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書城自編碼: 3968947
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→社會科學社會學
作者: 李新烽,田牧野,陈丽娟,张梦颖著
國際書號(ISBN): 9787522723327
出版社: 中国社会科学出版社
出版日期: 2024-01-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 296



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Nkolo Foé is full professor at University of Yaoundé in Cameroon, and a member of the International Institute of Philosophy (Paris). He is also the former vice-president of Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA), member of International Advisory Committee of the China-Africa Institute, president of the W. E. B. Du Bois Institute for Global South and China Studies, founding member of the Global Think Tank Network for Democracy Studies (CASS). Professor Nkolo Foé owns a high reputation in the academic community of philosophy and social science in Africa, particularly in academic circles of Francophone Africa. He has published several academic papers in authoritative journals such as Journal of China-Africa Studies, Science et technique, Afrika Zamani, Journal of Pschology in Africa and so on. Li Xinfeng, a seniorre search fellow with a PhD and also a writer, is the executive president of the China-Africa Institute, the director general of the Institute of West-Asian and African Studies of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the head of Department of West-Asian and African Studies of University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, a doctoral supervisor, and the chief editor of Journal of West Asia and Africa, Journal of China-Africa Studies. He enjoys a special government allowance awarded by the State Council. In 2020, he was awarded the title of Scientific Researcher with Outstanding Contributions by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. He also serves as the vice president of the Asia-Africa Association of China, the vice president of Chinese Society of African Historical Studies, an expert reviewer of the National Social Science Fund of China, and an expert reviewer of Changjiang Scholars by the Ministry of Education. His academic expertise is in African politics and relations between China and African countries. He published nearly 20 pieces of works including monographs in both English and Chinese, translated works, think tank reports, and top and authoritative journal articles. A Reporter‘s Exploration Following Zheng He’s Footsteps in Africa won the Best Works Award of the 10th Cultural and Ethical Progress by the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China. Research Reports on the Elimination of Poverty in China-Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Hunan Province (both English and Chinese versions) won the Excellent National Think Tank Report Award from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in 2020. The research reports of the series (English version) were collected in the Museum of the Communist Party of China in 2021. Li has presided over and completed a number of provincial and ministerial-level projects, and is currently the host of the 2021 major bidding project ”General History of Africa (Multiple volumes) ”of the Major Historical Research Projects of the Chinese Academy of History from the National Social Science Fund.
Chapter I Overview of the Control of Infectious Disease in Africa
History and Current Status of Health Systems in AfricaCharacteristics of African Infectious Disease Control Systems
III. Existing Problems in Combating Infectious Diseases in Africa
Chapter II Major Infectious Diseases in Africa and Prevention and Control Measures
Types of Major Infectious Diseases in AfricaMeasures to Combat Major Infectious Diseases in Africa
Chapter III Proposal for Infectious Disease Control and Health Cooperation in North and West Africa
Proposal for Combating Infectious Diseases and Health Cooperation in AlgeriaProposal for Combating Infectious Diseases and Health Cooperation in Guinea
Chapter IV Proposal for Infectious Disease Control and Health Cooperation in Central and Eastern Africa
Proposal for Infectious Disease Control and Health Cooperation in the DRCProposal for Infectious Disease Control and Healtt Cooperation in Tanzania
Chapter V Proposal for Infectious Disease Control and Health Cooperation in Southern Africa
History and Overview of the South African Healthcare SystemStatus and Characteristics of Infectious Disease Control in South Africa
III. Problems with Infectious Disease Control in South Africa
IV.Proposal for Medical and Health Cooperation between China and South Africa
Chapter VI Overview of Medical and Health Cooperation between China and Africa
History and Current Status of China-Africa Medical and Health CooperationForm and Content of China-Africa Medical and Health Cooperation
III. Features of China-Africa Medical and Health Cooperation
Achievements in China-Africa Medical and Health Cooperation
Chapter VII Proposal for China-Africa Medical and Health Cooperation
Strengthening Systematic Strategic Planning and Promoting the Belt and Road Infrastructure Construction with Medical Assistance to Africa as an OpportunityFurther Improvement of the System and Mechanism of Medical and Health Assistance to Africa
III. Promoting the Diversification of Participating Actors in Medical Assistance to Africa
Helping African Countries to Establish a Sound Public Health Service System and Actively Disseminate China‘s Experience in HealthcareStrengthening of Cooperation in the Field of Traditional Chinese and African Medicines and Promotion of these Medicines in Africain order to Bring these Medicines
Out of Marginality Compared to Western Medicine
Enhancing the Overall Visibility of China’s Medical and Health Assistance to Africa
VII. General Conclusion



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