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書城自編碼: 2908941
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→醫學其他临床医学
作者: 王开文 编著
國際書號(ISBN): 9787547831168
出版社: 上海科学技术出版社
出版日期: 2016-08-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 170/150000
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 1110



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本书从基础医学到临床实践对眼红斑痤疮疾病进行全面系统地阐述。全书共11章,前两章阐述本病的流行病学、预防和病因学以及皮肤及眼红斑痤疮的病理生理和临床表现。第3章叙述眼病的辩证论治及中医内治疗法。第4章到第10章分别叙述睑皮炎及睑腺疾病,睑板腺功能障碍、干眼、结膜、角膜、巩膜乃至眼内组织损害。 第11章也是最后一章介绍至今了解甚少的儿童眼红斑痤疮。书中列举了临床实例进一步证实眼红斑痤疮疾病的常见性和一系列表现,指出确诊的依据。本书是眼科医生从事医教研工作必备用书,亦可供皮肤科、病理科、儿科以及中西医结合方面的参考;还可作为家庭、个人养生保健之用。
Epidemiology, Prophylaxis and Etiology of Rosacea001
1红斑痤疮的流行病学(Epidemiology of Rosacea)001
2红斑痤疮的预防(Prophylaxis of Rosacea)002
3红斑痤疮的病因学(Etiology of Rosacea004
31蠕形螨的寄生(Demodex Infestation)004
3 2蠕形螨作为细菌的载体(Demodex as a Vector for Other
3 3细菌的致病作用(Bacterial Pathogenicity)008
3 4血管异常(Vascular Abnormality)009第2章皮肤红斑痤疮及眼红斑痤疮
Cutaneous and Ocular Rosacea014
1皮肤红斑痤疮(Cutaneous Rosacea)014
1 1皮肤红斑痤疮的临床表现(Clinical Manifestations of
Cutaneous Rosacea)014
1 2皮肤红斑痤疮的病理生理(Pathophysiology of Cutaneous
2眼红斑痤疮(Ocular Rosacea)018
2 1皮肤红斑痤疮与眼红斑痤疮的关系(Relationship of
Cutaneous and Ocular Rosacea)018
2 2眼红斑痤疮的临床表现和诊断(Clinical Manifestations
and Diagnosis of Ocular Rosacea)019
2 3眼红斑痤疮的组织病理(Histopathology of Ocular Rosacea)023
2 4眼红斑痤疮的免疫病理(Immunopathology of Ocular Rosacea)026
2 5眼红斑痤疮的分子病理(Molecular Pathology of Ocular
Treatment Based on Syndrome Differentiation in Ocular Diseases
with TCM032
1眼病辨证论治(Treatment Based on Syndrome Differentiation in Ocular Diseases)032
11眼病的辨证论治与诊断(Treatment Based on Syndrome Differentiation and Diagnosis in Ocular Diseases)032
1 2眼病的局部辨证与全身辨证(Differentiation of Local Syndrome and General Syndrome in Ocular Diseases)034
3眼病治疗的标、本、缓、急与舍局部证从全身证或舍全身证从局部证(The Cause and the Symptom, the Chronic
Case and the Acute Condition of Treatment in Ocular Disease, Precedence
of General Syndrome over Local Syndrome or Precedence of General Local
Syndrome over Common Syndrome)036
1 4异病同治,同病异治,同证异治与异证同治(Treating
Different Diseases with the Same Therapy, Treating the Same Disease with
Different Therapies, and Treating the Same Syndrome with Different
Therapies, Treating Different Syndromes with the Same Therapy)037
1 5中医内治疗法治愈眼红斑痤疮例证(Illustrative Case of Curing Ocular Rosacea with Internal Treatment of TCM)037
2眼病中医内治疗法(Internal Treatments for Ocular Diseases with TCM)038
2 1祛风清热法(Method of Dispelling Pathogenic Wind and Clearing up Pathogenic Heat)038
2 2祛风散寒法(Method of Dissipating Pathogenic Wind and Cold)039
2 3清热解毒法(Method of Clearing Heat and Removing Toxicity)039
2 4清热降火法(Clearing Heat and Lowering Fire)039
2 5泻下降火法(Method of Relaxing Bowels and Lowering Fire)039
2 6滋阴降火法(Method of Nourishing Yin and Lowering Fire)040
2 7祛湿法(Method of Eliminating Dampness)040
2 8化痰法(Method of Resolving Phlegm)040
2 9止血法(Method of BloodStanching)041
2 10活血化瘀法(Method of Promoting Blood Circulation and Removing Blood Stasis)041
2 11疏肝理气法(Method of Dispersing Depressed LiverQi)042
2 12平肝潜阳法(Method of Suppressing Hyperactive Liver and Subsiding Yang)042
2 13益气养血法(Method of Benefiting Qi and Nourishing Blood)042
2 14补益肝肾法(Method of Nourishing Liver and Kidney)043
2 15软坚散结法(Method of Softening and Resolving Hard Masses)043
2 16退翳明目法(Method of Removing Nebula for Improving Eyesight)043第4章红斑痤疮睑皮炎及睑腺疾病
Eyelid Dermatitis in Rosacea and Diseases of Eyelid Glands045
1红斑痤疮睑皮炎(Eyelid Dermatitis in Rosacea)045
1 1红斑痤疮睑皮炎例证及鉴别诊断(Illustrative Cases of Eyelid Dermatitis and Its Differential Diagnosis in Rosacea)045
1 2红斑痤疮睑皮炎的西医治疗(Treatment of Eyelid Dermatitis in Rosacea)048
1 3红斑痤疮睑皮炎的中医辨证论治(Treatment Based on Syndrome Differentiation of Eyelid Dermatitis with TCM)048
2睑腺疾病(Diseases of Eyelid Glands)050
2 1睑板腺囊肿(Meibomian Gland Cyst)或称霰粒肿(Chalazion)050
2 2睑腺炎(Hordeolum)051第5章眼红斑痤疮睑板腺功能障碍
Meibomian Gland Dysfunction in Ocular Rosacea054
1睑板腺的解剖生理(Anatomy and Physiology of the Meibomian Gland)054
2眼红斑痤疮睑板腺功能障碍的发病机制(Pathogenesis of Meibomian Gland Dysfunction in Ocular Rosacea)056
2 1蠕形螨的寄生(Demodex Infestation)056
2 2细菌的致病作用(Bacterial Pathogenicity)057
3睑板腺功能障碍的组织病理(Histopathology of Meibomian Gland Dysfunction)058
4眼红斑痤疮睑板腺功能障碍的临床表现(Clinical Manifestations of Meibomian Gland Dysfunction in Ocular Rosacea)059
5眼红斑痤疮睑板腺功能障碍及睑缘炎的西医治疗(Treatment of Meibomian Gland Disfunction and Blepharitis in Ocular Rosacea)061
6睑板腺功能障碍及睑缘炎的中医辨证论治(Treatment Based on Syndrome Differentiation of Meibomian Gland Dysfunction and Blepharitis with TCM)063
6 1风热型(Windheat Type)063
6 2湿热型(Dampheat Type)064
6 3心火上炎型Flaring up of Heart Fire Type064第6章干眼及神经反射性流泪
Dry Eye and Nervous Reflective Tearing066
1干眼(Dry Eye)066
1 1干眼的分类及病因(Classification of Dry Eye and Its Causes)066
1 2红斑痤疮干眼的病理生理(Pathophysiology of Dry Eye in Rosacea)068
1 3干眼的临床表现(Clinical Manifestation of Dry Eye)069
1 4干眼的临床检查(Clinical Examination of Dry Eye)070
1 5干眼的西医治疗(Treatment of Dry Eye)070
1 6干眼的中医辨证论治(Treatment Based on Syndrome Differentiation of Dry Eye with TCM)073
2神经反射性流泪(Nervous Reflective Tearing)075
2 1泪腺分泌的神经控制(Nerve Control of Lacrimal Secretion)075
2 2泪腺分泌的激素调节(Hormone Regulation of Lacrimal Secretion)075
2 3炎性细胞因子的作用(Inflammatory Cytokine Effect)076
2 4泪液分泌过多(Lacrimal Hypersecretion)076
2 5泪腺封闭疗法(Therapy of Blocking the Lacrimal Gland)077第7章眼红斑痤疮结膜疾病
Diseases of the Conjunctiva in Ocular Rosacea080
1结膜血管异常(Vascular Abnormality of the Conjunctiva)080
1 1结膜的血管系统及淋巴系统(Vascular and Lymphatic System of the Conjunctiva)080
1 2结膜血管异常的原因(Causes of Vascular Abnormality of the Conjunctiva)082
1 3眼红斑痤疮结膜血管异常例证(Illustrative Cases of Vascular Abnormality of the Conjunctiva in Ocular Rosacea)082
4眼红斑痤疮结膜血管异常的中医辨证论治(Treatment Based on Syndrome Differentiation of
Vascular Abnormality of the Conjunctiva in Ocular Rosacea with TCM)085
2结膜下出血(Subconjunctival Hemorrhage)086
2 1结膜下出血的原因(Causes of Subconjunctival Hemorrhage)086
2 2眼红斑痤疮结膜下出血例证(Illustrative Cases of Subconjunctival Hemorrhage in Ocular Rosacea)087
2 3结膜下出血的中医辨证论治(Treatment Based on Syndrome Differentiation of Subconjunctival Hemorrhage with TCM)088
3结膜炎症(Inflammations of the Conjunctiva)089
3 1结膜的防卫功能(Defense Function of the Conjunctiva)089
3 2慢性结膜炎(Chronic Conjunctivitis)090
4结节性结膜炎(Nodular Conjunctivitis)094
4 1肉芽肿性结膜炎的原因(Causes of Granulomatous Conjunctivitis)094
4 2结节性结膜炎的临床表现及鉴别诊断(Clinical Manifestations and Differential Diagnosis of Nodular Conjunctivitis)095
4 3结节性结膜炎例证(Illustrative Cases of Nodular
5泡性结膜炎(Phlyctenular Conjunctivitis)098
5 1泡性结膜炎的病因(Causes of the Phlyctenular Conjunctivitis)098
5 2泡性角膜结膜炎的临床表现(Clinical Manifestation of Phlyctenular Keratoconjunctivitis)099
5 3泡性结膜炎的西医治疗(Treatment of Phlyctenular Conjunctivitis)100
4结节性结膜炎及泡性结膜炎的中医辨证论治(Treatment Based on Syndrome Differentiation of the
Conjunctivitis Nodosa and Phlyctenular Conjunctivitis with
Disorders of the Cornea in Ocular Rosacea104
1角膜的防卫功能(Defensive Functions of the Cornea)104
2浅层点状角膜病变(Superficial Punctate Keratopathy)105
2 1丝状角膜病变(Filamentary Keratopathy)106
2 2眼红斑痤疮丝状角膜炎的例证(Illustrative Cases of Filamentary Keratitis in Ocular Rosacea)107
2 3浅层点状角膜病变的中医辨证论治(Treatment Based on Syndrome Differentiation of Superficial Punctate Keratopathy with TCM)108
3边缘性角膜炎(Marginal Keratitis)109
3 1边缘性角膜炎或溃疡的原因(Causes of Marginal Keratitis and Ulcer)109
3 2边缘性角膜炎或溃疡的临床表现(Clinical Manifestations of Marginal Keratitis or Ulcer)110
3 3边缘性角膜炎或溃疡例证(Illustrative Cases of Marginal Keratitis or Ulcer)111
3 4边缘性角膜炎或溃疡的中医辨证论治(Treatment Based on Syndrome Differentation of Marginal Keratitis or Ulcer with TCM)112
4角膜基质炎(Interstitial Keratits)114
4 1角膜基质炎的原因(Causes of Interstitial Keratitis)114
4 2角膜基质炎的临床表现(Clinical Manifestations of Interstitial Keratitis)115
4 3眼红斑痤疮角膜基质炎例证(Illustrative Cases of Interstitial Keratitis in Ocular Rosacea)116
4 4角膜基质炎的中医辨证论治(Treatment Based on Syndrome Differentation of Interstitial Keratitis with TCM)118第9章眼红斑痤疮及相关结缔组织疾病巩膜炎
Scleritis in Ocular Rosacea and Associated Connective Tissue
1 1巩膜外层炎的发病机制(Pathogenesis of Episcleritis)121
1 2巩膜外层炎的临床表现(Clinical Manifestations of Episcleritis)122
1 3眼红斑痤疮巩膜外层炎例证(Illustrative Case of Episcleritis in Ocular Rosacea)122
1 4巩膜外层炎的西医治疗(Treatment of Episcleritis)123
2 1巩膜炎的发病机制(Pathogenesis of Scleritis)123
2 2巩膜炎的临床表现(Clinical Manifestations of Scleritis)124
2 3巩膜炎的并发症(Complications of Scleritis)125
2 4巩膜炎的西医治疗(Treatment of Scleritis)126
3巩膜外层炎和巩膜炎的中医辨证论治(Treatment Based on Syndrome Differentiation of Episcleritis and Scleritis with TCM)127
3 1巩膜外层炎的中医辨证论治(Treatment Based on Syndrome Differentiation of Episcleritis with TCM)127
3 2巩膜炎的中医辨证论治(Treatment Based on Syndrome Differentiation of Scleritis with TCM)127第10章眼红斑痤疮眼内组织损害
Intraocular Tissue Involvement in Ocular Rosacea131
1前葡萄膜炎(Anterior Uveitis)131
1 1前葡萄膜炎的病因(Causes of Anterior Uveitis)131
1 2眼红斑痤疮前葡萄膜炎的临床表现及分析(Clinical Manifestations and Analysis of Anterior Uveitis in Ocular Rosacea)132
1 3红斑痤疮前葡萄膜炎的西医治疗(Treatment of Anterior Uveitis in Rosacea)133
1 4前葡萄膜炎的中医辨证论治(Treatment Based on Syndrome Differentation of Anterior Uveitis with TCM)133
2并发性白内障(Complicated Cataract)135
2 1眼红斑痤疮并发白内障例证(Illustrative Case of Complicated Cataract in Ocular Rosacea)135
2 2与酒精中毒并发白内障的鉴别诊断(Differential Diagnosis with Complicated Cataract from Alcoholism)136
2 3白内障的西医治疗(Treatment for Cataract)136第11章儿科眼红斑痤疮
Pediatric Ocular Rosacea138
1儿童眼红斑痤疮病例回顾(A Review of Child Ocular Rosacea Cases)138
2儿童眼红斑痤疮鉴别诊断(Differential Diagnosis of Child Ocular Rosacea)152
2 1睑缘角结膜炎(Blepharokeratoconjunctivitis, BKC)152
2 2特应性皮炎(Atopic Dermatitis)153
2 3脂溢性皮炎(Seborrheic Dermatitis)153
3儿童眼红斑痤疮例证(Illustrative Cases of Child Ocular Rosacea)154
2016年4月Preface 00Preface
the early 1990s, I treated an aged male patient at the
universityaffiliated hospital where I practiced. Both of his eyes were
blind with adherent leukoma of the cornea and thinning near the sclera.
His facial and nasal skin presented many more neovessels than normal. He
worked at a wine factory from a young age, tasting and evaluating wine
properties every day. Another male patient, aged sixty, suffered from
attacks on his left eye every year during the prior ten years by a
perforated corneal ulcer, reducing his vision to just light perception.
He was treated based on bacterium and viral infection at four hospitals
in the metropolis of province and still was not cured. He was left
feeling troubled and hopeless. Upon examination, diffuse telangiectasia
with proliferation was found on his face, presenting with a purplish red
color. In accordance with treatment for ocular rosacea, the corneal
ulcer was soon cured. In the face of such a serious ocular disorder, I
felt strongly that an ocular rosacea investigation was necessary.
is a common inflammatory skin disease, but its etiology is not very
clear. Ocular rosacea is one of the four subtypes of rosacea and neither
clinical nor research medicine have given it much attention in China.
Oculists often neglect to examine the patients skin, thus leading to
missed diagnoses or misdiagnoses. Dermatologic texts on rosacea have
been published, while ocular rosacea monographs have not appeared. One
purpose for writing this book is to give clinicians and researchers more
information so that they can make more accurate diagnoses. The other
purpose is to encourage more research and study into the disease. The
hope is that in the near future more scientists and ophthalmologists
will have more data to determine the cause of this disease and better
treat patients who suffer from it.
This book not only presents
research that has been published, but new findings resulting from my own
clinical investigations were elucidated as well. Vascular anomaly
including its dilatation and proliferation in conjunctiva and cornea,
especially in the bulbar conjunctiva, is very striking. These tortuous
vessels may form a loop, mass or lacey with leakage as well as
hemorrhage. These are among the primary indicators for the diagnosis of
ocular rosacea.
Treating for ocular diseases with internal therapy of
Traditional Chinese Medicine TCM is a complementary alternative
medicine approach. For intractable blepharo keratoconjunctivitis,
satisfactory efficacies were attained with oral Chinese medicine. For
those recurrent diseases, tetracyclines are not exclusively adopted,
applying TCM therapy will reduce their side effects and increase the
therapeutic efficacies.
I want to acknowledge the support of Shanghai
Scientific & Technical Publishers during the process of publishing
this book. Although I have done my best to present a complete text based
on my accumulated knowledge, I welcome comments or corrections from my
colleagues in the clinical and research community.
Kaiwen Wang
Foshan, China



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