Preface xxvi
Abbreviations xxix
PART I Preliminaries
1 The Domain of Morphology 3
2 Basic Concepts and Pre-generative Approaches 37
3 Early Generative Approaches 62
PART II The Morphology-Phonology Interface
4 Approaches to Allomorphy 99
5 Nonlinear Approaches to Morphology 133
PART III The Morphology-Syntax Interface
6 Later Generative Theories 177
7 Grammatical Relations 236
8 Compounds 309
9 Clitics 350
PART IV The Word in Generative Grammar
10 Bracketing Paradoxes 397
11 The Place of Morphology 423
Notes 460
References 479
Subject Index 495
Name Index 505
Language Index 510