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書城自編碼: 3877160
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→教材研究生/本科/专科教材
作者: 王松良,[加]C.D.考德威尔
國際書號(ISBN): 9787030684158
出版社: 科学出版社
出版日期: 2021-06-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 407



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《农业生态学(第二版)》是“国家双语教学示范课程”配套教材,也是福建农林大学与加拿大戴尔豪斯大学(Dalhousie University)本科教育合作项目(2012年至今)的成果之一。  《农业生态学(第二版)》紧紧围绕“农业是把太阳光转变成人们健康、幸福生活的产业”这一在世界农业面临全面生态化转型背景下对“农业”的本质过程和根本目标的理解,把“农业生态学”定义为地球演化进入“人类世”的农业系统学科,它既是指导农业生态转型的一种科学,也是推进农业生态转型的一种实践,更是实现全球可持续的食品体系的一种社会运动。为此,《农业生态学(第二版)》主要介绍农业生态学的学科内涵、农业生态系统的基本过程及人为问题,以及可持续农业生产系统的构建与管理等内容。
ContentsPart Ⅰ Context of AgroecologyChapter 1 Agriculture and Its Anthropocentric Sciences 31.1 Introduction and the Anthropocene Era 31.2 What Are the “Hot” Issues in Agriculture and Food System? 51.3 Agriculture, Agricultural Sustainability, and Agroecology 61.4 Corn as a Symbol of Agroecology 14Chapter 2 Natural Ecosystems Versus Agroecosystems 172.1 Expanding Our Understanding of “Ecology” 172.2 Natural Versus Agricultural Ecosystems 192.3 Energy Flow and Matter Cycle in a Natural Ecosystem 222.4 Agroecosystems Harvest the Sun 242.5 Matter Cycle and Agroecosystems 252.6 Ecological Footprint 26Part Ⅱ Basics of AgroecosystemsChapter 3 Soils as the Basis for Cultivated Ecosystems 313.1 Introduction 323.2 Formation and Classification of Soils 323.3 Ecosystem Services Provided by Soils 333.4 Soil Characteristics 35Chapter 4 Water as the Basis for Cultivated Ecosystems 474.1 Water Resources in the Global Ecosystem 474.2 Water in Agroecosystems 504.3 Aspects of Water Management in Agroecosystems 54Chapter 5 Linking Agroecosystems to Food Systems 575.1 Food Systems in Association with Agroecosystem 575.2 Agroecological Transition: Making Money and Respecting the Environment 585.3 Concept of Sweet Spot 615.4 Educating Consumers with Agroecology 61Chapter 6 Agroecosystem Health and Services 636.1 What Is Ecosystem Health and How Does It Relate to Ecosystem Services? 646.2 Evaluating Agroecosystem Health and Services 71Part Ⅲ Digging Deeper into AgroecosystemsChapter 7 Agroecology and Hunger 797.1 Hunger Concepts and Definitions 807.2 Causes for Hunger 837.3 Green Revolutions 88Chapter 8 Wastes or Resources in Agroecosystems? 938.1 What Are Resources and Wastes in Agroecosystems? 948.2 Resources in Agroecosystems 958.3 Waste in Agroecosystems 968.4 Compost: Making It 988.5 Vermicomposting 1058.6 Agricultural Uses of Compost 105Chapter 9 Global Climate Change and Agriculture 1079.1 What Is the Evidence for Climate Change? 1079.2 What Is the Greenhouse Effect and How Is It Related to Climate Change? 1109.3 Other Greenhouse Gases 1149.4 Agriculture’s Contribution to the Greenhouse Gases and Global Climate Change 1169.5 Impacts of Global Climate Change on Agriculture 117Chapter 10 Agrobiodiversity and Agroecosystem Stability 12310.1 Biodiversity and Its Associated Ecosystem Services 12310.2 Biodiversity in Agroecosystems 12810.3 Regenerating Biodiversity in Agroecosystems 131Part Ⅳ Application of Agroecosystem ConceptsChapter 11 Domestication in Agricultural Systems 14111.1 Introduction 14111.2 Adaptations for Wild Species Versus Adaptations for Domesticated Species 14211.3 How Did Domestication Allow for an Increase in Human Population? 14411.4 Domestication and Evolution of Agriculture 14511.5 Is Animal Production Good for Humans and the Planet? 14611.6 Is Domestication Exploitation? 147Chapter 12 Animal Welfare: A Good Life for Animals 15112.1 Introduction 15112.2 Principal Animal Welfare Issues in Modern Animal Agriculture 15212.3 Animal Welfare: Observations and Research 15412.4 Scientific Research 15612.5 International Approaches to Implementation of Animal Welfare and Their Impacts 160Chapter 13 Forage-Based Production Systems 16313.1 Introduction 16313.2 Forages in Production Systems 16413.3 Beneficial Effects of Forages 16513.4 Harvesting and Storing Forage 16713.5 Forages in Rotations 168Chapter 14 Cereal-Based Cropping Systems 17114.1 Introduction: Why Are Seeds of Cereals So Great? 17114.2 Domestication and Adaptation of Cereals 17414.3 The Major Cereal Crops in the World 17514.4 Cropping Strategies with Cereals 17814.5 Strategies for Improving Cereal Crops to Meet Future Needs 179Chapter 15 Vegetable-Based Production Systems 18115.1 The Roles of Vegetable in Human Development 18115.2 Nutrient Deficiencies 18215.3 Socioeconomic Impact 18315.4 Classification Systems of Vegetables 18515.5 Vegetable-Based Production Systems 18715.6 Profit Versus Principle 189Chapter 16 Perennial Fruit and Nut Production Systems 19116.1 Perennial Woody Plants in Agroecosystems 19116.2 Economics and Health with Fruit and Nut Crops 19316.3 Growing Fruits and Nuts 19416.4 Biotechnology and the Papaya: A Case Study in Hawaii 19616.5 Almonds and Water: Case Study 19716.6 Agroforestry and Its Techniques 198Chapter 17 Aquaculture Production Systems 20117.1 Aquaculture Must Grow in the Twenty-first Century 20117.2 The Role of Aquaculture in Human Nutrition 20317.3 Methods and Energy Efficiency in Finfish Aquaculture 20417.4 Sustainability of Aquaculture: Global Perspective 208Chapter 18 Environmental Innovations in Urban Ecosystems 21118.1 Urbanization Impacts 21218.2 Is the City an Ecological System? 21518.3 Urban Ecosystem Services 21718.4 Water Management 22118.5 Agriculture/Urban Agriculture 22318.6 Planning for Urban Land-Use 226Part Ⅴ Agroecosystem Management: Issues, Problems and SolutionsChapter 19 Integrated Pest Manage



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