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『簡體書』多孔碳的合成与应用(Porous Carbons: Syntheses and Applications)

書城自編碼: 3910577
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→工業技術一般工业技术
作者: [日]稻垣道夫,[日]糸井弘行,康飞宇[Michio Ina
國際書號(ISBN): 9787302644248
出版社: 清华大学出版社
出版日期: 2023-08-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 精装

售價:NT$ 2035



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本书共分5章,第1章重点论述了孔结构在碳材料中的重要性。第2章是多孔碳的合成、制备与改性技术,特别是对微孔碳、介孔碳、大孔碳的设计、控制。第3章是多孔碳在能量存储和转化中的应用,特别是在各类电池和超级电容器中的特点。第4章是多孔碳的环境应用,主要是吸附、净化和催化方面。第5章是总结与展望。 由于多孔碳材料的制备与应用不断扩大,教学科研需求十分旺盛。该书系统总结了最近十多年来,在碳化技术发展和能源环保应用上的新成果、新趋势,特别是包含了从前驱体、制备技术、表征到应用的各个方面,力求从机理上理解多孔碳材料的特点。既有科普性,又有前沿性。 碳材料无论在工业界还是学术界,都有着非常重要的地位。随着富勒烯和石墨烯获得了诺贝尔奖,国内外研究如火如荼。多孔碳材料是一种新型功能材料,近年来发展快速,无论是制备,还是应用,特别是在能量转化和存储方面,在环境保护方面得到了前所未有的应用,因此也吸引了众多研究人员的注意力。目前,不但大中专学校和科研院所的教学和科研工作急需该类教材,而且工商企业的技术人员也非常渴望在生产科研中能够指导和参考。应该说具有较广泛的读者群(包括无机材料工作者、能源工作者、环境科学工作者、电子材料研究人员、核科学工作者、生态科学研究者等)。
稻垣道夫,日本北海道大学荣休教授,著名碳材料科学家,从事碳材料研究已有50多年。2005年,他因为对碳材料科技的突出贡献获得了SGL碳科学奖;2009年获得了中国碳材料国际合作杰出成就奖;2011年,由于对国际碳材料科学的杰出贡献,他获得了Peter A. Thrower奖。已经发表学术论文五百多篇和出版过7本著作。
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Carbon materials 1
1.2 Pores in carbon materials 8
1.3 Identi.cation and evaluation of pores in carbons 11
1.4 Purposes and construction of this book 22
1.5 Abbreviations of technical terms employed 24 References 28
2. Syntheses of porous carbons 31
2.1 Microporous carbons 32
2.2 Mesoporous carbons 85
2.3 Macroporous carbons 145
2.4 Hierarchically porous carbons 198 References 212
3. Porous carbons for energy storage and conversion 239
3.1 Rechargeable batteries 241
3.2 Supercapacitors 316
3.3 Hybrid cells 369
3.4 Fuel cells 407
3.5 Hydrogen storage 441
3.6 Storage of methane and methane hydrate 461
3.7 Thermal energy storage 472 References 497
4. Porous carbons for environment remediation 541
4.1 Adsorption 542
4.2 Gas separation 645
4.3 Capacitive deionization 661
4.4 Electromagnetic interference shielding 700
4.5 Sensing 725 References 764
vi Contents
5. Concluding remarks and prospects 803
5.1 Concluding remarks 803
5.2 Constraint and reaction space in carbons, pores 811 References 843
Index 849
One of characteristics of carbon materials is the formation of pores with a wide range of sizes and morphologies, from micropores with sizes of less than 1 nm to macropores with sizes of more than 50 mm, and from channel-like pores with homogeneous diameters in porous carbons and carbon nanotubes to round pores in porous carbons and fullerene cages, including irregular-shaped pores in polycrystalline carbon materials. Large quantities and rapid adsorption of different gas and liquid molecules have been utilized for the remediation of our circumstances since prehistorical times and nowadays for storage of foreign atoms and ions for energy storage and conversion. In addition, porous carbons can keep various functional groups on their surfaces, which can enable the storage of electrochemically active materials, such as Lit,Nat, etc., and the removal of the environmental pollutants, such as Pb2t,Hg0, etc., through chemical interaction.
The authors have published three books on carbon materials in a series entitled Materials Science and Engineering of Carbons: Fundamentals, Advanced Materials Science and Engineering of Carbons,and Materials Science and Engineering of Carbons: Characterization. A book focused on graphene and its related materials was also published by the same publishers, entitled Graphene: Preparations, Properties, Applications and Prospects. Porous carbons are among the most important themes in discussing their of the fabrication and applica-tions of carbon materials in these books. In the .rst book (Fundamentals), their fabrication (synthesis and preparation) processes are described mainly on the bases of fabrication techniques, such as activation, etc., together with their applications in speci.c .elds, such as energy storage and environment reme-diation. In the second book (Advanced), the focus is on novel fabrication techniques, such as template carbonization, carbon nano.bers via electro-spinning and carbon foams, and applications in electrochemical capacitors, lithium-ion batteries, and adsorption. The characterization techniques of carbon materials are discussed on gas adsorption techniques for the evaluation of pore structures and the determination of electrochemical performances of various carbon materials in the third book (Characterization). In the fourth book (Graphene), graphene and its related materials are discussed, and the importance of the surface functional groups on reduced graphene oxides is demonstrated to develop new applications.
The present book, Porous Carbons: Syntheses and Applications, is focused on the syntheses and applications of porous carbons, the pore structures of which depend strongly on the precursors and synthesis conditions, temperatures and durations of carbonization and activation, activation reagents, templates, etc. The syntheses are explained by dividing the synthesis techniques into activation, template-assisted carbonization, and precursor-designing on the resultant microporous, mesoporous, and macroporous carbons. In the section on macroporous carbons, so-called carbon foams composed from exfoliated graphite and carbon nano.bers are included. The applications are discussed by dividing them into two chapters, one on the applications for energy storage and conversion, and another on the applications for environment remediation. In the applications for energy storage and conversion, rechargeable batteries (lithium-ion, sodium-ion and potassium-ion batteries, lithium-sulfur and lithium-oxygen batteries) and electric double-layer ca-pacitors (supercapacitors), together with their hybridization, and fuel cells are discussed, in addition to the storage of energy sources (hydrogen and methane) and thermal energy. The applications for environment remediation are discussed by dividing them into adsorption, gas separation, capacitive deionization, electromagnetic interference shielding, and sensing. The section on adsorption is composed of adsorptive removal of environment pollutants (including inorganic and organic species), water vapor adsorption, CO2 capture, metal ions trapping, and oil sorption. The section on sensing is discussed by separating sensors into chemical sensors, mechanical sensors (strain sensors), and biosensors. In the .nal chapter, concluding remarks are presented on syntheses and applications by emphasizing the pore structure of the carbon and the presence of surface functional groups. In addition, the possibility of some porous carbons, including carbon nanotubes and fullerenes, presenting constraint and reaction spaces is proposed by showing some experimental results.
It would be a source of great pleasure for the authors if the content of this book was to provide useful information to readers, to enable readers to gain a thorough understanding of the syntheses and applications of porous carbons and also to form new ideas on the carbon materials. For readers’ convenience, it is recommended to consult the three books mentioned above which are published by Tsinghua University Press and Elsevier. These books will supply the fundamental knowledge on carbon materials and provide a broad understanding of the range of topics discussed in this book.



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