数字化建筑设计.Category A: Architectural Design一等奖.First Prize003设有客运枢纽站的索尔塔瓦拉多功能社区中心俄罗斯圣彼得堡国立建筑大学Multifunctional Community Center with a Passenger Terminal in SortavalaSt. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Russia二等奖.Second Prize007圣彼得堡市库罗特尼区佩索赫尼村的火车站设计俄罗斯圣彼得堡国立建筑大学Design Project of the Railway Station in the Village of Pesochny in the Kurotny District of St.PetersburgSt. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Russia011城有园.垣无向——基于民族石刻艺术的铁路客运站设计郑州大学The City has a Garden, and the Walls have no Direction—The Design of the Railway Station Based on the Art of Ethnic Stone CarvingsZhengzhou University, China三等奖.Third Prize014乡村引线北京建筑大学Rural LeadBeijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, China017双循环下IOE长春建筑学院IOE under Double CirculationChangchun University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, China021丁丁旅行记——城市触媒视角下的布鲁塞尔Etterbeek火车站建筑与城市更新设计重庆交通大学The Adventures of Tintin—Architecture and Urban Renewal Design of Brussels Etterbeek Railway Station from the Perspective of Urban CatalystChongqing Jiaotong University, China025融与荣河北建筑工程学院Integration and ProsperityHebei University of Architecture, China029外贝加尔湖地区一体化设计俄罗斯莫斯科国立建筑大学Weave of TransbaikaliaMoscow State University of Civil Engineering, Russia033超级“C”元素天津城建大学Hyper-CTianjin Chengjian University, China036曲转流觞·源缕塞鸣中原工学院Improve the Enthusiasm for Using Space in Desert AreasZhongyuan University of Technology, China优秀奖.Honorable Mention040汀木长林.耦合共生——低碳导向下烔炀河火车站改造设计探索安徽建筑大学Coupling Symbiosis of Tingmu Long Forest—A Low Carbon-oriented Reconstruction Design of the Tongyang River Railway StationAnhui Jianzhu University, China044故驿新语——铜罐驿火车站片区更新改造设计重庆交通大学Renewal & Reconstruction Design of the Tongguanyi Railway Station AreaChongqing Jiaotong University, China048小酌“夷”情.乡旅融合视角下丝路沿线铁路的复兴——以武夷山市杜坝村为例福州大学The Revival of Railways along the Silk Road from the Perspective of Rural Tourism IntegrationFuzhou University, China052铁路促进发展俄罗斯莫斯科国立建筑大学Grow From RailMoscow State University of Civil Engineering, Russia