故宫,既是明清朝的皇宫遗址,也是中国最的古代文化艺术博物馆。它的建筑理念、建筑功能,以及匠心独运的建筑意趣都成为今天我们了解中国传统宫廷建筑的经典代表作。自永乐大帝敕令修建,故宫在600多年的历史风云中,始终处在中心位置。那些围绕着紫禁城展开的历史进程,那些生活在紫禁城里的帝王嫔妃,那些为皇权稳固、百姓福祉或勤勤恳恳,或蝇营狗苟的将相,还有那些泯灭在岁月洪流中的宫女太监侍卫们,都曾在这座宏伟华丽的宫殿群中经历过悲欢离合,也为这座高高在上的建筑群增添了生气和活力。The Forbidden City is not only the imperial palace site of the Ming andQing dynasties, but also the largest museum of ancient culture and art inChina. Its architectural concept, architectural function, and ingenious architectural interest have become the classic representative of today’s understanding of Chinese traditional court architecture. Since its construction by the Yongle Emperor, the Forbidden City has always been at the center of its 600-year history. The historical process surrounding the Forbidden City, the emperors and concubines who lived in the Forbidden City, the generals who worked hard for the stability of the imperial power and the welfare of the people, and the palace maids, eunuchs and guards all experienced joys and sorrows in this magnificent palace complex. It also adds life and vitality to this high-rise building complex.
序 03第一章自是天下第一宫 001 PART 01·紫禁城诞生记 003 PART 02·紫禁城初模样 013 PART 03·作为国家行政中心的紫禁城 024 PART 04·后三宫与东西六宫 051 PART 05·紫禁城的建筑理念 064第二章 紫禁城里的帝王将相 073 PART 01·明朝的皇帝 075 PART 02·清朝鼎盛时期的皇帝 091 PART 03·晚清时期的紫禁城风云 103 PART 04·紫禁城的内臣外臣 111 PART 05·紫禁城的后宫春秋 118第三章 紫禁城起居录 131 PART 01·明皇宫起居录——《酌中志》 133 PART 02·紫禁城后宫的娱乐生活 138 PART 03·紫禁城里的“四库全书”馆——文渊阁 147 PART 04·紫禁城内的儒释道三教共存 151 PART 05·紫禁城里的西风东渐 160第四章 从皇宫到故宫 167 PART 01·中国古代建筑艺术之集大成者 169 PART 02·新纪元之艰难启程 173 PART 03·故宫文物南迁与太和殿前的华北日军受降仪式 177 PART 04·顶级博物馆之来日方长 182