俄罗斯有一句古老的谚语:同一驾雪橇上坐的,既有痛苦,也有欢乐。王瑶的影像所记录的,正是如此。转型的阵痛,广泛地呈现在俄罗斯社会生活中,街头的乞讨,白领的无奈,一种失落的抑郁发散在社会底层。然而,俄罗斯不会颓废,不会沉沦。王瑶用一幅影像传导了这个信念:在电网缆索交错中,一个雕塑高扬着右臂,紧握着剑柄,昂首向前。这就是今日俄罗斯。 As an ancient proverb in Russia goes, On the same sleigh, there are both pains and joys. Thats exactly whatWang Yaos images have recorded. The labor of transformation is pervasive in social life. Beggars in streets, frustration of white collars, there is a sense of alienation and depression spread in the low social strata. However, R
王瑶,中国摄影家协会主席,曾任新华社副总编辑、中国新闻社副总编辑。先后获中国新闻奖、范长江新闻奖等30多个中外摄影奖项。2000年以《60岁舞蹈家重返舞台》组照获第43届世界新闻摄影比赛艺术奖金奖(荷赛奖)。出版个人摄影作品集《中国故事》《后911》《看不见的京剧》《当代中国库布其》《当代中国哈尔滨的春天》等。 Wang Yao, President of China Photographers Association, born in Beijing in April 1970, graduated from Dept. of Journalism, Renmin University of China with a bachelors degree.