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書城自編碼: 3135574
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→社會科學社会科学总论
作者: 陈从喜 葛振华 吴 琪 李 政 王 楠
國際書號(ISBN): 9787520001397
出版社: 中国大地出版社
出版日期: 2018-01-01
版次: 1
頁數/字數: 116/116
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 767



** 我創建的書架 **

陈从喜博士, 研究员, 中共党员。现任国土资源部信息中心统计监测室主任、国土资源部国土资源战略研究重点实验室副主任,主要从事矿床学、国土资源管理政策研究。他在矿床学、国土资源管理政策等方面有深入研究。先后主持和完成国际合作项目1项(IGCP443)、国家级项目3项、省部级以上科研项目20余项, 在国内外刊物上发表论文100余篇,其中SCI论文3篇;出版(合著)专著5部。获国土资源科技成果一等奖1次、二等奖1次。
Chapter I Land Resources 1I. Land Resources UtilizationII. Arable Land ProtectionIII. Completion of Land Consolidation ProjectsIV. Supply of State-owned Land for ConstructionV. Economic and Intensive Use of LandVI. Land Market
Chapter II Mineral ResourcesI. Basic Information on Mineral ResourcesII. Geological Investigations and Mineral ResourcesExplorationsIII. Development and Utilization of Mineral ResourcesIV. Mining Rights and Granting Conditions
Chapter III Marine ResourcesI. Marine Resources EconomyII. Development and Utilization of Marine ResourcesIII. Marine EnvironmentIV. Marine Rights and InterestsV. Management of Marine Resources
Chapter IV Land and Resources Management System and PoliciesI. Construction of Law-Oriented Land and Resources ManagementII. Reform in the Field of Land and ResourcesChapter V Geological Survey and Geological Data ServiceI. Fundamental Geological SurveyII. Mineral Resource Survey and AssessmentIII. Marine Geological SurveyIV. Geological Data Service
Chapter VI Geological Environment Protection and Geological Hazard ControlI. Mine Environment Recovery and ControlII. Geological Hazard Prevention and Control
Chapter VII Science, Technology and International CooperationI. Major Progress in Science and TechnologyII. Science and Technology Planning and AchievementsIII. International CooperationIV. Informatization Construction
Chapter VIII Geographic Information Surveying and Mapping 101I. Construction of Geographic Information Surveying and Mapping LegalSystem and SupervisionII. The First National Geographic Conditions SurveyIII. Development of Geographic Information Surveying and MappingIndustryIV. Construction of Geographic Information Surveying and MappingResourcesV. Geographic Information Surveying and Mapping Services
ForewordThe land and resources of China include such natural resources as land, mineral andmarine resources. With economic, social, and ecological attributes and functions, they providematerial and spatial support for the economic and social development and the constructionof ecological civilization and play a vital role in the national economic security, ecologicalcivilization construction, and social development.As the state authority in charge of land, mineral and marine resources in China, theMinistry of Land and Resources of the People''s Republic of China is responsible for theinvestigation, evaluation, planning, administration, protection and rational utilization of landand resources in the country.In 2015, under the leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of ChinaCPC and State Council, the Ministry of Land and Resources diligently followed the spiritof the 18th CPC National Congress as well as the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Plenary Session ofthe 18th CPC Central Committee and resolutely implemented the decisions made by the CPCCentral Committee. Adhering to the general principle of achieving progress while workingto keep performance stable, the ministry actively adapted to the new normal of economicdevelopment through fulfilling its responsibilities for protection of land and resources, intensiveand economical utilization of land and resources, and making all-out efforts to safeguard therights and interests of the public with the focus on improvement of the quality and performanceof the allocation of resources. Meanwhile, it has taken the initiative to deepen the reforms inthe field of land and resources in an all-round way and fully promoted the law-oriented landand resources management to provide strong support and powerful guarantee for a sustainableand healthy development of the economy, as well as for social harmony and stability.The book General Information on Land and Resources of China is compiled to let thegeneral public at home and abroad gain better understanding of the general information on landand resources in China, the situation of development and utilization and the land and resourcesmanagement system and policies, with the goal to enhance the public service ability of land andresources department and promote government information disclosure. With emphasis laid onthe general information on land and resources in China and the development and utilization of land and resources during the 12th Five-Year Plan period, the book introduces the developmentand utilization of land and resources, the progress of land and resources-related work, and landand resources management system and reform from such aspects as land resources, mineralresources, marine resources, land and resources management system and policies, geologicalsurvey and geological information service, geological environment protection and geologicalhazard control, science and technology and international cooperation, and geographicinformation surveying and mapping.It is hoped that the book can help all those who care about and support the development ofland and resources management in China understand and grasp the overall situation of land andresources in China.The statistics in the book are mainly from the Ministry of Land and Resources of thePeople''s Republic of China, the National Bureau of Statistics of the People''s Republic of China,and the General Administration of Customs of the People''s Republic of China. Statistics relatedto Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR, and Taiwan Province were not included.



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