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書城自編碼: 4072922
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→教材研究生/本科/专科教材
作者: 赵玲、谢晓梅、刘莹、鲁亚侠、陆朋、卢醒春、吴小红、陈丽娇、高
國際書號(ISBN): 9787302672654
出版社: 清华大学出版社
出版日期: 2024-11-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 316



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Unit 1 Speaking Confidently and Ethically 1
1.1 Speech Reading: Why Study Public Speaking 2
1.2 Skill Focus: Speaking Confidently and Ethically 8
1.2.1 The Basics of Public Speaking 8
1.2.2 Speaking Confidently 11
1.2.3 Speaking Ethically 11
1.3 Speaking Task: Making the First Introductory Speech 15
1.4 Self-Reflection: Evaluating Your Speech on Speaking Confidently and Ethically 15
Unit 2 Analyzing the Audience 19
2.1 Speech Reading: Gettysburg Address 20
2.2 Skill Focus: Analyzing the Audience 23
2.2.1 Importance of Audience Analysis 23
2.2.2 Audience Analysis 24
2.2.3 Getting Information About the Audience 26
2.2.4 Audience Adaptation 27
2.3 Speaking Task: Making a Speech After Audience Analysis 32
2.4 Self-Reflection: Audience Analysis and Adaptation 32
Unit 3 Selecting a Topic and a Purpose 35
3.1 Speech Reading: Day of Infamy 36
3.2 Skill Focus: Selecting a Topic and a Purpose 40
3.2.1 Selecting a Topic 40
3.2.2 Selecting a Purpose 40
3.2.3 Drafting a Central Idea 44
3.2.4 Drafting the Main Points 45
3.3 Speaking Task: Make a Speech Developed from a Topic 49
3.4 Self-Reflection: Evaluating the Specific Purpose and the Central Idea Statements 50
Unit 4 Organizing a Speech 51
4.1 Speech Reading: Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish 52
4.2 Skill Focus: Organizing a Speech 56
4.2.1 Chronological Pattern 56
4.2.2 Spatial Pattern 58
4.2.3 Topical Pattern 59
4.2.4 Causal Pattern and Effect Pattern 60
4.3 Speaking Task: Making a Speech About Ren in Confucianism 66
4.4 Self-Reflection: Evaluating the Organization of Your Speech 67
Unit 5 Opening and Closing of a Speech 69
5.1 Speech Reading: A Personal Journey and a Call to Action for a Paid Parental Leave 70
5.2 Skill Focus: Opening and Closing of a Speech 74
5.2.1 Opening of a Speech 74
5.2.2 Closing of a Speech 78
5.3 Speaking Task: Making a Speech on an Unforgettable Person 83
5.4 Self-Reflection: Evaluating the Opening and Closing of Your Speech 83
Unit 6 Speaking to Inform 85
6.1 Speech Reading: The Chinese Dream of the Great Renewal 86
6.2 Skill Focus: Speaking to Inform 90
6.2.1 Choosing a Focused Informative Speech Topic 90
6.2.2 Avoiding Faux or Fake Informative Speech Topics 91
6.2.3 Writing an Informative Speech Outline 92
6.3 Speaking Task: Making an Informative Speech About ChatGPT 99
6.4 Self-Reflection: Evaluating Your Informative Speech 100
Unit 7 Speaking to Persuade 103
7.1 Speech Reading: Yes, We Can 104
7.2 Skill Focus: Speaking to Persuade 109
7.2.1 Persuasion 109
7.2.2 Target Audience 110
7.2.3 Different Types of Questions 110
7.2.4 Organization Based on Types of Persuasive Speeches 112
7.2.5 Methods of Persuation 117
7.2.6 Fallacy 124
7.3 Speaking Task: Making a Persuasive Speech 130
7.4 Self-Reflection: Evaluating Your Persuasive Speech 130
Unit 8 Using Language Effectively 133
8.1 Speech Reading: I Have a Dream 134
8.2 Skill Focus: Using Language Effectively 138
8.2.1 Being Concrete 138
8.2.2 Being Precise 139
8.2.3 Being Inclusive 140
8.2.4 Being Familiar 141
8.2.5 Being Rhetorical 141
8.3 Speaking Task: Delivering the Opening Address at a Conference 143
8.4 Self-Reflection: Evaluating Your Opening Address 144
Unit 9 Supporting Your Ideas 147
9.1 Speech Reading: We Shall Fight on the Beaches 148
9.2 Skill Focus: Supporting Your Ideas 154
9.2.1 Supporting Materials 154
9.2.2 Types of Supporting Materials 155
9.3 Speaking Task: Introducing Chinese Architecture 162
9.4 Self-Reflection: Evaluating the Supporting Materials of Your Speech 162
Unit 10 Using Visual Aids Effectively 165
10.1 Speech Reading: Transcending Boundaries 166
10.2 Skill Focus: Using Visual Aids Effectively 171
10.2.1 Kinds of Visual Aids 171
10.2.2 Preparing Presentation Aids 175
10.2.3 Presenting Visual Aids 176
10.3 Speaking Task: Making a Speech with Visual Aids 179
10.4 Self-Reflection: Evaluating Your Speech in Using Visual Aids 179
Unit 11 Talking to Your Audience 181
11.1 Speech Reading: Education for Sustainable Development 182
11.2 Skill Focus: Talking to Your Audience 185
11.2.1 Delivery Style 186
11.2.2 Non-verbal Strategies 187
11.2.3 Online Speech Delivery 189
11.3 Speaking Task: Running for the President of the Student Union 195
11.4 Self-Reflection: Evaluating a Presentation in Talking to the Audience 195
Unit 12 Speaking on Special Occasions 197
12.1 Speech Reading: The Tragedy of the Challenger Crew 198
12.2 Skill Focus: Types of and Principles for Special Occasion Speeches 202
12.2.1 Speech of Introduction 202
12.2.2 Speech of Presentation 203
12.2.3 Speech of Acceptance 204
12.2.4 Toast 204
12.2.5 Commemorative Speech 205
12.3 Speaking Task: Making a Speech on a Special Occasion 209
12.4 Self-Reflection: Evaluating Your Special Occasion Speech 210
Mastering English Public Speaking: A Progressive Approach is a versatile and comprehensive resource, designed to offer both theoretical knowledge and practical skills. This coursebook is tailored to aid language learners in mastering the fundamental theories of rhetoric while also cultivating practical public speaking abilities.
Within its pages, this coursebook presents an extensive range of learning materials, including the principles of effective public speaking, speech excerpts, and audios of some famous sample speeches. The aim of this coursebook is to guide learners through a gradual exploration of the art of public speaking, starting from the very basics and progressing to the delivery of speeches for special occasions.
This coursebook covering major aspects of speech preparation and presentation is divided into twelve units. Each unit incorporates various learning activities, such as listening, reading, writing, and speaking. These activities are meticulously designed based on a product-oriented approach, aiming to equip language learners with the skills needed to excel in public speaking.
In each unit, we commence with the presentation of a renowned speech as a listening material, allowing learners to immerse themselves in a model public speech. Subsequently, a classic public speech manuscript is provided, offering insights into the art of composing a speech. Then the speech analysis that follows deepens learners’ understanding of the principles of effective public speaking, both in theory and in practice.
The Skill Focus section of each unit provides a comprehensive overview of the theoretical aspects of public speaking, followed by a series of exercises designed to reinforce learners’ understanding. These exercises include true or false statements, multiple choice questions, and speech writing prompts, ensuring that learners develop a strong grasp of public speaking techniques. The Skill Focus section is then complemented by a speaking task, which encourages learners to apply their new found knowledge to topic selection, speech preparation, and delivery. To facilitate continuous improvement, learners are provided with public speech rubrics to evaluate their own speeches as well as those of their peers.
This coursebook stands out with its unique features such as audio recordings with QR codes in the listening exercises. This allows learners to easily consolidate and improve their public speaking skills. Additionally, all questions have answers available in the online workbook, enabling learners to review and reinforce their learning after each unit.
This coursebook is dedicated to improving speaking progress through ample public speaking practice. We highly recommend this resource to anyone seeking to gain profound insights into the art of public speaking, whether from a theoretical perspective or for practical applications in their studies, careers, or daily life. We sincerely hope that you enjoy using this coursebook and that it leads you to success in your public speaking endeavor.
August 17, 2024



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