《寻找毛乌素:中国沙漠的绿色传奇》以报告文学的体裁,讲述了一部毛乌素沙地的自然生态变迁史,反映了鄂尔多斯市乌审旗人民几十年治理沙漠建设绿色乌审的历程。十万乌审儿女用生命、汗水、智慧以及丰富的想象力、卓越的创造力,还有渴求现代美好生活的激情,书写了毛乌素沙漠的绿色传奇。作品直面荒漠化治理的重大世界性课题,触及了当代中国经济发展与生态保护的关系问题,能够引发人们的深度思考。In the genre of reportage literature, Looking for the Mu Us Desert: The Green Legend of a Chinese Desert tells the story of combating desertification in Uxin Banner, Ordos.It elaborately portrays the passionate, creative, and diligent images of Boroldai, Yin Yuzhen, and other heroes of sand control in the Mu Us Desert. The story is acclaimed as a “green legend” of the Mu Us Desert. The work shows a deep concern for the relationship between economic development and ecological protection.
肖亦农,中国作家协会会员,扎根于鄂尔多斯沃土上的文学代言人。其作品曾荣获鲁迅文学奖、十月文学奖、鄂尔多斯文学奖等多个奖项。Xiao Yinong is a member of the Chinese Writers Association. His works feature stories rooted in the fertile soil of Ordos, Inner Mongolia. His works have won many awards, including the Lu Xun Literature Prize, the October Literature Prize, and the Ordos Literature Prize for Chinese Writers.
IntroductionChapter One My Hometown with Eagles Circling on Grey Sand Dunes ------1 I. The Mu Us Desert, the Yellow River, and the Wuding River ------2 II. My Past Experience in the Mu Us Desert (1) ------5 III. My Past Experience in the Mu Us Desert (2) ------10 IV. Nairobi Action Plan and Uxin Ju ------18 V. Sheep Were Eating Sheep in the Desert ------20 VI. Qian Xuesen and Boroldai ------23 Chapter Two The Mu Us Desert, a Cloud Moving Further Away ------29 I. Traveling in an “Atypical Desert” ------30 II. A Golf Course Built on the Sand Dunes ------35 III. Really Why Did the Desert with High Sand Dunes Disappear ------38IV. “We Are Paid Only 140 Yuan a Day, While those Working Next Door Are Paid 160 Yuan!” ------41Chapter Three The Shepherds’ Dream in the Misty Distance ------47 I. A “Chinese Incisor” in ir-a usu ------48 II. A Personality from Uxin Banner ------57 III. The Origin of Mongolians on the Mu Us Desert ------62 IV. Clouds in the High Blue Sky ------71 Chapter Four The Sweetest Scent of the Grassland: The Rose that Blooms in May ------85 I. Boroldai Says in Emotion, “Luckiness! Uxin Ju People’s Luckiness!” ------86 II. Yin Yuzhen: Rather Die of Exhaustion from Sand Control than Be “Bullied” by the Sand to Death ------94 III. Women Who Combat the Desert ------112 Chapter Five The Steeds Darting across the Waves of Grass like Arrows, Neighing Loudly on the Road ------131 I. “I Am Not Going Anywhere, ootai Gaqaa Is My Beijing” ------132II. Debut of the Desertification-Controlling Representatives ------142 III. nir Craving Air-Dried Meat ------152 IV. A Coal Mine or a Park ------157 V. How Are Sand Willows Low Carbon It’s Good for Boiling Tea! ------161 Epilogue Thinking of Guo Xiaochuan ------175