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書城自編碼: 3908129
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→教材研究生/本科/专科教材
作者: 赵书虹
國際書號(ISBN): 9787568096096
出版社: 华中科技大学出版社
出版日期: 2023-09-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 305



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内 容 提 要本书从概念体系、基础理论,到旅游目的地管理的利益相关群体,再到旅游目的地的管理实践,建构起对旅游目的地管理的认知逻辑链条,以帮助读者逐步建立对旅游目的地管理的感知,并且通过案例来解读相关概念和方法的实际运用场景。本书在每章开头用思维导图呈现出该章知识强化点及各要点间的逻辑关系,便于读者对本书的全面掌握。此外,每章的学习目标和关键词(中英文对照) ,也在章节开头作了说明,便于使用本书的读者进行对照学习。AbstractThis book constructs the cognitive logic chain of tourism destination management from the concept system and basic theory to the stakeholders , and then to the management practice of tourism destination, so as to help readers gradually establish their perception of tourism destination management, and interpret the practical application scenarios of relevant concepts and methods through cases. At the beginning of each chapter, the knowledge strengthening points of this chapter and the logical relationship among the points are listed with a knowledge graph, so that readers can fully master the book. In addition, the learning objectives and technical words (in Chinese and English) of each chapter are also indicated at the beginning of the chapter, which is convenient for readers who use the book to learn by comparison.
Chapter 1 Introduction /001
1.1 Conceptual System of Tourism Destination Management /002
1.1.1 Tourism Destination /002
1.1.2 Tourism Destination System /004
1.1.3 Types of Tourism Destination /006
1.2 Theoretical System of TourismDestination Management /009
1.2.1 Place Theory /009
1.2.2 Tourism Destination Competitiveness Theory /013
1.2.3 Tourism Destination Life Cycle Theory /018
1.2.4 Criticism and Revision of Life Cycle Theory /022
1.3 The Significance of Tourism Destination Management /026
1.3.1 Call from the Social Needs /026
1.3.2 Call from the Environmental Needs /026
1.3.3 Call from the Cultural Needs /027
Chapter 2 The Community Management of Tourism
Destination /029
2.1 The Community Management Model and Experience of Tourism Destination /030
2.1.1 Community and Tourism Destination Community /031
2.1.2 Tourism Destination Community Management Model /033
2.1.3 Tourism Destination Community Management Experience /037
2.2 Promotion of Community Participation in Tourism Destination /041
2.2.1 Introduction /041
2.2.2 The Present Situation of Community Tourism Development in China /045
2.2.3 Countermeasures to Promote Effective Community Participation /047
Chapter 3 The Tourist Management of Tourism Destination /052
3.1 Motivation and Behavior of Tourists in Tourism Destination /053
3.1.1 Tourist Motivation /054
3.1.2 Tourist Behavior /057
3.2 Overview of Tourist Management in Tourism Destination /061
3.2.1 Origin and Development of Tourist Management /062
3.2.2 Current Situation of Tourist Management in Tourism Destination /063
3.3 Content of Tourist Management /065
3.3.1 Tourist Carrying Capacity Management /065
3.3.2 Tourist Experience Management /072
3.3.3 Tourist Uncivilized Behavior Management /075
3.3.4 Tourist Satisfaction Management /076
Chapter 4 Service Management of Tourism Destination /079
4.1 Management of Tourism Destination Service Enterprise /081
4.1.1 Definition of Management of Tourism Destination Service Enterprise /081
4.1.2 Main Content of Management of Tourism Destination Service Enterprise /081
4.1.3 Corporate Social Responsibility of Tourism Destination Service Enterprise /083
4.2 Service Quality Management of Tourism Destination /085
4.2.1 Service Quality /085
4.2.2 Service Quality Problems Recognition and Correction /086
4.2.3 Service Quality Measurement /088
4.2.4 Integrated Quality Management of Tourism Destination /089
4.3 Safety Management of Tourism Destination Services /092
4.3.1 Safety of Tourism Destination /092
4.3.2 Safety Precautions and Responses for Tourism Destination /094
4.3.3 Tourism Destination Crisis /097
4.3.4 Tourism Destination Crisis Management /100
Chapter 5 Tourism Destination Planning and
Development Management /104
5.1 Tourism Destination Planning and Management /105
5.1.1 Rural Tourism Destination Planning and Management /105
5.1.2 Urban Tourism Destination Planning and Management /109
5.1.3 Scenic Tourism Destination Planning and Management /111
5.2 Tourism Destination Development Management /114
5.2.1 Tourism Destination Project Planning /114
5.2.2 Tourism Destination Product Development /117
Chapter 6 Tourism Destination Marketing Management /124
6.1 Tourism Destination Marketing Strategy /125
6.1.1 Tourism Destination Marketing Overview /126
6.1.2 Theories of Tourism Destination Marketing /131
6.1.3 Strategy Design of Tourism Destination Marketing /134
6.2 Brand Management of Tourism Destination /150
6.2.1 Concept of Tourism Destination Brand /150
6.2.2 Marketing of Tourism Destination Brand /151
6.2.3 Management of Tourism Destination Brand /157
Chapter 7 Intelligent Management of Tourism Destination /166
7.1 Informatization Construction of Tourism Destination /167
7.1.1 Introduction of Tourism Destination Informatization /167
7.1.2 Informatization Management of Tourism Destination /170
7.1.3 Tourism Destination Information System /175
7.2 Intelligent Tourism /177
7.2.1 Introduction of Intelligent Tourism /177
7.2.2 Intelligent Tourism Destination /181
Chapter 8 Sustainable Development of Tourism Destination /186
8.1 Environment Management of Tourist Destination /188
8.1.1 Overview /188
8.1.2 Research Trend of Sustainable Tourism at Home and Abroad /189
8.1.3 Research Trend of Tourism Environment Management at
Home and Abroad /191
8.1.4 Sustainable Tourism and Tourism Destination Environment Management /192
8.1.5 Tourism Destination Environment Management Content /192
8.1.6 Environment Management Characteristics of Tourism Destination /195
8.1.7 Basic Functions of Tourism Environment Management /197
8.1.8 Ways to Achieve Tourism Destination Management /199
8.2 Tourism Destination Industry Management /201
8.2.1 Overview /201
8.2.2 Tourism Destination Industry System /208
8.2.3 Tourism Destination Industry Layout /215
8.2.4 Tourism Destination Industry Integration /223
8.2.5 Principles of Sustainable Development of the Tourism Destination Industry /226
8.3 Development Trend of Tourism Destination /233
8.3.1 Development of Tourism Destination in the New Era /233
8.3.2 Sustainable Development Paths for Tourism Destination /240
前言在东北财经大学萨里国际学院牵头组织的国内首批旅游管理类专业全英文教材编写工作中,我们有幸承担了《旅游目的地管理》这本教材的编写工作。选择全英文的方式出版教材,一是为了满足国内高校中外合作办学专业课程的全英文或者双语教学的要求,二是希望用我们的叙事手法向全世界讲好中国旅游发展故事,向全球传递中国旅游业发展方案和中国旅游管理智慧。本着这样的初衷,主编向兄弟院校发出邀请,最终由分别来自云南大学、东北财经大学、云南财经大学和上海商学院的四位教师组成了主创团队,经过近一年的共同努力,终于将书稿完成。本书由云南大学工商管理与旅游管理学院的赵书虹教授担任主编,东北财经大学旅游与酒店管理学院梁春媚副教授、云南财经大学旅游与酒店管理学院王静副教授、上海商学院酒店管理学院的钟喆鸣博士担任副主编。具体分工如下:赵书虹负责本书大纲设计和前言的撰写,正文第1章和第5章的编写,以及书稿整体的统稿工作;梁春媚负责正文第6章和第8章的编写工作;王静负责正文第2章和第3章的编写工作;钟喆鸣负责正文第4章和第7章的编写工作。在这耗时一年多的编写过程中,主创团队从教材大纲设计到样章编写,从初步合成书稿到按照出版社的要求一次次修订,克服了不能线下见面讨论以及日常繁重的教学科研任务及行政工作的困难,一次次的线上沟通,一次次的私信讨论,包括改标题、加思维导图、补充案例等,没有一位教师掉队,最终得以将书稿完成。感谢主创团队四位教师的精诚团结和倾情付出,感谢出版社编辑的认真编校,感谢东北财经大学萨里国际学院的牵头组织和鼎力支持。此外,同样感谢参与书稿思维导图制作、案例编写、资料收集等工作的云南大学工商管理与旅游管理学院硕士研究生杨雨婷、杨越琴,云南财经大学旅游与文化产业研究院硕士研究生孙蓉蓉、刘小琴,东北财经大学旅游与酒店管理学院硕士研究生陈建霞、李妍、冯仕佳。本书引用和借鉴了众多专家学者的研究成果,这些研究已经在参考文献部分罗列出来。如有遗漏,敬请谅解,在此一并感谢。尽管编者从事旅游管理专业教学科研多年,尽管我们在教材编写过程中用心撰写、认真修订,但水平有限,难免有错漏之处,还请多多批评指正。 赵书虹2023年1月PrefaceIn the compilation of the first batch of all?English textbooks for the major of tourism management in China, led by Surrey International Institute of Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, we had the honor to undertake the compilation of the book Tourism Destination Management. The book is published in English. First, it is aimed at Chinese?foreign cooperatively?run majors in domestic universities and meets the requirements of English or bilingual teaching of specialized courses. Second, it is hoped that we can tell the story of China??s tourism development to the whole world with our narrative technique, and pass on China??s tourism development program and China??s tourism management wisdom to the whole world. In line with this original intention, the editor?in?chief sent an invitation to peer colleges and universities, and finally four teachers from Yunnan University, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, Yunnan University of Finance and Economics and Shanghai Business School formed a creative team. After nearly one year??s joint efforts, the manuscript was finally completed.This book is edited by Professor Zhao Shuhong from School of Business and Tourism Management of Yunnan University, and written by Associate Professor Liang Chunmei from School of Tourism and Hotel Management of Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, Associate Professor Wang Jing from School of Tourism and Hotel Management of Yunnan University of Finance and Economics, and Dr. Zhong Zheming from School of Hotel Management of Shanghai Business School. The specific division of labor is as follows: Zhao Shuhong is in charge of Chapters 1 and 5, Liang Chunmei is in charge of Chapters 6 and 8; Wang Jing is in charge of Chapters 2 and 3; Zhong Zheming is in charge of Chapters 4 and 7, and Zhao Shuhong is in charge of writing the outline, preface and unified manuscript.In the process of writing for more than a year, from the book outline design to sample chapter writing, from preliminary synthesis of the manuscript to revision according to the requirements of the publishing house, the creative team overcame the difficulty of meeting, discussing offline, and overcome the difficulties of daily teaching and research tasks and heavy administrative work. Through repeated online communication and private message discussions, changing the title, adding mind maps, and supplementing cases, the manuscript was finished with no one left behind finally. I would like to thank the four teachers of the creative team for their sincere solidarity and dedication, the editors of the publishing house for their careful proofreading and guidance, the Surrey International Institute of Dongbei University of Finance and Economics for their leading organization and full support. I also give thanks to Yang Yuting and Yang Yueqin, the postgraduates of the School of Business and Tourism Management of Yunnan University,Sun Rongrong and Liu Xiaoqin, the postgraduates of the Tourism and Cultural Industry Research Institute of Yunnan University of Finance and Economics, and Chen Jianxia, Liyan and Feng Shijia, the postgraduates of the School of Tourism and Hotel Management in Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, who participated in the collection of manuscripts and unified formats.The book quotes and draws lessons from the research results of many experts and scholars, and has been listed in the reference section. If there are any omissions, thank you here. Although the author has been engaged in teaching and scientific research of tourism management major for many years, and although we have carefully written and revised the textbook in the process of compiling, the level is limited, and there are inevitably some mistakes and omissions. Please make more criticisms and corrections.Zhao ShuhongJanuary, 2023



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