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『簡體書』新东方 剑桥实境英语—写作4

書城自編碼: 3736342
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→外語英语专项训练
作者: [英]Simon Haines[编著]
國際書號(ISBN): 9787560531472
出版社: 西安交通大学出版社
出版日期: 2022-03-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 204



** 我創建的書架 **

“剑桥实境英语”系列丛书(Cambridge Real English Skills)由新东方自剑桥大学出版社独家引进出版,是一套针对英语听、说、读、写的综合技能提高教程。本丛书共12册,分为初级、中级、中高级和高级四个级别,为英语学习者提供全新的听、说、读、写材料。每单元按主题分类,基本涵盖了工作、生活、学习、旅游等日常情景,每个情景真实再现了以英语为母语的国家人们的生活,旨在为广大英语学习者提供一个真实的语言环境,全面提高英语交际能力。
Map of the book 4
Acknowledgements 6
Introduction 7
Social and Travel
Unit 1 Somewhere to stay 10
Unit 2 Let’s keep in touch 14
Unit 3 Forms and more forms 18
Unit 4 Dear Sir, 22
Unit 5 It’s not good enough 26
Review 1 30
Work and Study
Unit 6 This is my life 32
Unit 7 Private and confidential 36
Unit 8 According to our survey 40
Unit 9 The product for you 44
Unit 10 I’ll email you 48
Unit 11 This is the course for me 52
Unit 12 Listen and take note! 56
Unit 13 Today’s seminar 60
Unit 14 To sum up 64
Unit 15 In my view 68
Unit 16 According to statistics 72
Review 2 76
Appendix 1 Useful language 82
Appendix 2 Text types and styles 85
Appendix 3 Style 86
Appendix 4 Spelling 88
Appendix 5 Punctuation 90
Appendix 6 Editing your writing 91
Audioscript 92
Answer key 96
Who is Real Writing 4 for?
You can use this book if you are a student at advanced level and you want to improve and practise your English writing. You can use the book alone without a teacher or you can use it in a classroom with a teacher.
How will Real Writing 1 help me with my writing?
Real Writing 4 contains everyday writing tasks. These include writing emails and letters, filling in forms, writing reports and summaries. It is designed to help you with writing you may need to do when communicating with people in English at home or in other countries.
The exercises in each unit help you develop useful skills such as planning, thinking about the reader and checking your work. It is designed to help you with writing you will need to do when communicating in English at home or when visiting another country.
How is Real Writing 4 organized?
The book has 16 units and is divided into two sections:
○ Units 1-5 - social and travel situations
○ Units 6-16 - work and study situations
Every unit has:
○ Get ready to write: to introduce you to the topic of the unit
○ Learning tip: to help you improve your learning
○ Did you know?: extra information about vocabulary, different cultures or the topic of the unit
○ Focus on: to help you study useful grammar or vocabulary
○ Class bonus: an exercise you can do with other students or friends
○ Extra practice: an extra exercise for more practice
○ Can-do checklist: to help you think about what you learnt in the unit
After each main section, there is a review unit. The reviews help you practise the language and skills you have learnt in each section.
At the back of the book you can find:
○ Appendices: contain lists of Useful language for every unit, useful information about style and register, spelling tips, punctuation and a checklist to use when re-reading a text you have written.
○ Audioscript: includes everything that you can hear on the MP3 and gives information about the nationalities of the speakers.
○ Answer key: gives correct answers and possible answers for exercises that have more than one answer. It also gives sample answers for some exercises.
How can I use Real Writing 4?
The units in the second section of the book are generally more difficult than the units in the first section. However, you do not need to do the units in a particular order. It is better to choose the units that are most relevant, useful or interesting for you and to do them in the order you prefer.
There are many different ways you can use this book. We suggest you work in this way:
○ Identify which areas you want to focus on by using the Contents list and find a unit that interests you or go to Appendix 2: Text types and look for a unit that you might find useful.
○ Use the Get ready to write section at the start of each unit to help you understand the context.
○ Complete the other sections of the unit. At the end of each section check your answers in the Answer key or with your teacher.
○ Try to do listening exercises without looking at the Audioscript. You can read the Audioscript after you finish the exercises.
○ If your answers are not correct, study the section again to see where you made mistakes.
○ When you have completed the Write exercise, use the Check questions to correct your writing. You can also use
Appendix 6: Editing your writing to check what you have written.
○ If you want to do more work on this topic, do the Extra practice activity.
○ At the end of the unit, think about what you learnt and complete the Can-do checklist.
○ Go to Appendix 1 and look at the Useful language for the unit again.



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