伊朗,对世人来说,仿佛披着一层神秘的面纱,可当你揭开面纱时,你会发现,面对你的是一双美丽、深邃而善良的眼睛。 For people of this world, Iran seems to wear a mysterious veil. However, when you lift the veil, you would find that what you face is a pair of beautiful, deep, and kind eyes.
王瑶,中国摄影家协会主席,曾任新华社副总编辑、中国新闻社副总编辑。先后获中国新闻奖、范长江新闻奖等30多个中外摄影奖项。2000年以《60岁舞蹈家重返舞台》组照获第43届世界新闻摄影比赛艺术奖金奖(荷赛奖)。出版个人摄影作品集《中国故事》《后911》《看不见的京剧》《当代中国库布其》《当代中国哈尔滨的春天》等。 Wang Yao, President of China Photographers Association, born in Beijing in April 1970, graduated from Dept. of Journalism, Renmin University of China with a bachelors degree.