; England,
the Dutch Republic, or the young United States? Books on the topic could easily
f ill a bookstore, the majority written by historians from the West. Recently however
Asian voices have risen in the debate.
It is understood that historians who write about these global processes use
generalised arguments. The assessment of economic developments in two or
more countries demands the author to adopt more of a bird’s eye view. A looking
glass or microscope simply will not do. However, among most of the western
scholars knowledge of the development of Chinese economy, institutions and
policies rests on a limited amount of sources. Here the input of Chinese historians
is of vital importance. Only by observing and assessing all available information
can one come to the right generalisation.
Of course there is an important difference between the arguments of aforementioned
modern scholars discussed in this book, and the great and sometimes
* Professor emeritus Economic, Social and Regional History, Faculty of Arts, Director of the Netherlands
Agronomic Historical Institute, University of Groningen, Netherlands.
speculative ideas of early twentieth century scholars like Otto Franke, Henri
Gordier or Joseph Needham. Still this research relies heavily on literary sources.
More quantitative and empirical knowledge of institutions and policies is urgently
needed. This type of information is essential for a more precise understanding
of the f iscal system and its revenues; of the state’s expenditures and ability to
borrow capital; and how the state answered when disasters struck and relief was
organised. This detailed data will not just result in more comprehensive spreadsheets,
statistical precision and colourful graphs. Used well, it produces more
thorough arguments on topics that are prominent in the existing debate.
This book brings such evidence to the table, fresh from the archives. Important
data presented on f iscal and f inancial policies in the Qing Dynasty
(1644-1911) is put in context and discussed. In doing so it improves our collective
understanding of the economic developments in China and the role of the
state. It adds to the existing arguments, it ref ines some and it provides some new
ideas about a distinct Chinese model of economic growth during these years.
At the heart of this study lies a PhD-thesis defended at the University of
Groningen in 2020. The author, Yuping Ni, is a scholar who presented his material
and ideas at seminars and workshops in different parts of Asia, Europe and
the United States. A conference in Seoul brought him in contact with my department
in Groningen. Grants from the Dutch Research Council, the Chinese Scholarship
Council and the Confucius Institute made it possible for him to stay and
study in the Netherlands for a year. During this year Ni published a book with
Brill Publishers in Leiden, wrote an article—in cooperation with Dr. Martin Uebele—
published in the Australian Economic History Review, and now the thesis
has grown into a book published with the Tsinghua University Press in Beijing.
This book brings an end to a project that brought Yuping Ni to Groningen
and carried me to Beijing. We found great joy in getting to know each other and
each other’s families; to explore our societies and history. As we were discussing
the things we observed, mutual respect and friendly ties developed, plus our
scholarship nurtured. Where the latter is about understanding arguments and improving
their underpinnings, it is the former that fosters bonds between peoples
and societies. I think the existence of this book proves the relevance of scholarly
exchange in both directions.



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