目录文物建筑研究大同华严寺薄伽教藏殿小木作藏龛价值阐释与保护策略研究/刘海宾 宾慧中 张悦/1故宫北上门建筑遗存构件调查研究——兼及北上门建筑营造形制研究/何川 王俪颖/12北京现存清代不同等级王爷园寝宅院建筑形制比较研究/昝梦涛 钱威 张帆/33昆明市乐居村“一颗印”民居空间特性及成因探析/张鹏跃 屈永博/46洛阳关林建筑考略/赵刚 赵一凡/57宜阳县灵山寺塔林考述/王学宾/67禹州坡街关王庙大殿调查与研究/赵书磊/78河南原武城隍庙大殿龙纹彩画特征及年代初探/杨远 孟娟/88隋唐佛塔塔刹造型与构成及其比例探究/虢佳玮 林源/95文化遗产保护江苏泰州南水门遗址的保护与展示模式/徐永利/103清代官式建筑槅扇油饰工艺与雕刻纹饰修复工艺研究——以故宫交泰殿为例/于昕悦/112烫样数字化初探/王莫/129上海沙船航运遗产现状调查与保护策略探讨/李弥/137安阳小南海洞穴遗址的病害勘察及预防性保护设计/姬瑜甫 闫海涛 马清文/145关于构建文物规划体系的初步思考/李标标 李天一/153建筑考古仰韶文化时期大河村房址功能研究/张苹/160时庄遗址粮仓建筑遗存复原初探/杨晨雨 曹艳朋 周学鹰/168湖北京山苏家垄遗址城邑选址、布局与演变探究/席奇峰 潘欢/184河南早期城址再利用现象及原因初探/李子良/195汉代三座仓储建筑遗址探析/王祖远/206征稿启事/220ContentsTraditional Architecture ResearchThe Interpretation of Value and Conservation Strategies for the Small Wooden Sutra Cabinet in the Bhagavata Scriptures Hall of Datong Huayan Temple/LIU Haibin, BIN Huizhong, ZHANG Yue/11Investigation and Research on the Remaining Components of the North Gate of the Forbidden City—Simultaneously Discussing the Construction Technology of North Gate Architecture/HE Chuan, WANG Liying/32Comparative Study on Residential Compound Architectural Forms in Existing Qing Dynasty Royal Garden Cemeteries of Different Grades in Beijing/ZAN Mengtao, QIAN Wei, ZHANG Fan/45Analysis on the Spatial Characteristics and Causes of “Yikeyin” Residential Buildings in Leju Village of Kunming/ZHANG Pengyue, QU Yongbo/56Study of the Architecture of Guanlin in Luoyang/ZHAO Gang, ZHAO Yifan/66Research on the Pagoda Forest of Lingshan Temple in Yiyang County/WANG Xuebin/77Survey and Research on the Main Hall of Guanwang Temple in Pojie of Yuzhou/ZHAO Shulei/87Preliminary Study on the Characteristics and Age of Dragon Pattern Color Paintings in the Main Hall of the Yuanwu God Temple/YANG Yuan, MENG Juan/94Discussion on the Shape, Components and Proportion of Pagoda Finial of Sui and Tang Dynasties/GUO Jiawei, LIN Yuan/102Cultural Heritage PreservationProtection and Display Models of the Nanshuimen Site in Taizhou of Jiangsu Province/XU Yongli/111Research on the Paint Craft and Carving Ornament Restoration Craft of Official-style Architecture of the Qing Dynasty—Case Study of the Hall of Union in the Forbidden City/YU Xinyue/127Study on Digitization of Paper Models/WANG Mo/136Investigation on the Current Status and Conservation Strategies of Junk Shipping Heritage in Shanghai /LI Mi/144Disease Survey and Preventive Conservation Design for the Xiaonanhai Cave Site in Anyang/JI Yufu, YAN Haitao, MA Qingwen/152Preliminary Thoughts on the Construction of Cultural Heritage Planning System/LI Biaobiao, LI Tianyi/159Architectural ArchaeologyResearch on the Function of Dahecun House Site in the Yangshao Period/ZHANG Ping/167Preliminary Study on the Restoration of the Granary Remains in the Shizhuang Site/YANG Chenyu, CAO Yanpeng, ZHOU Xueying/183Exploration of Urban Site Selection, Layout, and Evolution of the Sujialong Sites in Jingshan of Hubei Province/ XI Qifeng, PAN Huan/194Preliminary Study on the Phenomenon and Causes of Urban Site Reuse in Early Henan Area/LI Ziliang/205Analysis of Three Storage Building Sites in the Han Dynasty/WANG Zuyuan/218