神话故事 Myth Stories
盘古开天地/ Pangu Separating Heaven and Earth 002
女娲补天/ Nüwa Patching up the Sky 003
神农尝百草/ Shennong Tasting Hundreds of Herbs 005
仓颉造字/ Cangjie Creating Characters 006
夸父逐日/ Kuafu Chasing the Sun 007
后羿射日/ Houyi Shooting down the Suns 009
精卫填海/ Jingwei Filling up the Sea 010
嫦娥奔月/ Chang’e Flying to the Moon 011
吴刚伐桂/ Wu Gang Chopping the Sweet-scented Osmanthus Tree 013
大禹治水/ Dayu Curbing the Floods 014
燧木取火/ Getting Fire from Wood by Friction 015
鲤鱼跳龙门/ Carps Jumping over the Dragon Gate 016
愚公移山/ Yugong Removing the Mountains
人物故事 Figures’ Stories
孔融让梨/ Kong Rong Sharing the Pears 022
曹冲称象/ Cao Chong Weighing the Elephant 023
七步成诗/ The Seven-Step Poem 024
司马光砸缸/ Sima Guang Smashing the Vat 025
庄周梦蝶/ Zhuang Zhou Dreaming of a Butterfly 026
凿壁偷光/ Making a Hole in the Wall to Get Some Light 027
四面楚歌/ Besieged on All Sides 028
王冕好学/ Wang Mian Loving to Learn 030
两小儿辩日/ Two Boys Arguing about the Sun 032
木兰从军/ Mulan Joining the Army 033
囊萤映雪/ Studying by the Light of Fireflies or the Reflected Snow 035
望梅止渴/ Quenching the Thirst by Longing for Plums 036
曾子杀猪/ Zengzi Butchering the Pig 037
孟母三迁/ Mencius’s Mother Moving Her Home Three Times 038
铁杵磨成针/ An Iron Rod Ground into a Needle 040
诗仙李白/ Fairy Poet Li Bai 041
师旷论学/ Shi Kuang’s View on Learning 043
寓言故事 Fable Stories
揠苗助长/ Pulling up Seedlings to Help Them Grow 046
守株待兔/ Waiting for a Hare by a Tree Stump 047
滥竽充数/ Making up the Number 048
自相矛盾/ Self-Contradiction 049
郑人买履/ A Man of Zheng Buying Shoes 050
买椟还珠/ Keeping the Casket and Returning the Pearls 052
刻舟求剑/ Marking Where the Sword Fell 053
狐假虎威/ The Fox Assuming the Tiger’s Majesty 054
鹬蚌相争/ The Snipe Grappling with the Clam 055
叶公好龙/ Mr. Ye’s Love of Dragons 056
画蛇添足/ Painting a Snake and Adding Feet to It 057
螳臂当车/ A Mantis Trying to Stop a Chariot 059
对牛弹琴/ Casting Pearls before Swine 060
朝三暮四/ Chopping and Changing 061
东施效颦/ Blind Imitation 063
南辕北辙/ Going South by Driving North 064
塞翁失马/ A Loss May Turn out to Be a Gain 065
黔之驴/ The Donkey of Guizhou 067
杞人忧天/ Groundless Fears 069
相人之友/ Observing a Person’s Friends 070
一鸣惊人/ Zipping across the Horizon 072
龟兔竞走/ The Tortoise Racing with the Rabbit 074
囫囵吞枣/ Swallowing a Jujube without Chewing 075
指鹿为马/ Calling a Deer a Horse 076
三人成虎/ Three Liars Make a Tiger 077
鹦鹉灭火/ A Parrot Putting out the Fire 079
成语故事 Idiom Stories
画龙点睛/ Adding the Finishing Touch 082
百步穿杨/ Hitting the Target at Every Shot 083
鸿鹄之志/ Great Ambition 084
士别三日/ Three Days’ Separation 086
惊弓之鸟/ A Bird That Shies at the Sight of a Bow 087
三顾茅庐/ Making Three Calls at the Thatched Cottage 089
卧薪尝胆/ Sleeping on the Brushwood and Tasting the Bitter Gall 092
一字千金/ A Single Character Worth a Thousand Tael of Gold 093
投笔从戎/ Giving up the Writing Brush for the Sword 095
闻鸡起舞/ Rising at the Crow of a Rooster and Practice Swords 096
害群之马/ Black Sheep 097
唇亡齿寒/ If the Lips Gone, the Teeth Will be Cold 099
瞒天过海/ Crossing the Sea under Camouflage 100
围魏救赵/ Besieging Wei to Rescue Zhao 101
声东击西/ Making a Feint to the East but Attacking in the West 103
抛砖引玉/ Throwing away a Brick to Get a Gem 104
一叶障目/ A Leaf Blocking the View 106
梁上君子/ A Gentleman on the Beam 107
熟能生巧/ Practice Makes Perfect 109
历史故事 Historical Stories
晏子使楚/ Yanzi Acting as an Envoy to Chu 113
和氏璧/ The Jade of the He Family 114
昭君出塞/ Zhaojun Going beyond the Frontier 116
扁鹊见蔡桓公/ Bian Que Meeting Duke Huan of Cai 118
屈原和渔父/ Qu Yuan and the Old Fisherman 120
曹刿论战/ Cao Gui’s Views on War 122
易水送别/ Farewell at Yishui 125
祁黄羊举荐/ Qi Huangyang’s Recommendation 126
歧路亡羊/ A Sheep Going Astray at a Fork in the Road 128
君子有三乐/ A Person of Virtue Has Three Joys 130
拔树凿井/ Uprooting Trees to Dig Wells 131
失斧疑邻/ Losing the Axe and Suspecting the Neighbor 132
盲人识日/ The Blind Man Knowing the Sun 133
与人围棋/ Playing Weiqi 135
魏文侯期猎/ Marquis Wen of Wei Hunting at the Due Time 136
飞将军李广/ Flying General Li Guang 137
刮骨疗毒/ Scraping the Poison off the Bone 139
苏武牧羊/ Su Wu Herding the Goats 140
苏秦刺股/ Su Qin Stabbing Himself in the Thigh 142
纪昌学射/ Ji Chang Learning Archery 144
橘生淮南/ Oranges Growing in the South of the Huaihe River 146
空城计/ The Empty-City Stratagem 148
反间计/ Sowing Discord among Enemies 149
连环计/ Interlocked Stratagems 151
走为上/ Decamping Is the Best Way Out 153
燕昭王求士/ King Zhao of Yan Seeking Talents 154
列子学射/ Liezi Learning Archery 156
弓矢相济/ A Combination of Bows and Arrows 157
不知天寒/ Ignoring the Cold Weather
郑和下西洋/ Zheng He’s Voyages 160
传奇故事 Legendary Stories
窦娥冤/ Snow in Summer 164
西厢记/ Romance of the West Chamber 166
汉宫秋/ Autumn in the Han Palace 168
赵氏孤儿/ Zhao’s Orphan 171
梁山伯与祝英台/ The Butterfly Lovers 173
孟姜女哭长城/ Meng Jiangnü Crying at the Great Wall 175
白蛇传/ The Legend of the White Snake 177
牛郎织女/ Cowherd and Weaving Girl 180
百鸟朝凤/ All Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix 183
二月二龙抬头/ Dragon Heads-Raising Day 185
牡丹亭/ The Peony Pavilion 187
桃花扇/ The Peach Blossom Fan 190