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書城自編碼: 2476729
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→工業技術一般工业技术
作者: 卢天健, 辛锋先
國際書號(ISBN): 9787030413222
出版社: 科学出版社
出版日期: 2014-10-20
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 356/443000
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 精装

售價:NT$ 1620



** 我創建的書架 **

1 Transmission of Sound Through Finite Multiple-Panel Partition
 1.1 Simply Supported Finite Double-Panel Partitions
1.1.1 Introduction
1.1.2 Vibroacoustic Theoretical Modeling
1.1.3 Mathematic Formulation and Solution
1.1.4 Convergence Check for Numerical Results
1.1.5 Model Validation
1.1.6 Effects of Air Cavity Thickness
1.1.7 Effects of Panel Dimensions
1.1.8 Effects of Incident Elevation Angle and Azimuth Angle
1.1.9 Conclusions
 1.2 Clamped Finite Double-Panel Partitions
1.2.1 Introduction
1.2.2 Modeling of the Vibroacoustic Coupled System
1.2.3 Model Validation
1.2.4 Finite Versus Infinite Double-Panel Partition
1.2.5 Effects of Panel Thickness on STL
1.2.6 Effects of Air Cavity Thickness on STL
1.2.7 Effects of Incident Angles on STL
1.2.8 Conclusions
1.2.9 Sound Transmission Measurements
1.2.10 Relationships Between Clamped and Simply Supported Boundary Conditions
1.2.11 Conclusions
 1.3 Clamped Finite Triple-Panel Partitions
1.3.1 Introduction
1.3.2 Dynamic Structural Acoustic Formulation
1.3.3 The Principle of Virtual Work
1.3.4 Determination of Modal Coefficients
1.3.5 Sound Transmission Loss
1.3.6 Model Validation
1.3.7 Physical Interpretation of STL Dips
1.3.8 Comparison Among Single-, Double-, and Triple-Panel Partitions with Equivalent Total Mass
1.3.9 Asymptotic Variation of STL Versus Frequency Curve from Finite to Infinite System
1.3.10 Effects of Panel Thickness
1.3.11 Effects of Air Cavity Depth
1.3.12 Concluding Remarks
Appendix A
Appendix B
2 Vibroacoustics of Uniform Structures in Mean Flow
 2.1 Finite Single-Leaf Aeroelastic Plate
2.1.1 Introduction
2.1.2 Modeling of Aeroelastic Coupled System
2.1.3 Effects of Mean Flow in Incident Field
2.1.4 Effects of Mean Flow in Transmitted Field
2.1.5 Effects of Incident Elevation Angle in the Presence of Mean Flow on Both Incident Side and Transmitted Side
2.1.6 Conclusions
 2.2 Infinite Double-Leaf Aeroelastic Plates
2.2.1 Introduction
2.2.2 Statement of the Problem
2.2.3 Formulation of Plate Dynamics
2.2.4 Consideration of Fluid-Structure Coupling
2.2.5 Definition of Sound Transmission Loss
2.2.6 Characteristic Impedance of an Infinite Plate
2.2.7 Physical Interpretation for the Appearance of STL Peaks and Dips
2.2.8 Effects of Mach Number
2.2.9 Effects of Elevation Angle
2.2.10 Effects of Azimuth Angle
2.2.11 Effects of Panel Curvature and Cabin Internal Pressurization
2.2.12 Conclusions
 2.3 Double-Leaf Panel Filled with Porous Materials
2.3.1 Introduction
2.3.2 Problem Description
2.3.3 Theoretical Model
2.3.4 Validation of Theoretical Model
2.3.5 Influence of Porous Material and the Faceplates
2.3.6 Influence of Porous Material Layer Thickness
2.3.7 Influence of External Mean Flow
2.3.8 Influence of Incident Sound Elevation Angle
2.3.9 Influence of Sound Incident Azimuth Angle
2.3.10 Conclusion
Mass-Air-Mass Resonance
Standing-Wave Attenuation
Standing-Wave Resonance
Coincidence Resonance
3 Vibroacoustics of Stiffened Structures in Mean Flow
 3.1 Noise Radiation from Orthogonally Rib-Stiffened Plates
3.1.1 Introduction
3.1.2 Theoretical Formulation
3.1.3 Effect of Mach Number
3.1.4 Effect of Incidence Angle
3.1.5 Effect of Periodic Spacings
3.1.6 Concluding Remarks
 3.2 Transmission Loss of Orthogonally Rib-Stiffened Plates
3.2.1 Introduction
3.2.2 Theoretical Formulation
3.2.3 Model Validation
3.2.4 Effects of Mach Number of Mean Flow
3.2.5 Effects of Rib-Stiffener Spacings
3.2.6 Effects of Rib-Stiffener Thickness and Height
3.2.7 Effects of Elevation and Azimuth Angles of Incident Sound
3.2.8 Conclusions
Appendix A
Appendix B
4 Sound Transmission Across Sandwich Structures with Corrugated Cores
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Development of Theoretical Model
4.3 Effects of Core Topology on Sound Transmission Across the Sandwich Structure
4.4 Physical Interpretation for the Existence of Peaks and Dips on STL Curves
4.5 Optimal Design for Combined Sound Insulation and Structural Load Capacity
4.6 Conclusion
5 Sound Radiation, Transmission of Orthogonally Rib-Stiffened Sandwich Structures
 5.1 Sound Radiation of Sandwich Structures
5.1.1 Introduction
5.1.2 Theoretical Modeling of Structural Dynamic Responses
5.1.3 Solutions
5.1.4 Far-Field Radiated Sound Pressure
5.1.5 Validation of Theoretical Modeling
5.1.6 Influences of Inertial Effects Arising from Rib-Stiffener Mass
5.1.7 Influence of Excitation Position
5.1.8 Influence of Rib-Stiffener Spacings
5.1.9 Conclusions
 5.2 Sound Transmission Through Sandwich Structures
5.2.1 Introduction
5.2.2 Analytic Formulation of Panel Vibration and Sound Transmission
5.2.3 The Acoustic Pressure and Continuity Condition
5.2.4 Solution of the Formulations with the Virtual Work Principle
5.2.5 Virtual Work of Panel Elements
5.2.6 Virtual Work of x-Wise Rib-Stiffeners
5.2.7 Virtual Work of y-Wise Rib-Stiffeners
5.2.8 Combination of Equations
5.2.9 Definition of Sound Transmission Loss
5.2.10 Convergence Check for Space-Harmonic Series Solution .
5.2.11 Validation of the Analytic Model
5.2.12 Influence of Sound Incident Angles
5.2.13 Influence of Inertial Effects Arising from Rib-Stiffener Mass
5.2.14 Influence of Rib-Stiffener Spacings
5.2.15 Influence of Airborne and Structure-Borne Paths
5.2.16 Conclusions
Appendix A
Appendix B
6 Sound Propagation in Rib-Stiffened Sandwich Structures with Cavity Absorption
 6.1 Sound Radiation of Absorptive Sandwich Structures
6.1.1 Introduction
6.1.2 Structural Dynamic Responses to Time-Harmonic Point Force
6.1.3 The Acoustic Pressure and Fluid-Structure Coupling
6.1.4 Far-Field Sound-Radiated Pressure
6.1.5 Convergence Check for Numerical Solution
6.1.6 Validation of Theoretical Modeling
6.1.7 Influence of Air-Structure Coupling Effect
6.1.8 Influence of Fibrous Sound Absorptive Filling Material
6.1.9 Conclusions
6.2 Sound Transmission Through Absorptive Sandwich Structure
6.2.1 Introduction
6.2.2 Analytic Formulation of Panel Vibration and Sound Transmission
6.2.3 Application of the Periodicity of Structures
6.2.4 Solution by Employing the Virtual Work Principle
6.2.5 Model Validation
6.2.6 Effects of Fluid-Structure Coupling on Sound Transmission
6.2.7 Sound Transmission Loss Combined with Bending Stiffness and Structure Mass: Optimal Design of Sandwich
6.2.8 Conclusions
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C



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