通过这本书,读者可以充分了解这些著名的古城背后的历史文化故事。比如:城市名称起源有什么美丽的传说?地下宝藏是如何被发现的?盛世朝代在建国建都时有着怎样的惊心动魄?边陲少数民族的生活和中原大地有哪些不同?古丝绸之路到底有多繁荣?佛教传承的过程中留下了哪些震惊世界的宝库?中国著名的手工艺品是如何诞生的?等等。This book presents the historical evolution of these famous ancient cities and the stories behind their famous historical sites. In addition, this book answers a number of questions, such as: What is the beautiful legend about the origin of the city? How were its underground treasures discovered? What were the exciting stories related to a prosp
“地图上的中国”系列图书利用地图作为讲述中国故事的载体,通过地图搭载丰富的中国历史文化、自然地理、当代发展等内容,同时在纸质图书基础上开发可视听化的电子读物,达成融合传播效果,帮助广大海内外读者更好地了解中国。中华文明五千多年的历史,孕育出诸多古都和名城。《古城春秋》选取40多个重要的中国历史文化名城,讲述它们的故事,带领读者感受这些古城丰厚的历史文化底蕴,并由此了解中国的悠久历史与灿烂文明。China’s 5,000-year-long history has given birth to many cities of longstanding fame and great global influence. Despite the impact of modern urban development, these cities have not lost their ancient charm. Their buildings, relics, art and lifestyles passed down over thousands of years give people a glimpse of China’s ancient and brilliant history and civilization.The 40 ancient cities listed in this book, which have a long history, numerous sites with important relics sites and a rich cultural heritage, are all famous historical and cultural cities of China.
蓝橙,原名孙雪,新媒体自由撰稿人,热爱读书和旅行,在微信公众号有书、十点读书、砍柴书院等新媒体平台发表过多篇文章,并在今日头条等平台开设文章专栏,2019年出版《写作疗愈》。Lan Cheng, whose name is Sun Xue, is a freelance writer for new media and the author of the book Writing to Heal.
01Capitals of ancient civilizationXi’an Luoyang Beijing Nanjing Kaifeng Hangzhou Anyang Zhengzhou Datong Chengdu 02Central PlainsTianjin ShangqiuChengde Pingyao Qufu 03East ChinaShanghai Shaoxing Suzhou Yangzhou Xuzhou JingdezhenShexian County Fuzhou Quanzhou 04Central and southern ChinaWuhanJingzhou Changsha GuangzhouGuilin 05Southwest ChinaChongqing Langzhong Zigong Guiyang Kunming Lijiang Dali Lhasa Shigatse Gyantse 06Northwest ChinaDunhuang Zhangye Tianshui Kashgar
China’s 5,000-year-long history has given birth to many cities of longstanding fame and great global influence. These cities, all of which have an extremely profound historical and cultural heritage, have earned their fame for many reasons. Some were the capitals of several dynasties, while some were national political, economic, and cultural centers for thousands of years or important economic hubs in their heyday, while others witnessed major historical events, some are world-famous thanks to their extremely important historical sites, and some have mysterious and stunning treasures buried beneath them.Despite the impact of modern urban development, these cities have not lost their ancient charm. Their buildings, relics, art and lifestyles passed down over thousands of years give people a glimpse of China’s ancient and brilliant history and civilization. In February 1982, the concept of “famous historical and cultural cities” was formally proposed in order to protect important cities with ancient political, economic and cultural centers, as well as the sites of major historical events and those with important cultural relics. The 40 ancient cities listed in this book, which have a long history, numerous sites with important relics sites and a rich cultural heritage, are all famous historical and cultural cities of China. Some of them are well-known major cities, while others are small county seats to be found in remote mountainous or desert areas. But, wherever their location and whatever their size, they all have one common characteristic, an ancient Chinese charm.