內容簡介: |
本书系四川省泸州符氏传统热灸疗法经验总结,全书共分六章:笫一章 热灸术的基础知识; 笫二章 常用经络腧穴及操作; 笫三章 常见病的热灸治疗; 第四章 带状疱疹的热灸治疗 ;第五章 肿瘤包块的热灸治疗 ;第六章 热灸的机理探讨及展望。本书汉英对照,是传统热灸疗法之代表作之一,可供针灸医生和针灸爱好者及留学生使用。
關於作者: |
符天昇四川省非物质文化遗产“四川合江道地中草药热灸”第五代传人。他出身于医药世家,从小对祖传中草药热灸医技耳濡目染。20世纪60年代末期,符天昇继承祖业,潜心学医。经几十年的临床实践 ,成了“合江地道中草药热灸技艺”继承者。他走遍了合江县广大的农村,采用中草药热灸技艺,治疗了不少带状疱疹、偏瘫、面瘫、风湿痛、鼻窦炎、淋巴炎、乳腺炎、部分妇科病、肿块等疾病并取得了较好疗效。
目 录
第一章 符氏热灸术概述
Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge of Hot Moxibustion
第一节 符氏热灸术的沿革
Section 1 History & Development of Hot Moxibustion
第二节 特点
Section 2 Characteristics
第三节 灸条配方
Section 3 Formula of Moxibustion Stick
第四节 药物炮制
Section 4 Drug Processing
第五节 灸条制作技艺
Section 5 Skills for Making Moxibustion Stick
第二章 常用经络腧穴及操作
Chapter 2 Frequently Used Main & Collaterals Channels
第一节 经络
Section 1 Main & Collaterals Channels
第二节 穴位
Section 2 Acupoints
第三节 热灸术的基本操作
Section 3 Basic Operation of Hot Moxibustion
第四节 热灸术的特殊操作
Section 4 Special Operation of Hot Moxibustion
第五节 施灸同意书
Section 5 Consent Letter of Moxibustion Therapy
第三章 常见病的热灸治疗
Chapter 3 Hot Moxibustion Therapy for Common Diseases
第一节 瘫痪类疾病的热灸治疗
Section 1 Hot Moxibustion on Paralysis
第二节 多发病的热灸治疗
Section 2 Hot Moxibustion for Frequently Encountered Diseases
第四章 带状疱疹的热灸治疗
Chapter 4 Hot Moxibustion Therapy for Herpers Zoster
第一节 面、胸部带状疱疹
Section 1 Herpers Zoster on Face & Breast
第二节 背腰部带状疱疹
Section 2 Herpers Zoster on Waist & Back
第三节 下肢带状疱疹
Section 3 Herpers Zoster on the Lower Extremity
第五章 肿瘤包块的热灸治疗
Chapter 5 Hot Moxibustion Therapy for Blister
第一节 包块的热灸治疗
Section 1 Hot Moxibustion Therapy for Blister
第二节 肉瘤的热灸治疗
Section 2 Hot Moxibustion Therapy for Ulcer
第六章 热灸的机理探讨及展望
Chapter 6 Probe & Prospect of Mechanism of Hot Moxibustion Therapy
第一节 热灸术的机理探讨
Section 1 Probe of the Mechanism of the Hot Moxibustion
第二节 热灸技艺及展望
Section 2 Prospect of Hot Moxibustion
Mr.Fu Tiansheng was brought up in a family of TCM,and he was imperceptibly influenced by what he saw and heard.In the late 1960s,Fu became a drop-off from the middle school in Zhangwan Town due to the closedown of the school.Right after that,he carried on the family’s business,and learned medical skills with great concentration.Through decades of clinical practice,he has become the inherited person of the Skills.
The Skills takes the theory of TCM,follows the principle of “using moxibustion with investigation”.EIGHT EXTRA CHANNELS;the main skills for the hot moxibustion includes jiao,dian,zhan,ya,dun,rou and shi.The whole process is without any stop.As a complete technical system,it has remarkable curing effect without side-effect.
The moxibustion stick for the hot moxibustion consists of 81 kinds of TCM herbs with a unique therapy of moxibustion skills.The basic method of the hot moxibustion is use moxibustion on certain points after moxibustion EIGHT EXTRA CHANNELS;the main skills for the hot moxibustion includes jiao,dian,zhan,ya,dun,rou and shi.The whole process is without any stop.With regard to the fire,strength,depth of the acupoints,time length,it is in accordance with the different ages,genders,syndromes of the patients,which are all relied on the THUMB.The skill of the hot moxibustion is to use the fingers to bring the heat of the moxibustion stick,pressing and rubbing the acupoints with the strength of the herb,using the finger as needle;“Needle actually the thumb” with moxibustion goes together with the points.It is different from the moxibustion stick,cupping,as well as burning fire moxibustion.This moxibustion skills is unique with traditional local characteristics including the comprehensiveness of the moxibustion stick,large dose without season limitation,flexibility of the selection of the acupoints as well as multiple operational methods for the hot moxibustion.
The Skills is a good practice to cure diseases like herpers zoster,hemiplegia,facial paralysis,rheumatism,nasosinusitis,lymphadenitis,mastitis,some gynecological diseases,swelling and other diseases by adopting skill for TCM hot moxibustion,so far it has cured bunches of patients.
Mr.Li Guanrong,a professor of West China Clinical Medical College of Sichuan University and a famous TCM doctor in Sichuan as well as in China,upon careful investigation,believes that the Skills belongs to one of the indirect moxibustion skills in ancient times.The selection of the acupoints is reasonable and flexible with remarkable clinical effect and without side-effect.It is the most completed,systematic experience summary for the traditional TCM herbs,one of the intangible cultural heritages of Luzhou,and an excellent cultural heritage of TCM herbal moxibustion in Sichuan,whose application is worth of expanding.
Chinese media agencies and websites have paid close attention to the Skills.In order to implement the content in the document State Issue 200542# issued by the State Council based on the spirit of “rational protection,application and development”,Sichuan Provincial People’s Government has approved it as one of the intangible cultural heritages of Sichuan Sichuan 2009148# .
This unique technic has been passed on from one generation to another in the following order:Fu Weizu—Fu Wendian—Fu Zemin—Fu Tingze—Fu Tiansheng—Fu Jiacai .
In line with the spirit of the documents above and in order to carry on the Skills——one of the intangible cultural heritages of Sichuan,we have systemized the technique in this book with illustrations in the hope of promoting its application.