Note on Pronouns xxxi
Notes on Contributors xxxiii
Introduction 1
1. The Mind in Motion: A Cognitive Reading of W.B. Yeats’s ‘Long-legged FIy’ 23
2. Relevance Across History 37
3. Relevance Theory and Kinesic Analysis in Don Quixote and Madame Bovary 55
4. Relevance Theory and the Effect of Literature on Beliefs: The Example of Injun Joe in Twain’s Adventures of Tom Sawyer 73
5. On the Borders of the Ostensive: Blushing in Edith Wharton’s The House of Mirth 93
6. ‘Invisible Guests’: Shared Contexts, Inference, and Poetic Truth in Heaney’s ‘Album V’ 111
7. ‘Look Again’, ‘Listen, Listen’, ‘Keep Looking’: Emergent Properties and Sensorimotor Imagining in Mary Oliver’s Poetry 129
8. The Lingering of the Literal in Some Poems of Emily Dickinson 149
9. Towards a Passing Theory of Literary Understanding 167
10. Relevance Theory and Literary Interpretation 185
Bibliography 205
Index of Names 217
Index of Concepts and Terms 219