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書城自編碼: 4042609
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→經濟各部門經濟
作者: 谢桂梅、张玲
國際書號(ISBN): 9787513090452
出版社: 知识产权出版社
出版日期: 2024-04-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 439



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跨境电商物流供应链的发展关系到跨境电商产业的发展,关系到我国对外贸易的顺利发展,进而影响到我国的双循环战略和中国经济的顺利发展。国际政治、经济、社会形势的大局下,中国在物流和供应链方面重新审视国内外现状和研究成果,认清形势,迎接挑战,是作为学者的应有之义。本研究成果综合我国跨境电商物流供应链的最新研究成果,根据物流供应链发展中的挑战和风险,提出一定的优化策略,助力我国经济的发展。 本书以跨境电商为出发点,结合当前跨境物流供应链的现状,探讨跨境电商物流供应链的问题和挑战,并对其管理和优化进行探讨。本书的创新之处在于,从跨境电商生态系统出发,构建跨境物流供应链生态系统,从生态系统协同发展角度,分别从微观和宏观方面探讨影响跨境物流供应链的风险及相应的优化策略。
1.1 跨境电商
1.1.1 跨境电商的定义
1.1.2 跨境电商的参与主体
1.2 跨境电商生态系统
1.2.2 基于PESTEL理论的跨境电商生态系统
1.3 跨境电商物流供应链的参与主体
1.4 跨境电商物流供应链生态系统
1.4.1 文献回顾
1.4.2 跨境物流供应链生态系统再构建
1.5 跨境电商和物流供应链的协同
1.5.1 跨境电商对物流供应链具有催化作用
1.5.2 跨境物流对跨境电商有支撑作用
1.6 跨境电商物流供应链的特点
1.6.1 产业链条长而复杂
1.6.2 全链条资源整合的难度较高
1.6.3 跨境物流供应链地区发展不平衡...第2章 跨境物流模式及提升理念
2.1.1 中国邮政大小包
2.1.3 海外仓
2.1.4 国际物流专线
2.1.5 边境仓
2.1.6 自贸区、保税区物流
2.2 跨境物流供应链的参与主体
2.3 跨境电商国际物流模式存在的问题
2.3.1 物流模式初级,地区差异大
2.3.2 物流模式分散,网络链接不紧密
2.3.3 思维模式初级,价值链思维有待增强
2.4 跨境电商物流供应链模式的提升
2.4.1 理念的提升:整合性思维
2.4.2 战略的提升:一体化物流供应链解决方案
2.4.3 业务实操的提升:微观和宏观
2.4.4 提升目标:降本增效、优化服务
第3章 跨境电商物流供应链面临的困境和风险评估
3.1 我国跨境电商物流供应链的主要困境
3.1.1 成本居高不下
3.1.2 供应链效率低
3.1.3 集成化水平低
3.1.4 数字化水平低
3.1.5 海外仓资源整合程度低
3.1.6 全球经济衰退的预期
3.1.7 系统的不稳定因素增多
3.2 跨境电商物流供应链风险评估
3.2.1 第三方跨境物流供应链风险研究
3.2.2 案例研究
3.3 海外仓风险评估
3.4 宏观风险评估
4.1 宏观优化
4.2 微观优化
4.2.1 数字经济赋能跨境物流供应链优化
4.2.2 跨境物流的一体化集成…*第5章 海外仓的发展现状及优化----多案例研究
5.1 海外仓简介
5.2 海外仓的战略意义
5.2.1 促进尾程功能提升和头程整合质变
5.2.2 促进跨境电商平台的发展
5.2.3 促进国际货运代理的转型.
5.3 我国海外仓的功能和发展现状
5.4 海外仓企业的经营困境
5.4.2 客户满意度低
5.4.3 物流生态协同度低
5.4.4 物流集成度低
5.4.5 数字化水平低
5.5 海外仓运作模式的优化
5.5.1 物流生态协同能力
5.5.2 本土化经营能力
5.5.3 物流集成能力
5.5.4 智能运营能力
5.4.5 客户服务提升能力
Chapter 1Cross-Border E-commerce and
Logistics and Supply
Chain Ecosystem
1.1Cross-Border E-commerce
1.1.1Definition of Cross-Border E-commerce
1.1.2Participants of Cross-Border E-commerce
1.2Cross-Border E-commerce Ecosystem
1.2.1 Literature Review
1.2.2 Cross-Border E-commerce Ecosystem Based on PESTEL Theory
1.3Participants in Cross-Border E-commerce Logistics and Supply Chain
1.4Cross-Border E-commerce Logistics and Supply Chain Ecosystem
1.4.1Literature Review
1.4.2Reconstruction of Cross-Border Logistics and Supply Chain Ecosystem
1.5Collaboration Between Cross-Border E-commerce and Logistics and Supply Chain
1.5.1Cross-Border E-commerce is Catalytic to Logistics and Supply Chain
1.5.2Cross-border Logistics and Supply Chain Supports Cross-border E-commerce
1.6Characteristics of Cross-Border E-commerce Logistics and Supply Chain
1.6.1Long and Complex Industrial Chain
1.6.2Difficult to Integrate the Resources of the Whole Chain
1.6.3Unbalanced Regional Development
Chapter 2 Cross-Border Logistics and Supply
Chain Model and Its Enhancement Philosophy
2.1 Cross-Border E-commerce International
Logistics and Supply Chain Model
2.1.1China Post Air Mail and Air Parcel
2.1.2International Commercial Express
2.1.3Overseas Warehouse
2.1.4International Logistics Special Line
2.1.5Frontier Warehouse
2.1.6Bonded Area and Free Trade Zone Logistics
2.2 Participants of Cross-border Logistics and Supply Chain
2.3 Problems of International Logistics and Supply Chain Mode in China
2.3.1Small Scale and Regional Differences
2.3.2Scattered Logistics Modes and Poor Network
2.3.3Low-Level Thinking Mode and Lack of Value Chain Concept
2.4 Enhancement of Cross-Border Logistics and Supply Chain
2.4.1Concept of Enhancement:Integrative Thinking
2.4.2Enhancement Strategy:Integrated Logistics and Supply Chain Solutions
2.4.3Enhancing Business Practice:Micro Aspect and Macro Aspect
2.4.4Enhancement Target:Cost Reduction,Efficiency Increase and Service Betterment
Chapter 3Predicaments and Risk Assessment of Cross-Border E-commerce Logistics and Supply Chain
3.1Predicaments in Chinas Cross-Border E-commerce Logistics and Supply Chain
3.1.1High Cost
3.1.2Low Supply Chain Efficiency
3.1.3Low Integration Level
3.1.4Low Level of Digitization
3.1.5Low Integration of Overseas Warehouse Resources
3.1.6Global Economic Recession Expectations
3.1.7Increased Instability Factors in the System
3.2Risk Assessment of Cross-Border E-commerce Logistics and Supply Chain
3.2.1Research on Third-Party Cross-border Logistics and Supply Chain Risks
3.2.2Case Studies
3.3Overseas Warehouse Micro-Level Risk Assessment
3.4Macro-Level Risk Assessment
Chapter 4Cross-Border E-commerce Logistics and Supply Chain Optimization
4.1Macro Optimization
4.1.1Optimization Principle
4.1.2Optimization Strategy
4.2Micro Optimization Strategy
4.2.1Digital-Empowered Cross-Border Logistics and Supply Chain Optimization
4.2.2Integration of Cross-Border Logistics
Chapter 5Development and Optimization of Overseas Warehouse——Multiple Case Studies
5.1Introduction to Overseas Warehouse
5.2Strategic Strength of Overseas Warehouse
5.2.1Promote First-Leg Functionality Improvement and Last-Leg Qualitative Integration
5.2.2Develop the Cross-Border E-commerce Platforms
5.2.3Promote the Transformation of International Freight Carriers
5.3The Profile of Chinese Overseas Warehouses
5.4Challenges Faced by Overseas Warehouse Enterprises
5.4.1Low Localization Level
5.4.2Low Customer Satisfaction
5.4.3Low Logistics Ecological Synergy
5.4.4Low Logistics Integration
5.4.5Low Digitalization Level
5.5Optimization of Overseas Warehouse Operation
5.5.1Logistics Ecological Synergy Capability
5.5.2Localization Operation Capability
5.5.3Logistics Integration Capability
5.5.4Digital Operation Capability
5.4.5Customer Service Enhancement Capability
At present,Cross-border E-commerce has become a new driving force and source of China‘s foreign trade and a new growth point for China’s econo- my. According to customs statistics,China‘s Cross-border E-commerce import and export volume has increased nearly 10 times in the past five years ,and the per- centage of Cross-border E-commerce in proportion to China’s whole foreign trade has increased from less than 1% in 2015 to 4. 9% in 2021. The great achieve- ment not only benefited from the dividends and innovative practices of a series of policies issued by the central and local governments , but also benefited from eco- nomic globalization. In a well-functioned Cross-border E-commerce ecosystem,(including Cross-border E-commerce platform,Cross-border logistics and supply chain,Cross-border payment , information system , infrastructure , international poli- tics , economic system ,cultural environment , etc. ) , they all work together to create an ecosystem and maintain the smooth development of Cross-border E-commerce. In the 20-year history of Cross-border E-commerce,Cross-border logistics have seen a healthy development, and have also become a“pain point”of Cross- border E-commerce development:the cost, efficiency and service of logistics and business flow have greatly hindered the development of Cross-border E-commerce. The high cost of logistics and the low efficiency of logistics transportation and distribution cannot meet the requirements of costs and efficiency of Cross-bor- der E-commerce sellers,Cross-border platforms and foreign consumers, which greatly affect consumer experience and seriously restrict the development of Cross- border E-commerce industry and logistics and supply chain industry.
The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed that China should speed up the construction of manufacturing capacity , building high-quality development with a strong aerospace, transportation , net- work , and big data. All these are closely related to a strong logistics and supply chain. The report of the 20th CPCNationalCongress also stressed the importance of logistics and the urgent need to reduce the cost of social logistics:“accelerate the development of the Internet of Things, build an efficient and smooth circula- tion system , and reduce logistics cost”.Cross-border E-commerce and Cross-bor- der logistics are important forces in the dual circulation of Chinas economy. However ,since the year of 2020 , a series of unfavorable factors to Cross- border E-commerce,such as geopolitical conflict, anti-globalization wave, Sino-US trade war,COVID-19,have emerged one after another,and Cross-border logistics and supply chain have been greatly affected , with large fluctuations. At this time, the research on the management and optimization of Cross-border E-commerce lo- gistics and supply chain has profound practical and theoretical significance.
This book starts with Cross-border E-commerce , based on the current situa- tion of Cross-border logistics and supply chain,discusses the issues and challen- ges of Cross-border E-commerce logistics and supply chain, and puts forward views on the management and optimization of logistics and supply chain. The in- novation of this book is to build a Cross-border logistics and supply chain ecosys- tem from the perspective of Cross-border E-commerce ecosystem , and explore mi- cro-and macro-factors and optimization strategies. At the micro-level,suggestions such as the management and optimization of Cross-border E-commerce platforms , Cross-border logistics enterprises( third party logistics,fourth party logistics, logistics alliances,foreign comprehensive service enterprises, overseas warehouses ), risk and response are presented. Overseas warehouse is considered to be a focus of solving the logistics and supply chain dilemma. Based on this fact,the fifth chap- ter of this book takes a few companies as examples to discuss the risks,challenges and optimization strategies in logistics and supply chain optimization in de- tail. Macroscopic considerations mainly rely on the PESTEL analysis model to an- alyze the impact of six macro factors on theCross-border E-commerce logistics and supply chain, especially the institutional distance and cultural distance , which are important forces for the sustainable long-term development of Cross-border E- commerce logistics and supply chain. All the corresponding management and opti- mization suggestions are put forward in this book within the framework of integra- tive thinking pattern.



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