罗伯特克赖特纳(Robert Kreitner) 美国亚利桑那州立大学管理学荣誉退休教授,该校Carey商学院教师名人堂成员。曾执教于西伊利诺伊大学和美国国际管理研究生院(雷鸟)。在Organizational Dynamics,Business Horizons,Journal of Business Ethics等期刊发表论文多篇。与人合著的Organizational Behavior Modification and Beyond一书荣获美国人事管理学院的人力资源管理杰出贡献奖。为许多公司提供咨询和高管培训服务,包括美国运通、霍尼韦尔、福特汽车、美国钢铁等。曾担任美国管理学会管理教育与开发分部主席。
安杰洛基尼奇(Angelo Kinicki) 美国亚利桑那大学管理学教授,该校Carey商学院院长理事会成员(该理事会由100名杰出学者组成)。拥有肯特州立大学工商管理博士学位。在各类学术期刊上发表论文90多篇,与人合著的多本教材被世界各地数百所高校所选用。
Whatever the size and purpose of the organization and the technology involved, people are the common denominator when facing today’s immense chal- lenges. Success or failure hinges on the ability to at- tract, develop, retain, motivate, and lead a diverse array of appropriately skilled people and to do so in an ethical manner. The human factor drives every- thing. To know more about workplace behavior is to gain a valuable competitive edge. The purpose of this textbook is to help present and future organizational participants better understand and manage people at work.
Although this tenth edition of Organizational Behavior is aimed at undergraduate business stu- dents in similarly named courses, previous editions have proven highly versatile. Organizational Behav- ior has been used effectively in MBA programs, executive education and management development programs, and industrial and organizational psy- chology programs around the world. Note: Special Canadian and European editions are available. This textbook is the culmination of our combined 65+ years of teaching experience and research of organizational behavior and management in the United States, Paci且c Rim, and Europe. Thanks to detailed feedback from students, professors, and practicing managers, this tenth edition is state- of-the-art in both content and delivery. Many new changes have been made in this edition, re- flecting new research evidence, new management techniques, new media, and the fruits of our own learning process.