菲利普·科特勒(Philip Kotler)是当今世界公认的现代营销学的奠基人,被称为“现代营销学之父”。科特勒博士的市场营销著作和论文浩如烟海,其中《市场营销管理:分析,计划,实施和控制》第一版于 1967 年出版,翻译成14种语言,被业界誉为“营销圣经”,成为无数企业的营销体系基础。他是美国西北大学凯洛格商学院终身教授,S.C.
Johnson & Son 杰出国际市场营销学教授,科特勒咨询集团(KMG)首席顾问,全球合伙人。
曹虎是国际知名的市场战略和品牌战略专家,追随“现代营销学之父”菲利普?科特勒求学和工作近25年。他是科特勒咨询集团(中国)创始人之一,现任科特勒咨询集团(KMG)全球合伙人,大中华及新加坡区域 CEO,中国国际友好联络会理事。他带领科特勒咨询团队服务了超过 120 家世界 500 强企业和中国领先企业。他的专著包括《新增长路径》《溢出:新质生产力浪潮下中国企业出海营销战略》,为《数字时代的营销战略》《什么是营销》《金星上的营销》《市场战略》(繁体版)和Marketing Strategy in Digital Age的合著者,译作包括《营销革命 5.0》,精编作品有《营销管理》第 16 版(精简版)。
I am filled with profound joy as I witness the publication of The Growth Revolution: Marketing Strategies for a New Era of Productivity in these dynamic and ever-evolving times. This book embodies the dedication of the Kotler Marketing Group’s core team over the years. It represents the culmination of KMG’s deep insights and profound understanding of the marketing field in China. The ideas and insights stem from KMG’s original and thorough research and the invaluable experiences accumulated in two decades of collaboration with KMGs outstanding enterprise clients, both domestically and internationally.
Looking ahead to the next two decades, the global market is set to undergo transformative changes. The waves of technological revolution are surging, political landscapes are shifting, and social-cultural dynamics are accelerating. Many of the methods and models we are familiar with will be obsolete by the times. For Chinese enterprises, stepping onto the international stage and expanding into overseas markets is undoubtedly a daunting task filled with challenges.
I consistently remind entrepreneurs: ”Within five years, if you are in the same business you are in now, you will be out of business.” In this era of rapid advancements in artificial intelligence and Globalization 2.0, the key to a company’s longevity lies in continuous learning and self-renewal.