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『簡體書』全球能源互联网报告2023(英文版):Global Energy Interconnection Report 2023

書城自編碼: 3917316
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→工業技術一般工业技术
作者: 全球能源互联网发展合作组织 组编[英文]:Global En
國際書號(ISBN): 9787519881269
出版社: 中国电力出版社
出版日期: 2023-09-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 653



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Annual Review of Global Green TransitionPREFACE1.1Annual Review of Global Green Transition1 Macro Environment 0021.1.1 Economic Society 0021.1.2 Climate Policy 0041.1.3 Green Investment 0071.2 Energy Transition 0101.2.1 Total Supply 0101.2.2 Consumption Structure 0151.2.3 Carbon Market and Electricity Market 0201.2.4 Carbon Emissions 0261.3 Development of Energy Interconnection 0281.3.1 Clean Energy 0281.3.2 Smart Grid 0301.3.3 Interconnection 0341.4 Technological Innovation 0371.4.1 Technological Advancement 0371.4.2 Cost Change 0412Analysis of Critical Issues on Global Energy Development2.1? Geopolitical Conflicts and EnergySecurity 0442.1.1? Butterfly Effects of Global Energy andEconomy 0442.1.2? Enlightenment of Geopolitical Conflictson Development 0492.2 Challenges of Extreme Weather to Power Security 0532.2.1 Extreme Weather Events 0542.2.2 Challenges to the Power System Safety 0552.2.3 Climate Adaptive Power System 0582.3 Development of Green Hydrogen and Electrosynthesis of Fuels 0602.3.1 Green Hydrogen Technology and Development 0612.3.2 Electrosynthesis of Fuel Technology and Development 0682.3.3 Electricity-Hydrogen Coordinated Zero Carbon Energy System 0713Global Energy Interconnection Development Index3.1 GEI Concept 0743.1.1 Concept Connotation 0743.1.2 Development Vision 0763.2 Index System 0773.2.1 Indicator System 0793.2.2 Evaluation Methods 0823.2.3 Evaluation Process 0823.3 Global Energy Interconnection Development Index 0833.3.1 GEI Development Global Index 0833.3.2 Green and Low-carbon Index 0863.3.3 Development Security Index 0883.3.4 Interconnection Index 0893.3.5? Economic Efficiency Index 0923.4 Regional Characteristics 0943.4.1 Europe 0953.4.2 North America 0983.4.3 Oceania 1003.4.4 East Asia 1023.4.5 Central and South America 1043.4.6 Southeast Asia 1063.4.7 South Asia 1093.4.8 Russia and Central Asia 1113.4.9 West Asia and North Africa 1133.4.10 Sub-Saharan Africa 1163.5 Country Ranking 1183.5.1 Country Ranking in GEIDI 1183.5.2 Ranking in Sub-indexes 1214Innovation Practice on Global Green Transition4.1 Clean Energy 1244.1.1 Hornsea 2 Offshore Wind Farm at North Sea 1244.1.2 “PV ” Mode Practive of Three Gorges Energy in China 1264.1.3 Zungeru Hydropower Station in Nigeria 1284.1.4 Fengning Pumped Storage Power Station in China 1304.1.5 Ca Mau 1# Offshore Wind Power Station in Vietnam 1314.2 Power Grid Development 1334.2.1 Zhundong-East China (South Anhui) ±1100 kV UHVDC Project in China 1334.2.2 Ethiopia-Kenya ±500 kV DC Transmission Project 1354.2.3 Zhangbei VSC-HVDC Project in China 1364.2.4 UK-Norway World’s Longest Submarine Cable Interconnection Project 1384.2.5 Baihetan-Jiangsu/Zhejiang ±800 kV UHVDC Project in China 1394.3 Smart Grid 1414.3.1 Xiong’an Smart Grid in China 1414.3.2 Saudi Arabia Smart Meter 1444.3.3 State Grid New Energy Cloud in China 1464.3.4 California VPP in the United States 1474.3.5 Jiangsu Zhenjiang Energy Storage Power Station in China 1494.4 End-use Sectors 1524.4.1 Shenzhen V2G Operation Management Platform in China 1524.4.2 Shell Refhyne Electrohydrogen Production Project 1544.4.3 Lanzhou Liquid Solar Fuel Synthesis Demonstration Project in China 1564.4.4 Jiangsu Yining Energy Micro-carbon Smart Energy Science and Technology Innovation Industrial Park in China 1574.4.5 Envision Ordos Zero-carbon Industrial Park in China 1605Outlook on Global Energy Transition and Development5.1 Economy and Society 1655.1.1 Population Size 1655.1.2 Economic Growth 1685.1.3 Low-carbon Industry 1705.1.4 Green Investment 1715.2 Energy Supply and Demand 1735.2.1 Energy Production 1735.2.2 Energy Consumption 1755.3 Energy Security 1775.3.1 Supply Security 1775.3.2 Trade Security 1795.3.3 Market Security 1805.4 Interconnection 1825.4.1 Power Grid Configuration System 1825.4.2 Green Hydrogen Configuration System 1845.5 Technological Innovation 1865.5.1 Clean Power Generation Technologies 1875.5.2 New Types of Energy Storage 1905.5.3 Advanced Power Transmission Technologies 1925.5.4 Electricity Replacement Technology 1945.5.5 Green Hydrogen and Green Chemical Technology 1955.5.6 Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage Technology 1965.6 International Cooperation 1985.6.1 Mechanism Establishment 1985.6.2 Green Finance 2015Outlook on Global Energy Transition and DevelopmentAppendix A Research Methodology for Annual Review of Global Green Transition 202Appendix B GEIDI Model and Method 203Appendix C Integrated Assessment Model for Global Energy Transition Outlook 238
Energy is crucial as a foundational element for human survival and development. The world has come to a consensus on leading sustainable development with green and low-carbon energy transition as the core to cope with increasingly severe global challenges, such as climate change, environmental pollution, resource scarcity, poverty and health issues. As an interconnected, safe, reliable and cost-effective multi-energy system dominated by clean energy and centering on electricity, the Global Energy Interconnection (GEI) provides a comprehensive solution and an implementation pathway for energy transition. UN Secretary General António Guterres stated that “GEI is the key to combating global climate change, and realizing inclusive and sustainable growth worldwide.”The shift towards green and low-carbon energy transition represents a multifaceted and demanding endeavor. Its development trend and process are influenced by numerous factors such as economy, resources, technology, industry, policy and international relations. Since countries and regions differ in development stage, resource endowment and many other aspects, they need to apply novel technologies, develop innovative models and implement new projects in light of local conditions. The GEI development is an integrated practice for countries to propel the green and low-carbon energy transition. In order to facilitate energy transition and accelerate the GEI development, Global Energy Interconnection Development and Cooperation Organization (GEIDCO) has released the Global Energy Interconnection Report 2023.This report is an annual analysis, assessment and outlook report for global energy development, divided into five parts. The first part is annual review of global green transition. From 4 dimensions, including macro environment, energy transition, development of energy interconnection, technological innovation, it analyzes and reviews the current situation and characteristics of global green energy transition. The second part is analysis of critical issues on global energy development. It analyzes the selected critical issues in 2022 of the global energy development by means of interview survey and scenario analysis, and puts forward inspirations and suggestions for the development of global energy and power systems. The selected topics are geopolitical conflicts and energy security, extreme weather and power security, and the development of green hydrogen and electrosynthesis of fuel. The third part is global energy interconnection development index. It applies the Global Energy Interconnection Development Index (GEIDI) to systematically evaluate the performance, ranking and characteristics of green energy transition in the world, 10 major regions, and more than 140 countries from four aspects: green and low-carbon, development security, interconnection, and economic efficiency. It also quantifies the development process and gap of the global energy transition. The fourth part is innovation practice on global green transition. From the four fields of clean energy, power grid development, smart grid, and final energy consumption, it selects and displays 20 GEI innovative practice cases in 2022 with large comprehensive impact, high innovation value, exceptional transformative and promotional performance, and strong demonstrative effects. The fifth part is out_x005f_xfffe_look on global energy transition and development. Focusing on the six themes of economy and society, energy supply and demand, energy security, interconnection, technological innovation and international cooperation, it gives an outlook on the near-to-medium-term trend and development direction of global energy transition.GEIDCO will continuously enrich and refine global green transition data, models, indexes and solutions. This report will provide valuable references for governments, organizations, enterprises and institutions to study energy transition policies, formulate energy and power planning, and facilitate major technological innovations and project implementation. GEIDCO is prepared to collaborate with all sectors of society to accelerate the global energy transition, build an interconnected modern multi-energy system dominated by clean energy and centering on electricity, and make unremitting efforts to achieve the temperature control goals of the Paris Agreement and the sustainable development goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations!



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