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書城自編碼: 2217959
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→教材高职高专教材
作者: 安娜 等主编
國際書號(ISBN): 9787566401632
出版社: 安徽大学出版社
出版日期: 2011-08-01
版次: 3 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 280/432000
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 304



** 我創建的書架 **

Unit 1 Greetings Introductio
Ⅰ Leading-in
Ⅱ Learning to Say
Ⅲ Waking Up Your Ea
Ⅳ Developing Your Reading: The Way America Greet
Ⅴ Grammar Tips: Parts of Speech
Ⅵ Study Practice
Fun Time
Unit 2 Campus Life
Ⅰ Leading-in
Ⅱ Learning to Say
Ⅲ Waking Up Your Ea
Ⅳ Developing Your Reading: My College Move
Ⅴ Grammar Tips: Noun Its Possessive Case
Ⅵ Study Practice
Fun Time
Unit 3 Language Learning
Ⅰ Leading-in
Ⅱ Learning to Say
Ⅲ Waking Up Your Ea
Ⅳ Developing Your Reading: How to Be a Successful Language
Ⅴ Grammar Tips: Membe of the Sentence
Ⅵ Study Practice
Fun Time
Unit 4 Weather
Ⅰ Leading-in
Ⅱ Learning to Say
Ⅲ Waking Up Your Ea
Ⅳ Developing Your Reading: Global Warming
Ⅴ Grammar Tips: Pronou Ⅰ
Ⅵ Study Practice
Fun Time
Unit 5 Holidays FestⅣals
Ⅰ Leading-in
Ⅱ Learning to Say
Ⅲ Waking Up Your Ea
Ⅳ Developing Your Reading: ThanksgiⅥng Day
Ⅴ Grammar Tips: Pronou Ⅱ
Ⅵ Study Practice
Fun Time
Unit 6 Characte Figures
Ⅰ Leading-in
Ⅱ Learning to Say
Ⅲ Waking Up Your Ea
Ⅳ Developing Your Reading: Michael Perham
Ⅴ Grammar Tips : Numerals
Ⅵ Study Practice
Fun Time
Unit 7 Farewell Wishes
Ⅰ Leading-in
Ⅱ Learning to Say
Ⅲ Waking Up Your Ea
Ⅳ Developing Your Reading: A Farewell Speech
Ⅴ Grammar Tips. Articles
Ⅵ Study Practice
Fun Time
Unit 8 Food Culture
Ⅰ Leading-in
Ⅱ Learning to Say
Ⅲ Waking Up Your Ea
Ⅳ Developing Your Reading: Fruit and Vegetables and Serious
Ⅴ Grammar Tips: Link Verbs, Auxiliary Verbs Modal Verbs
Ⅵ Study Practice
Fun Time
Unit 9 Seeing a Doctor
Ⅰ Leading-in
Ⅱ Learning to Say
Ⅲ Waking Up Your Ea
Ⅳ Developing Your Reading: The Singing Doctor
Ⅴ Grammar Tips : Verb Tees Ⅰ
Ⅵ Study Practice
Fun Time
Unit 10 Sports Health
Ⅰ Leading-in
Ⅱ Learning to Say
Ⅲ Waking Up Your Ea
Ⅳ Developing Your Reading: Walking to Be Healthy
Ⅴ Grammar Tips : Prepositio
Ⅵ Study Practice
Fun Time
Unit 11 Asking for Directio
Ⅰ Leading-in
Ⅱ Learning to Say
Ⅲ Waking Up Your Ea
Ⅳ Developing Your Reading: World Tour at the Shanghai Expo
Ⅴ Grammar Tips: ComparatⅣe SuperlatⅣe Degrees
Ⅵ Study Practice
Fun Time
Unit 12 Asking for a Favor
Ⅰ Leading-in
Ⅲ Learning to Say
Ⅳ Waking Up Your Ea
Ⅴ Developing Your Reading: Mother''s Girl
Ⅵ Grammar Tips: Verb Tees Ⅱ
Ⅶ Study Practice
Fun Time
Unit 13 Hobbies
Ⅰ Leading-in
Ⅱ Learning to Say
Ⅲ Waking Up Your Ea
Ⅳ Developing Your Reading: How to Keep Ⅵsito Interested in Your
Ⅴ Grammar Tips: Coordinate Subordinate Conjunction
Ⅵ Study Practice
Fun Time
Unit 14 Thanks Apologies
Ⅰ Leading-in
Ⅱ Learning to Say
Ⅲ Waking Up Your Ea
Ⅳ Developing Your Reading: Happiness of Saying Thanks
Ⅴ Grammar Tips: Basic Patter of Simple Sentences
Ⅵ Study Practice
Fun Time
Supplementary Exercises



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