At a time when the numbers of emerging infections and
antibiotic-resistant bacteria are rising sharply, the supply of new
antibiotic drugs has been steadily decreasing. In addition, many
health providers have failed to consider that our bodies are
cloaked in a blanket of bacteria so pervasive that the bacterial
cells outnumber our “human” cells by a factor of ten. In short, we
are living in a microbe’s world and cannot ignore the very real
potential for untreatable serious infections.
In this timely book, Dr. Michael Schmidt proposes we focus on
strengthening ourselves by thinking of our bodies as a
“human-microbe hybrid.” This requires taking action to raise our
defenses, while preserving the integrity of the microbial elements
that live on and within us. Drawing on the latest research from
several scientific fields, Schmidt presents a strategy of medicine
that can be used to build and balance our system of immune defense
and repair. He offers a set of general recommendations that can
easily be used to tailor programs to individuals seeking to support
health maintenance, prevent illness, fight active acute or chronic
infections, and foster faster recovery from infections.