Act I
3 SCENE I. Elsinore. A Platform Before the Castle.
14 SCENE II. A Room of State in the Castle.
28 SCENE III. A Room in Polonius House.
36 SCENE IV. The Platform.
42 SCENE V. Another Part of the Platform.
Act II
53 SCENE I. A Room in POLONIUS House.
59 SCENE II. A Room in the Castle.
89 SCENE I. A Room in the Castle.
100 SCENE II. A Hall in the Castle.
121 SCENE III. A Room in the Castle.
127 SCENE IV. The Queens Closet.
Act IV
139 SCENE I. A Room in the Castle.
142 SCENE II. Another Room in the Castle.
144 SCENE III. Another Room in the Castle.
148 SCENE IV. A Plain in Denmark.
152 SCENE V. Elsinore. A Room in the Castle.
164 SCENE VI. Another Room in the Castle.
166 SCENE VII. Another Room in the Castle.
Act V
177 SCENE I. A Churchyard.
192 SCENE II. A Hall in the Castle.
Act I
3 SCENE I. King Lears Palace.
23 SCENE II. The Earl of Gloucesters Castle.
33 SCENE III. The Duke of Albanys Palace.
35 SCENE IV. The Duke of Albanys Palace.
54 SCENE V. Court Before the Duke of Albanys Palace.
Act II
57 SCENE I. A Court Within the Castle of the Earl of Gloucester.
65 SCENE II. Before Gloucesters Castle.
76 SCENE III. The Open Country.
78 SCENE IV. Before Gloucesters Castle; Kent in the stocks.
94 SCENE I. A Heath.
98 SCENE II. Another Part of the Heath.
104 SCENE III. Gloucesters Castle.
106 SCENE IV. The Heath. Before a Hovel.
116 SCENE V. Gloucesters Castle.
118 SCENE VI. A Farmhouse near Gloucesters Castle.
124 SCENE VII. Gloucesters Castle.
Act IV
130 SCENE I. The Heath.
135 SCENE II. Before the Duke of Albanys Palace.
141 SCENE III. The French Camp near Dover.
145 SCENE IV. The French Camp.
147 SCENE V. Gloucesters Castle.
150 SCENE VI. The Country near Dover.
167 SCENE VII. A Tent in the French Camp.
Act V
173 SCENE I. The British Camp near Dover.
178 SCENE II. A Field Between the Two Camps.
179 SCENE III. The British Camp, near Dover.
Act I
3 SCENE I. A Desert Place.
4 SCENE II. A Camp near Forres.
9 SCENE III. A Barren Heath.
18 SCENE IV. Forres. A Room in the Palace.
22 SCENE V. Inverness. MACBETHs Castle.
27 SCENE VI. Before MACBETHs Castle.
Act II
35 SCENE I. Inverness. The Courtyard of MACBETHs Castle.
39 SCENE II. The Same.
44 SCENE III. The Same.
52 SCENE IV. The Same. Outside MACBETHs Castle.
55 SCENE I. Forres. The Palace.
62 SCENE II. Inside the Palace at Forres.
65 SCENE III. A Park near the Palace.
67 SCENE IV. The Same. Hall in the Palace.
75 SCENE V. A Heath.
77 SCENE VI. Forres. The Palace.
Act IV
80 SCENE I. A Cavern. In the Middle, a Boiling Cauldron.
89 SCENE II. Fife. MACDUFFs Castle.
93 SCENE III. England. Before the Kings Palace.
Act V
105 SCENE I. Dunsinane. Anteroom in the Castle.
109 SCENE II. The Country near Dunsinane.
111 SCENE III. Dunsinane. A Room in the Castle.
115 SCENE IV. Country near Birnam Wood.
117 SCENE V. Dunsinane. Within the Castle.
120 SCENE VI. Dunsinane. Before the Castle.
121 SCENE VII. Another Part of the Field.
Act I
3 SCENE I. Venice. A Street.
12 SCENE II. Another Street.
17 SCENE III. A Council-Chamber.
Act II
35 SCENE I. A Sea-Port in Cyprus. An Open Place Near the Quay.
50 SCENE II. A Street.
51 SCENE III. A Hall in the Castle.
68 SCENE I. Before the Castle.
71 SCENE II. A Room in the Castle.
72 SCENE III. The Garden of the Castle.
95 SCENE IV. Before the Castle.
Act IV
105 SCENE I. Cyprus. Before the Castle.
118 SCENE II. A Room in the Castle.
129 SCENE III. Another Room in the Castle.
Act V
134 SCENE I. Cyprus. A Street.
141 SCENE II. A Bedchamber in the Castle.