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書城自編碼: 3969969
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→經濟中國經濟
作者: 王彦妍
國際書號(ISBN): 9787513092142
出版社: 知识产权出版社
出版日期: 2024-03-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 449



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王彦妍,美国威斯康辛大学密尔沃基分校情报学博士,中国人民大学信息资源管理学院讲师,人文北京研究中心、中国人民大学数字人文研究中心、中国人民大学信息资源管理学院CIO研究中心研究员,国际标准化组织IEC SyC Smart Cities/WG1注册专家。主要研究方向为:信息检索,用户行为,健康信息,数字人文等。公开发表学术论文十余篇,在高水平国际会议上发言9次。独立主持国家社会科学基金研究项目1项,中国人民大学校级科研项目1项,参与国家社会科学基金研究项目1项、中国人民大学年度项目3项。
Chapter 1 Production of Data, Information and Knowledge on Social Media 001
1.1 Introduction 001
1.2 Notions 002
1.2.1 Social Media 002
1.2.2 Data, Information, Knowledge & Knowledge Production 003
1.2.3 Lay People VS Experts 005
1.3 Knowledge Production: Past & Present 006
1.3.1 Development of Knowledge Production: Past& Present 006
1.3.2 What is Commons-based Peer Production 007
1.3.3 What is Produsage 008
1.3.4 Features of Social Media Knowledge Production 009
1.3.5 Comparison of Past and Present Knowledge Production 014
1.4 Participation of Lay People 016
1.4.1 Lay People Foster Data, Information and Knowledge Production 017
1.4.2 Lay People Complicate Data, Information and Knowledge Production 021
1.5 Quality Control of Content on Social Media 024
1.5.1 Quality Control Approaches 024
1.5.2 Role of Experts 028
1.6 Summary 030
Chapter 2 Research Methods Applied in Studies on Social Media 032
2.1 Introduction 032
2.2 Data Collection Methods 033
2.2.1 Data Types 033
2.2.2 Data Collection Approaches 035
2.2.3 Data Integration 038
2.3 Data Analysis Approaches 040
2.3.1 Social Web Mining 040
2.3.2 Coding of Social Media Content 044
2.4 Challenges of Social Media Research: Data Collection and Analysis 045
2.4.1 Challenges in Data Collection 045
2.4.2 Challenges in Data Analysis 047
2.5 Summary 048
Chapter 3 A Study of Health-Related Information on Social Media:Evolution of Family-Health-Related Topics 050
3.1 Background & Rationale 050
3.2 Research Problem, Questions and Hypotheses 052
3.2.1 Research Problem Statement 052
3.2.2 Research Question 1 053
3.2.3 Research Question 2 054
3.2.4 Research Question 3 056
3.3 Research Design 057
3.4 Definitions of Terms 058
3.5 Health Information Studies 061
3.5.1 Consumer Health Information 062
3.5.2 Health Information on Social Media 063
3.5.3 Family Health Studies 064
3.6 Temporal Analysis 067
3.6.1 What is Temporal Analysis 068
3.6.2 Temporal Analysis Applied to Information Retrieval 070
3.6.3 Temporal Analysis Applied to Data Mining 076
3.7 SOM Studies 082
3.7.1 SOM History, Theories and Algorithms 082
3.7.2 Applications of SOM 083
3.8 Summary 085
Chapter 4 Evolution of Family-Health-Related Topics on SocialMedia: Methodology 086
4.1 Introduction 086
4.2 Assumptions 087
4.3 Data Collection 089
4.3.1 Selection of a Social Media Platform 089
4.3.2 Selection of Topics 090
4.3.3 Selection of Entries 092
4.3.4 Selection of the Periods 093
4.3.5 Text Collection 094
4.3.6 Page Views and Edits Data Collection 096
4.3.7 Ethic Issues 096
4.4 Data Analysis 097
4.4.1 Categories and Themes 097
4.4.2 Text Data Organization 098
4.4.3 SOM Approach 099
4.4.4 Subject Analysis 101
4.4.5 Inferential Analysis 103
4.4.6 Temporal Analysis 104
4.5 Validity and Reliability 104
4.5.1 Validity 104
4.5.2 Reliability 105
4.6 Summary 106
Chapter 5 Evolution of Family-Health-Related Topics on SocialMedia: Results 108
5.1 Descriptive Results 108
5.1.1 Topics and Themes 108
5.1.2 Descriptive Results of Page Edits 111
5.1.3 Descriptive Results of Page Views 114
5.1.4 Descriptive Results Summary 117
5.2 Results of Research Question 1 118
5.2.1 Topics, Themes, and Associated Entries 118
5.2.2 Subjects Analysis Results 119
5.2.3 Research Question 1 Results Summary 135
5.3 Results of Research Question 2 137
5.3.1 Entry Growth in Each Period 137
5.3.2 Changes in Subjects 139
5.3.3 Changes in External Popularities 150
5.3.4 Research Question 2 Results Summary 154
5.4 Results of Research Question 3 156
5.4.1 Differences and Commonalities among the External Popularity Evolution Patterns 156
5.4.2 Differences and Commonalities among the Internal Characteristic Evolution Patterns 158
5.4.3 Research Question 3 Results Summary 160
5.5 Summary 160
Chapter 6 Evolution of Family-Health-Related Topics on SocialMedia: Discussion, Implications, and Conclusion 162
6.1 Discussion 162
6.1.1 External Popularity Evolution Patterns 162
6.1.2 Internal Characteristic Evolution Patterns 167
6.1.3 Internal Characteristics VS External Popularities 169
6.1.4 Wikipedia VS Other Platforms 170
6.1.5 Discussion Summary 172
6.2 Implications 172
6.2.1 Theoretical Implications 173
6.2.2 Practical Implications 176
6.2.3 Methodological Implications 179
6.2.4 Implication Summary 181
6.3 Conclusion 181
6.3.1 Research Problem and Primary Findings 181
6.3.2 Findings of Family Planning 182
6.3.3 Findings of Women’s Health 183
6.3.4 Internal Characteristic and External Popularity Evolution Patterns 183
6.4 Limitations 184
6.5 Future Directions 185
References 186
Appendix A Topics, Themes and Associated Entries 218
Appendix B High-Frequency Terms and Phrases in Each Theme 221
Appendix C Entries in Each Theme during Each Period 222
Appendix D Entries Created in Each Theme during Each Period 224
Social media have become one of the most prevalent online information seeking platforms for the public. User information seeking behavior on social media is different from that on other information seeking platforms. Meanwhile, since social media allow a huge number of users to generate information online, new concepts, terms, and topics are emerging on social media and meanings of existing terms and topics keep changing all the time. Among numerous topics discussed on social media, the health-related topic is a major category which attracts increasing attention from the public.
This book reviewed the existing studies on social media and health information on social media, and summarized the main concepts, methods, and research findings from these studies. Moreover, this book investigated and explored the evolution patterns of family-health-related topics on Wikipedia—a typical type of social media platform.
Two family-health-related topics (Family Planning and Women’s Health) were selected from the World Health Organization Website and their associated entries were retrieved from Wikipedia. Historical numeric and text data of the entries from 2010 to 2017 were collected from a Wikipedia data dump and Wikipedia Web pages. Four periods were defined: 2010 to 2011, 2012 to 2013, 2014 to 2015, and 2016 to 2017. Coding, subject analysis, descriptive statistical analysis, inferential statistical analysis, SOM approach, and n-gram approach were employed to explore the internal characteristics and external popularity evolutions of the topics.

As a relatively new concept, social media has been defined by different researchers from different research fields. Ahlqvist et al. (2008) defined social media as the way people generate, share and communicate information in virtual communities and networks. Kaplan and Haenlein (2010) gave their definition, which defined social media as “a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0 and that allow the creation and exchange of User Generated Content” (p. 61). In their opinions, Web 2.0 is the platform for the improvement of social media, while user-generated content is the sum of the ways people use social media. Although these two definitions are different to some extent, they still have features in common. One is that both of them agree that social media is dependent upon a virtual environment that allows users to produce information and knowledge, and interact with each other. Another is that the content within social media is spontaneously created by users.



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