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書城自編碼: 4076869
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→教材研究生/本科/专科教材
作者: 威廉·普赖德
國際書號(ISBN): 9787100245784
出版社: 商务印书馆
出版日期: 2025-02-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 347



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《信息、会计和理财》(第7版,双语教学版)摘自美国经典商学教材《商学导论》(Foundations of Business)的第一编“The Environment of Business”和第六编“Information, Accounting, and Financial”的内容,本书首先介绍商业环境和工商管理基础知识,然后专注于社交媒体和电子商务如何改变商业世界,还研究了管理信息、会计和理财如何确保资金在需要时可用,以尽可能低的成本获得资金,并尽可能有效地使用资金。本书为双语教学版,对文中的各级标题和关键术语作了中文注释。全新版本的《信息、会计和理财》,紧跟时代脚步,透视市场变化,向读者展现这个时代极富前瞻性的企业案例,带领读者更新市场思维、适应业态迭代,成为更专业更智慧的商业人士。
威廉·普赖德(William M. Pride),得克萨斯农工大学梅斯商学院市场营销学教授,路易斯安那州立大学博士学位,长期为商学院的本科生、研究生以及高层管理者授课。普赖德博士还是美国营销协会、营销科学学院、营销进步协会和营销管理协会的成员,获“市场营销研究员奖”和“市场营销创新奖”两项终身成就奖。
罗伯特·休斯(Robert J. Hughes),在理查德布兰德学院教授《商学导论》课程已超过35年,是一位经验丰富的商学教育专家,致力于商业管理、市场营销和企业战略的教学与研究,曾获得理查德布兰德学院三次“卓越教学奖”。
杰克·卡普尔(Jack R. Kapoor),杜佩奇学院担任商学与经济学教授,教授课程包括《商学导论》《市场营销》《管理学》《经济学》和《个人理财》。他曾在伊利诺伊理工大学斯图尔特管理学院、旧金山州立大学世界商学院等学院任教。主要研究方向包括财务管理、会计学和企业金融。
Acknowledgments? xii
About the Authors? xiii

Chapter 1:?Exploring the World of Business and Economics? 2
Inside Business:?Tesla Races Ahead of the Competition? 3
1-1 Your Future in the Changing World of Business? 4
1-1a Why Study Business ? 5
Exploring Careers:?Gen Z Seeks Workplace Diversity? 6
1-1b Special Note to Business Students? 8
1-2 Business: A Definition? 9
1-2a The Organized Effort of Individuals? 9
1-2b Satisfying Needs ?10
1-2c Business Profit? 11
1-3 Types of Economic Systems? 12
Entrepreneurial Success:?The Next Wave of Entrepreneurs Is Here? 14
1-3a Capitalism? 14
1-3b Capitalism in the United States? 15
1-3c Command Economies? 17
1-4 Measuring Economic Performance? 18
1-4a The Importance of Productivity in the Global Marketplace? 18
1-4b The Nation’s Gross Domestic Product? 19
1-4c Other Important Economic Indicators That Measure a Nation’s Economy? 20
1-5 The Business Cycle? 20
1-6 Types of Competition? 22
1-6a Perfect Competition? 23
1-6b Monopolistic Competition? 24
1-6c Oligopoly? 25
1-6d Monopoly? 25
1-7 American Business Today? 26
1-7a Early Business Development? 26
1-7b Business Development in the 1900s? 27
1-7c A New Century: 2000 and Beyond? 28
1-7d The Current Business Environment ?28
Technology and Innovation:?Today’s Biggest Tech Trends? 30
1-7e The Challenges Ahead? 31
Summary? 32
Key Terms? 33
Discussion Questions? 33
Case 1:?The Keys to Zoom’s Success? 34
Building Skills for Career Success? 35

Chapter 2:?Ethics and Social Responsibility in Business? 36
?Inside Business:?Marketing Tactics at Purdue Fueled the Opioid Crisis? 37
2-1 Business Ethics Defined? 38
2-2 Ethical Issues in Business? 38
2-2a Fairness and Honesty? 38
2-2b Organizational Relationships? 39
2-2c Conflicts of Interest? 40
2-2d Communications? 41
Entrepreneurial Success:?Building a Healthy Relationship with Social Media? 41
2-3 Factors Affecting Ethical Behavior? 42
2-3a Individual Factors Affecting Ethics? 42
2-3b Social Factors Affecting Ethics? 42
2-3c Opportunity as a Factor Affecting Ethics? 43
2-4 Encouraging Ethical Behavior? 43
2-4a Government’s Role in Encouraging Ethics? 43
2-4b Trade Associations’ Role in Encouraging Ethics? 44
2-4c Individual Companies’ Role in Encouraging Ethics? 44
Exploring Careers:?The Rise of the Chief Ethics Officer? 46
2-5 Social Responsibility? 47
2-5a The Evolution of Social Responsibility in Business? 48
2-5b Two Views of Social Responsibility? 49
2-5c The Pros and Cons of Social Responsibility? 50
2-6 Public Responsibilities of Business? 51
2-6a Consumerism? 51
Ethics and Social Responsibility:?Google Sued for Antitrust Violations? 52
2-6b Public Health? 53
2-7 Responsibilities to Employees ?55
2-7a?Affirmative Action Programs? 55
2-7b?Training Programs for the Hard-Core Unemployed? 56
2-7c?Programs to Reduce Sexual Harassment and Abusive Behavior? 57
2-8?Responsibilities to the Environment? 58
2-8a?Environmental Issues? 58
2-8b?Effects of Environmental Legislation? 59
2-8c?Business Response to Environmental Concerns ?60
Sustaining the Planet:?Is Sustainability Profitable ? 61
2-9?Implementing a Program of Social Responsibility? 62
2-9a Commitment of Top Executives? 62
2-9b?Planning? 62
2-9c?Appointment of a Director? 62
2-9d?The Social Audit? 63
Summary? 63
Key Terms? 64
Discussion Questions? 64
Case 2:?Inside Whole Trade at Whole Foods? 65
Building Skills for Career Success? 65

Chapter 3:?Global Business? 67
Inside Business:?Starbucks Goes Global for Growth? 68
Entrepreneurial Success:?Alibaba Provides Guidance to Help Entrepreneurs? 69
3-1?The Basis for International Business? 69
3-1a?Absolute and Comparative Advantage? 69
3-1b?Exporting and Importing? 70
3-1c?Balance of Trade? 70
3-1d?The Economic Outlook for Trade ? 73
Technology and Innovation:?Spotify Makes a Play for Global Dominance? 75
3-2?Methods of Entering International Business ?76
3-2a?Exporting? 76
3-2b?Licensing and Franchising? 78
3-2c?Contract Manufacturing? 79
3-2d?Joint Ventures and Alliances? 79
3-2e?Direct Investment? 80
3-2f?Multinational Firms? 80
Sustaining the Planet:?IKEA Opens Its First Second-Hand Store? 81
3-3?International Business Challenges? 81
3-3a?Trade Restrictions? 81
3-3b?Economic Challenges? 84
Ethics and Social Responsibility:?Opening the Gates to Digital Payments? 85
3-3c?Legal and Political Climate? 85
3-3d?Social and Cultural Barriers? 85
3-4?Facilitators of International Trade ? 86
3-4a?The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and the World Trade Organization?86
3-4b?International Trade Agreements and Alliances? 86
3-5?Sources of Export Assistance? 89
3-6?Financing International Business? 90
3-6a?The Export-Import Bank of the United States? 90
3-6b?The World Bank? 91
3-6c?The International Monetary Fund? 91
Summary? 92
Key Terms? 93
Discussion Questions? 93
Case 3:?Honda’s Strategy Is Electrifying? 93
Building Skills for Career Success? 94
Running a Business: Let’s Go Get a Graeter’s!? 96
Building a Business Plan? 97

Chapter 4:?Exploring Social Media and e-Business? 101
Inside Business:?Netflix Tops the Competition in Customer Retention ? 102
4-1?Why Is Social Media Important ? 103
4-1a?What Is Social Media and How Popular Is It ? 103
4-1b?Why Businesses Use Social Media? 103
4-2?Social Media Tools for Business Use? 105
4-2a?Business Use of Blogs? 105
Exploring Careers:?HBO Max Interns Rock TikTok? 106
4-2b?Photos, Videos, and Podcasts? 106
4-2c?Social Media Ratings? 107
4-3?Achieving Business Objectives Through Social Media? 108
4-3a?Social Media Communities? 108
4-3b?Crisis and Reputation Management? 109
4-3c?Listening to Stakeholders? 110
Technology and Innovation:?VW’s April Fools’ Day Prank Backfires? 110
4-3d?Targeting Customers? 111
4-3e?Social Media Marketing for Consumers? 111
4-3f?Social Media Marketing for Other Businesses? 112
4-3g?Generating New Product Ideas? 113
4-3h?Recruiting Employees ?114
4-4?Developing a Social Media Plan? 114
4-4a?Steps to Build a Social Media Plan? 114
4-4b?Measuring and Adapting a Social Media Plan? 116
4-4c?The Cost of Maintaining a Social Media Plan? 118
4-5?Defining e-Business? 118
4-5a?Organizing e-Business Resources? 119
4-5b?Satisfying Needs Online? 119
Entrepreneurial Success:?Why Small Businesses Like Shopify? 120
4-5c?Creating e-Business Profit? 121
4-6?Fundamental Models of e-Business? 122
4-6a?Business-to-Business (B2B) Model? 122
4-6b?Business-to-Consumer (B2C) Model? 123
4-7?The Future of the Internet, Social Media, and e-Business? 124
4-7a?Internet Growth Potential? 124
4-7b?Ethical and Legal Concerns? 125
Ethics and Social Responsibility:?California Ups the Ante on Privacy Protection?126
4-7c?Future Challenges for Computer Technology, Social Media, and e-Business? 127
Summary? 128
Key Terms? 130
Discussion Questions? 130
Case 4:?Target’s Big Bet on Digital? 130
Building Skills for Career Success? 131

Chapter 5:?Using Management and Accounting Information? 133
Inside Business:?What It’s Like to Work for the Big Four? 134
5-1?How Can Information Reduce Risk When Making a Decision ? 135
5-1a?Information and Risk? 135
5-1b?Information Rules? 136
5-1c?The Difference Between Data and Information? 136
5-1d?Knowledge Management? 136
Technology and Innovation:?The IRS Uses Artificial Intelligence and Technology to Improve Tax Collection? 137
5-2?What Is a Management Information System ? 138
5-2a?A Firm’s Information Requirements? 139
5-2b?Costs and Limits of the System? 140
5-3?How Do Employees Use a Management Information System ? 140
5-3a?Step 1: Collecting Data? 141
5-3b?Step 2: Storing Data? 141
5-3c?Step 3: Updating Data? 141
5-3d?Step 4: Processing Data? 142
5-3e?Step 5: Presenting Information? 142
5-4?Why Accounting Information Is Important? 144
5-4a?Why Audited Financial Statements Are Important? 144
Ethics and Social Responsibility:?KPMG Caught in Widespread Cheating Scandal? 145
5-4b?Accounting Fraud, Ethical Behavior, and Reform? 145
5-4c?Different Types of Accounting? 146
5-4d?Careers in Accounting? 147
Exploring Careers:?Forensic Accounting Is on the Rise? 148
5-5?The Accounting Equation and the Balance Sheet? 148
5-5a?The Accounting Equation? 149
5-5b?The Balance Sheet? 149
5-5c?Assets? 151
5-5d?Liabilities and Owners’ Equity? 152
Sustaining the Planet:?Accountants Grow Concerned About Social and Environmental Issues 153
5-6?The Income Statement? 153
5-6a?Revenues? 154
5-6b?Cost of Goods Sold? 155
5-6c?Operating Expenses? 156
5-6d?Net Income? 156
5-7?The Statement of Cash Flows? 156
5-8?Evaluating Financial Statements? 158
5-8a?Comparing Financial Data? 158
5-8b?Financial Ratios? 158
Summary? 161
Key Terms? 162
Discussion Questions? 162
Case 5:?How Larry Ellison and Oracle Plan to Win the Cloud Wars? 162
Building Skills for Career Success? 163

Chapter 6:?Mastering Financial Management? 165
Inside Business:?Southwest Navigates Financial Management During Pandemic ? 166
6-1?Why Financial Management ? 167
6-1a?The Need for Financial Management? 168
Ethics and Social Responsibility:?Goldman Sachs Fined Billions for Foreign Bribery?169
6-1b?Careers in Finance? 169
6-2?The Need for Financing? 170
6-2a?Short-Term Financing? 170
6-2b?Long-Term Financing? 171
6-2c?The Risk–Return Ratio? 171
6-3?Planning—The Basis of Sound Financial Management? 172
6-3a?Developing the Financial Plan? 172
Exploring Careers:?How to Become a CFO? 174
6-3b?Monitoring and Evaluating Financial Performance? 175
6-4?Financial Services Provided by Banks and Other Financial Institutions? 175
6-4a?Traditional Banking Services for Business Clients? 175
Technology and Innovation:?Mastercard Advances Its Open Banking Strategy ?177
6-4b?Debit and Credit Card Transactions and Mobile Pay? 177
6-4c?Electronic Banking Services? 178
6-4d?International Banking Services? 179
6-5?Sources of Short-Term Debt Financing? 180
6-5a?Sources of Unsecured Short-Term Financing? 180
6-5b?Sources of Secured Short-Term Financing? 182
6-5c?Factoring Accounts Receivable? 183
6-5d?Cost Comparisons? 183
6-6?Sources of Equity Financing? 183
6-6a?Selling Stock? 184
6-6b?Retained Earnings? 186
6-6c?Venture Capital, Angel Investors, and Private Placements? 186
Entrepreneurial Success:?How Can Small Businesses Secure Financing ? 187
6-7?Sources of Long-Term Debt Financing? 188
6-7a?Long-Term Loans? 188
6-7b?Corporate Bonds? 189
6-7c?Cost Comparisons? 191
Summary? 191
Key Terms? 193
Discussion Questions? 193
Case 6:?DoorDash Delivers an IPO? 193
Building Skills for Career Success? 195
Running a Business: Graeter’s Recipe for Growth: New Systems, Social Media, and Financing? 196
Building a Business Plan? 197

Endnotes? 199
Glossary? 203



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