本套书以“科普图画书”的形式,详尽地介绍中国古代在科学发现、技术发明、工程建设等方面的成就,共分为两辑。如果说第一辑的“四大发明”是比较独立具体地介绍某一项技术发明,那么第二辑则是比较全面系统地介绍了我国古代在某一技术领域的技术成果,主要包括纺织术、农耕术、营造术和制瓷术。本书以图文结合的方式讲述了我国古代纺织技术的起源与发展,介绍了蚕丝、毛纤维、棉花等几中常见纺织原料的加工与运用,重点展现了我国织造工具的改进对纺织技术发展的影响。In the form of a “popular science picture book”, this set of books introduces in detail ancient China’s achievements in scientific discoveries, technological inventions, and engineering constructions. If the “Four Great Inventions” in the first volume gave a relatively independent and detailed introduction to a technological invention, the second volume introduces the achievements of ancient China in a technical field in a comprehensive and systematic manner. These include farming, textile, porcelain and construction techniques.This book vividly describes the origin and development of ancient China’s textile technology through a combination of pictures and text. The processing and application of silk, wool fiber, cotton and other common textile raw materials are introduced, with the emphasis on how the improvement of tools impacted the development of textile technology.
纺织技术的灵感,来自一只投石索A slingshot inspired textile technology最早的线,竟是一根根植物纤维The earliest yarn came from plants蚕茧处理很关键Vital sericulture 抽丝剥茧不容易The daunting task of reeling纺纱成线,小蚕丝的大蜕变Transformation of silk into yarn棉花不是一种花Cotton is not a flower古人也穿羊绒衫Ancient people also wore cashmere旋转的魅力,纺纱的开始The magic of spinning小纺车,大发明Small spinning wheel, big invention技术升级,开启大纺车时代The era of the great wheel最早的织机是什么样的呢?What were the earliest looms like?古代使用时间最长的织机The loom in use longest in history颜料和染料是一样的吗?Are pigments and dyes the same?染坊,为生活多一份色彩Dyeing workshops add more color to life