Chapter One Understanding Public Speaking
1.1 What is public speaking?
1.1.1 Definition of public speaking
1.1.2 Characteristics of public speaking
1.1.3 Classifications of public speaking
1.1.4 The speech communication process
1.2 Why study public speaking?
1.2.1 The importance of public speaking
1.2.2 The value of studying public speaking
1.2.3 The benefits of mastering public speaking
1.3 What is successful public speaking?
1.3.1 The checklist for an effective speaker
1.3.2 Building an effective speech in 8 steps
1.3.3 Ways of reducing speaking anxieties
1.3.4 Analyzing and evaluating speeches
1.4 Extended exercises and resources
Chapter Two Planning a Speech
2.1 Selecting your topic
2.1.1 Choosing your topic
2.1.2 Types of topics
2.1.3 Narrowing down your topic
2.2 Supporting what you say
2.2.1 Descriptions
2.2.2 Definitions
2.2.3 Statistics
2.2.4 Examples
2.2.6 Comparison & contrast
2.2.7 Visual aids
2.3 Organizing the body of your speech
2.3.1 Determining the main points
2.3.2 Organizing the main points
2.3.3 Connecting the main points
2.4 Beginning and ending of your speech
2.4.1 Functions of an introduction
2.4.2 Strategies for making a good introduction
2.4.3 Functions of a conclusion
2.4.4 Strategies for making a good conclusion
2.5 Outlining your speech
2.5.1 Developing a preparation outline
2.5.2 Developing a delivery outline
2.6 Extended exercises and resources
Chapter Three Presenting a Speech
3.1 Using speech language
3.1.1 Using language accurately
3.1.2 Using language clearly
3.1.3 Using language concisely
3.1.4 Using language vividly
3.2 Delivering your speech
3.2.1 Physical delivery
3.2.2 Vocal delivery
1.3.2 Building an effective speech in 8 steps
The ways of building an effective speech are various and the following 8 steps have been proved to be effective in preparing successful speeches.
??Step 1 Analyze the audience and setting
Before you give the speech, you must know your audience well, that is, you should know your audience’s knowledge about the subject and their attitudes to the subject and know on what kind of occasion you’re going to give the speech. For example, if it is a funeral, you cannot tell jokes.
??Step 2 Select a topic and formulate a specific purpose
You’d better select the topic that you know a lot and you are interested in and adapt
it for a specific audience. You should narrow the topic down and serve for a specific
??Step 3 Gather information
After you have determined your topic, you need to go to the library or search on the Internet for the needed information. Without information you have nothing interesting or valuable to speak about.
??Step 4 Organize the information
After you have gathered the information, you should make it well organized. In other words, you need to put your content in the right place, that is, you need to know what can be used as the introduction, what’s the body and what’s the conclusion.
??Step 5 Mind the words used in the presentation
You need to use clear and concrete language to present the speech so the audience can grasp the information easily and with a minimum of confusion. Do remember, try your best to use less abstract words but common expressions, which can make your speech more understandable.
??Step 6 Practice the presentation out loudly
As we all know, practice makes perfect. Thus, you can rehearse your presentation before the mirror, or in front of your friends who can give you helpful feedback.
??Step 7 Apply effective delivery skills