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『簡體書』Adaptable Design Methods and Applications(可适应设计方法及应用)

書城自編碼: 4008000
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→工業技術一般工业技术
作者: 顾佩华,薛德意,彭庆金,张健
國際書號(ISBN): 9787577208206
出版社: 华中科技大学出版社
出版日期: 2024-07-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 精装

售價:NT$ 857



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2017年顾佩华入选McMaster大学150杰出工程校友 (Top 150 Alumni of Engineering, McMaster University);他连续多年入选ELSVIER高引中国研究者并在工业工程和制造工程领域连续3年排名第一;他2004年入选加拿大工程院(Fellow, Canadian Academy of Engineering)和国际生产工程院 (Fellow, International Academy of Production Engineering – CIRP),是最早入选加拿大工程院的华人之一。 顾佩华1995年和2000年两次成为加拿大自然科学和工程研究委员会(国家自然基金委)工业和工程设计讲席教授(NSERC Industrial Chair and NSERC Design Chair)、广东省领军人才 (2011年)。获2009年英国机械工程师协会颁发的Joseph Whitworth优秀论文奖、2011年CIRP设计年会的最佳论文奖、第九届设计与制造前沿国际会议优秀论文奖、美国制造工程师学会(SME)制造教育杰出进步奖, 优秀大学校长奖等。2005年他将当时国际上先进工程教育框架CDIO引入中国,并用CDIO在汕头大学工学院5个专业实施结果导向的工程教育改革(EIP-CDIO和OBE-CDIO)。他是CDIO联盟的创始主席,并且获得了广东省教学一等奖和国家教学二等奖。
Contents 1 Introduction ................................................... 1 1.1 Product Life Cycle and Engineering Design .................... 3 1.1.1 Product Life Cycle ................................... 3 1.1.2 Engineering Design .................................. 5 1.1.3 Design Methodologies and Tools ....................... 7 1.1.4 Requirements for Adaptable Design .................... 10 1.2 Principles of Adaptable Design ............................... 11 1.2.1 Adaptable Design .................................... 11 1.2.2 Extension of Utility in Adaptable Design ................ 13 1.2.3 Key Issues in Adaptable Design ........................ 14 1.3 Benefits of Adaptable Design ................................ 17 1.3.1 Users: Extended Product Utility ........................ 17 1.3.2 Producers: Extended Design Utility ..................... 17 1.3.3 User and Producer Benefits of Large Systems ............ 19 1.3.4 Environmental Benefits ............................... 20 1.4 Applicability of Adaptable Design ............................ 21 1.5 Differences Between Adaptable Design and Other Design Methods .................................................. 23 1.6 Organization of This Book ................................... 24 1.7 Summary .................................................. 24 References ..................................................... 25 2 Modeling for Adaptable Design .................................. 31 2.1 Rationalized Functional Structures for Adaptable Design ......... 31 2.1.1 Function Modeling for Adaptable Design ................ 32 2.1.2 Structure Modeling for Adaptable Design ............... 36 2.1.3 Relations Between Functional and Structural Components ......................................... 42 2.2 Product Architecture for Adaptable Design ..................... 43 2.2.1 Modular Products .................................... 43 2.2.2 Product Platforms and Families ........................ 442.2.3 Open Architecture Products ........................... 45 2.3 Adaptable Interface ......................................... 48 2.4 Assembly and Disassembly for Adaptation Operations ........... 51 2.4.1 Modeling of Assembly Operations ...................... 51 2.4.2 Modeling of Disassembly Operations ................... 56 2.5 Summary .................................................. 57 References ..................................................... 58 3 Evaluation for Adaptable Design ................................ 61 3.1 Evaluation of Engineering Design ............................. 61 3.2 Measures of Adaptabilities ................................... 61 3.2.1 Specific Product Adaptability .......................... 65 3.2.2 Specific Design Adaptability ........................... 72 3.2.3 General Product Adaptability .......................... 73 3.2.4 General Design Adaptability ........................... 76 3.3 Adaptabilities in Design Evaluation ........................... 78 3.4 Evaluation of Adaptabilities Based on Information Entropy ....... 83 3.4.1 Functions, Structures, and Parameters of Adaptable Products ............................................ 83 3.4.2 Information Entropies for Evaluation of Adaptabilities .... 84 3.5 Summary .................................................. 89 References ..................................................... 89 4 Processes and Methods for Adaptable Design ..................... 91 4.1 Processes for Adaptable Design .............................. 91 4.1.1 Processes for Adaptable Design Considering Product Adaptability ......................................... 91 4.1.2 Processes for Adaptable Design Considering Design Adaptability ......................................... 93 4.2 Elements in Adaptable Design Processes ....................... 93 4.2.1 Design Requirements ................................. 93 4.2.2 Design Candidates ................................... 96 4.2.3 Design Evaluation .................................... 102 4.2.4 Design Optimization ................................. 104 4.3 Robust Adaptable Design .................................... 107 4.3.1 Robust Adaptable Design Considering Changes of Requirements and Parameters ....................... 107 4.3.2 Robust Adaptable Design Considering Changes of Product Configurations ............................. 119 4.3.3 Robust Adaptable Design of Open Architecture Products ............................................ 127 4.4 Adaptable Design Considering Adaptation Operations ........... 136 4.4.1 Assembly Operation Sequences for Adaptable Design ..... 136 4.4.2 Disassembly Operation Sequences for Adaptable Design ............................................. 1394.5 Adaptable Design Considering Mass Personalization ............ 141 4.5.1 Module Planning for OAPs ............................ 141 4.5.2 Detail Design of OAPs ................................ 143 4.5.3 Product Personalization ............................... 145 4.6 Summary .................................................. 146 References ..................................................... 146 5 Tool and Techniques for Adaptable Design ........................ 149 5.1 Modular Design Tools ....................................... 149 5.1.1 Modularization for Adaptable Design Using Matrix Approach ........................................... 149 5.1.2 Pattern Clustering Approach ........................... 164 5.2 Optimization Tools ......................................... 169 5.2.1 Constrained Optimization ............................. 169 5.2.2 Multi-objective Optimization .......................... 173 5.2.3 Multi-level Optimization .............................. 175 5.2.4 Global Optimization .................................. 177 5.3 Web-Based Tools for Adaptable Design ........................ 185 5.3.1 Introduction ......................................... 185 5.3.2 Development of Web-Based Tools for Adaptable Design ............................................. 186 5.3.3 Applications of Web-Based Tools in Adaptable Design .... 188 5.4 Virtual Reality for Adaptable Product Design and Evaluation ..... 192 5.4.1 Introduction ......................................... 192 5.4.2 A VR-Based User Interactive System ................... 194 5.4.3 Case Study—A VR System for Food Truck Design ....... 198 5.4.4 Case Study—A VR System for Caravans Design ......... 205 5.4.5 Comments and Analysis .............................. 206 5.5 Summary .................................................. 208 References ..................................................... 208 6 Applications of Adaptable Design ................................ 211 6.1 Adaptable Design of CNC Machine Tools Structure ............. 211 6.1.1 Redesign Process of a Machine Structure ................ 212 6.1.2 Evaluation Criteria for the Redesign Process ............. 214 6.1.3 Improvement of the Entire Machine .................... 220 6.1.4 Development of a New Generation of YH605 Gear Cutting Machine ..................................... 220 6.1.5 Analysis and Discussion of Redesign Results ............ 222 6.2 Design of an Adaptable Product Platform for Heavy-Duty Gantry Milling Machines .................................... 223 6.2.1 Design of the Adaptable Product Platform (APP) ......... 223 6.2.2 Implementation of a Heavy-Duty Gantry Milling Machine with APP ................................... 2326.3 Adaptable Design for Mass Personalization .................... 236 6.3.1 Introduction ......................................... 236 6.3.2 General Background .................................. 237 6.3.3 Methods of Design for Mass Personalization ............. 241 6.3.4 Case Study .......................................... 241 6.3.5 Personalization Analysis .............................. 248 6.3.6 Concluding Remarks ................................. 249 6.4 Adaptable Design of Coating Machines ........................ 250 6.5 Design of an Open Architecture Paper-Bag Folding Machine ..... 256 6.5.1 An Initial Design of the Open Interface .................. 257 6.5.2 Modified/Improved Design of Open Interface of the Paper-Bag Folding Machine ...................... 260 6.6 Design of an Adaptable Equipment for Testing of Generators ..... 263 6.6.1 The Design Problem .................................. 263 6.6.2 The Optimal Adaptable Design ........................ 264 6.6.3 Comparative Studies .................................. 270 6.7 Adaptable Design of a Rotation Table ......................... 274 6.7.1 Assembly Modelling ................................. 275 6.7.2 Evaluation of Modules Assembled in a Single Subassembly ........................................ 277 6.7.3 Assembly Sequence Planning for Parts Inside Module of the Rotational Table ................................ 278 6.7.4 Assembly Sequence Planning for Modules ............... 279 6.8 Summary .................................................. 280 References ..................................................... 280 7 Concluding Remarks and Development Trends .................... 281 7.1 Concluding Remarks ........................................ 281 7.2 Development Trends ........................................ 283 7.3 Summary .................................................. 288 References ..................................................... 288
Preface The concept of adaptable design (AD) was first conceived between 1995 and 1997 during which I held the NSERC/AECL Industrial Chair in Advanced Design (NSERC stands for Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada; AECL is Atomic Energy of Canada Limited). AECL designs and builds nuclear power plants and research reactors in Canada. For a typical nuclear power plant, its safe operational life is about 40 years, some are longer and others shorter. For any power plant or other major engineering infrastructure, its design and building reflect the current technologies. As technologies continues to advance, it is understandable that in the not-too-distant future after completion of the power plants, some parts of the nuclear power plant would need upgrading for enhancing performances and for extending operational life. To accommodate the anticipated upgrading, repair, and replacement operations for the major engineering systems, special design properties may be embedded in the design, which the special property is considered as design adaptability. For design and building of major engineering systems, engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) companies are normally invited to bid the projects. The proposal development and bid writing usually take significant time and resources to complete. The result of the tendering process is a formal contract to deliver completed turnkey projects with agreed costs and time frame. In order to develop successful design of the proposed major project, it is desirable that EPC companies can develop new design based on the existing design of similar projects. By utilizing the existing similar design, it not only develops the design quickly, but also estimates processes and tools as well as costs to complete the project with some confidence to avoid costs and schedules associated with the projects. A group of EPC companies sponsored my second NSERC Chair in design to develop concepts and methods to rapidly developing new designs based on the existing designs—the design reuse which is a part of adaptable design. The ongoing discussion in manufacturing research communities such as CIRP advances manufacturing technologies and methods to continuously increase produc?tion productivity and product quality and reduce total costs and environmentalimpacts. From a particular product, customers would like the product with excel?lent functionalities, high quality, and low prices; product manufacturers would hope to increase profit margin or bigger market shares or both; the society or public wants healthy products with the minimal environmental impact and maximal resources utilization. Manufacturing research may not be able to resolve all of the above issues as some of the challenges are resulted from design. For a typical manufacturing company, the enterprise simply produces products according to their designs. Based on my manufacturing research experience and industrial practices, a near optimal design can partially address the above challenges. The concepts, methods, and applications of AD have been developing for the last 25 years, and most of the research activities and applications have been carried out by my colleagues and graduate students in Canada and China. This book provides summaries of these efforts and aims to continue the development of AD, especially in the digital, carbon neutrality, and industrial metaverse era with rapid advancements of artificial intelligences, big data, Internet of Things, cloud computing, and VR/AR technologies. Finally, I wish to take this opportunity to thank the coauthors who complete the manuscript and to all our colleagues and students to carry out the research and application work. I hope the publication of this manuscript will promote the future research and application of AD. Tianjin, China Peihua Gu



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