在深圳高速城市化过程中,城中村一直扮演着无法忽略的角色,蕴含了广泛的空间、经济、社会、文化议题。多年来自发建设的城中村被视为“城市毒瘤”,主流更新模式仅为拆除重建。自2005年起,都市实践持续进行城中村的研究和实践:2006年,主编出版《村·城 城·村》一书,探索拆除重建模式之外的另类改造策略,并推出针对深圳四个城中村的研究提案;2010年策划上海世博会城市最佳实践区的深圳馆,展出大芬村在地城市化的样本案例;2011年从湖贝古村的保护研究开始,到2016年与深圳业界和学者共同发起“湖贝120城市公共计划”,2019年湖贝古村被列入深圳首批公布的历史风貌区。2016年始,都市实践持续进行“南头古城保护与更新”的研究与实践,同时策划了以“城市共生”为主题的第七届城市建筑双年展。
Urban villages have played a substantial role in the rapid urbanization of Shenzhen, facilitating issues of space, economic, social, and culture. Over the years, Self-built urban villages have been referred to as “urban cancers” while demolition and redevelopment become the only main renewal model. URBANUS has started the study of and practices in urban villages since 2005. In 2006, URBANUS published the book Village/City City/Village exploring alternative renovation strategies in addition to demolition and redevelopment with research proposals of four urban villages in Shenzhen. The curation of the Shenzhen pavilion at the Urban Best Practice Area at the 2010 Expo showcased Dafen, an urban village as an local urban development paradigm. The preservation research of Hubei Ancient Village by URBANUS started in 2011, which led to the “Hubei 120 City Public Plan” initiated by URBANUS together with practitioners and scholars in Shenzhen. In 2019, Hubei Ancient Village was included in the first batch of the Protection Catalogue of Historical Areas in Shenzhen. Beginning in 2016, Nantou Old Town Conservation and Regeneration became one of URBANUS’s research and practice focus. In the meantime, URBANUS curated “Cities, Grow in Difference”, the 2017 Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism\\Architecture (2017 UABB) in Nantou Old Town.
In recent years, the significance of urban villages has been recognized that it was regarded as the “urban organ.” The renewal policy has shifted to comprehensive remediation. Inclusive and diverse urban villages are the alternative paradigms against the unitary and homogeneous city. Facing such a pressing reality, Urban-village Coexistence attempts to provide a comprehensive, multi-layer, and multi-perspective narrative by elaborating on the experiment at 2017 UABB and summarizing years of research and practice conclusions. It is the hope that at the pivotal moment of Chinese urbanization, the book serves as an agent to gather the voices of different people, and to promote an understanding of urban concepts that explore a diversified urban village regeneration model for a co-existing urban future.
都市实践的设计既尊重城市现有的空间肌理,又能在城市中恰如其分地表达出自身的个性。一系列建成作品成为城市生活新地标,多次获得重要建筑奖项:如WA设计奖、THE PLAN奖、亚洲建筑师协会奖、中国建筑传媒奖、美国《建筑实录》年度全球设计先锋并获得阿卡汗建筑奖提名。
Since its founding in 1999, URBANUS has been recognized as one of the most influential independent architecture practices in China. Many of its built works have become landmarks for urban life. URBANUS has conducted a series of research projects, including typologies for hyper-density, the preservation and regeneration of historical urban areas and urban villages, focusing on contemporary Chinese urban phenomena. URBANUS has received international recognition for its sensitivity to urban, historical, and social structures, its ability to mobilize and integrate potential spatial and social resources, and its effectiveness in responding to the complexities of the urban environment.