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『簡體書』Interchangeability and Measurement Technology(郭玉琴)(互换性与测量技术)

書城自編碼: 3875751
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→工業技術電工技術
作者: 郭玉琴、刘晨曦、王宏宇 编
國際書號(ISBN): 9787122426260
出版社: 化学工业出版社
出版日期: 2023-07-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 449



** 我創建的書架 **

本书根据高等教育国际化相关要求,为满足“互换性与测量技术”课程双语教学和留学生英文授课需要而编写,系统介绍了互换性与测量技术的基本概念、相关标准的构成、基本内容及具体规定,并提供在线课程。同时,每章均给出教学目标、综合性教学案例剖析,并附有知识脉络图、思考/练习题、重点术语及定义。本书可作为高等学校机械类相关专业双语教学或全英文授课的教材或参考书,也可供相关工程技术人员参考。This book is compliled to meet the needs of bilingual and English teaching of the “Interchangeability and Measurement Technology”course for international students,according to the requirements of the internationalization of higher education.In this book,the fundamental concepts of interchangeability and measurement technology,as well as the basic content and specific regulations of the relevant standards are systematically introduced.And the corresponding online open course is also provided.Meanwhile,teaching objectives,analysis of comprehensive teaching cases,knowledge frame diagram,questions and exercises,and definitions for key terms are given in each chapter.This book can simultaneously serve as the textbook of bilingual and English teaching for mechanical related majors as well as reference book for concerned engineers and technicians.
Chapter 1 Introduction 001
1.1 Interchangeability and Tolerance 002
1.2 Standards and Standardization 004
1.3 Series of Preferred Numbers 005
1.4 Overview of Geometric Parameters Detection 007
1.5 Properties and Objectives of the Course 009
Questions and Exercises 010
Definitions for Key Terms 011
Chapter 2 Limits and Fits of Shaft and Hole 012
2.1 Introduction 013
2.2 Basic Terms and Definitions 014
2.2.1 Terms and Definitions of Size 014
2.2.2 Terms and Definitions of Deviation and Tolerance 015
2.2.3 Terms and Definitions of Fit 018
2.2.4 Fit System 020
2.3 Limits and Fits of Common Size 021
2.3.1 Standard Tolerance Series 021
2.3.2 Fundamental Deviation Series 023
2.3.3 Indication of the Limits and Fits on Engineering Drawing 031
2.3.4 Recommended Tolerance Zones of Hole/Shaft and Fits 031
2.4 Limits and Fits of Large Size Hole/Shaft 034
2.5 General Tolerance for Linear Sizes without Individual Tolerance Indication 036
2.6 Size Accuracy Design 037
2.6.1 Basic Principles and Methods 037
2.6.2 Selection of Fit System 037
2.6.3 Selection of Standard Tolerance Grade 040
2.6.4 Selection of Fit Type 041
2.6.5 Example for Size Accuracy Design 046
Project Ⅰ:Size Measurement 048
Questions and Exercises 049
Definitions for Key Terms 051
Chapter 3 Geometrical Tolerance and Error Measurement 053
3.1 Introduction 054
3.2 Geometrical Features and Characteristics of Geometrical Tolerances 054
3.2.1 Geometrical Features and Their Classifications 054
3.2.2 Characteristics and Symbols of Geometrical Tolerances 056
3.3 Indication of Geometrical Tolerance on Engineering Drawing 057
3.3.1 Geometrical Tolerance Frame and Datum Symbol 057
3.3.2 Indication of Measured Features 058
3.3.3 Indication of Datum 060
3.3.4 Simplified Indication Methods 061
3.4 Geometrical Tolerance Zone 062
3.4.1 Fundamental Characteristics of Geometrical Tolerance Zone 062
3.4.2 Datum 063
3.4.3 Form Tolerance Zone 066
3.4.4 Orientation Tolerance Zone 068
3.4.5 Location Tolerance Zone 073
3.4.6 Profile Tolerance Zone 077
3.4.7 Runout Tolerance Zone 079
3.5 Tolerance Principles 081
3.5.1 Terms and Definitions about Tolerance Principle 082
3.5.2 Independence Principle 085
3.5.3 Envelope Requirement 087
3.5.4 Maximum Material Requirement 089
3.5.5 Least Material Requirement 096
3.6 Geometrical Accuracy Design 099
3.6.1 Selection of Geometrical Tolerance Characteristics and Datum 100
3.6.2 Selection of Tolerance Principle 101
3.6.3 Selection of Geometrical Tolerance Value 103
3.6.4 Example for Geometrical Accuracy Design 107
ProjectⅡ:Measurement of Geometrical Deviations 109
Questions and Exercises 110
Definitions for Key Terms 113
Chapter 4 Surface Roughness and Its Measurement 116
4.1 Introduction 117
4.1.1 Definition of Surface Roughness Profile 117
4.1.2 Effect of Surface Roughness on Performance and Fit Quality 118
4.2 Evaluation Parameters of Surface Roughness 120
4.2.1 Basic Terms and Definitions 120
4.2.2 Definitions of Evaluation Parameters 122
4.3 Selection of Surface Roughness Parameter and Its Value 124
4.4 Indications of Surface Texture Requirements on Engineering Drawing 128
4.5 Measurement of Surface Roughness 133
Project Ⅲ:Measurement of Maximum Height of Profile 138
Questions and Exercises 138
Definitions for Key Terms 139
Chapter 5 Tolerance and Measurement of Involute Cylindrical Gear 141
5.1 Introduction 142
5.2 Operating Requirements for Gear Drive 143
5.3 Main Influence Factors on Gear Drive Error 144
5.4 Evaluation Parameters of Involute Cylindrical Gear and Their Measurement 149
5.4.1 Evaluation Parameters of Transfer Motion Accuracy and Their Measurement 149
5.4.2 Evaluation Parameters of Drive Stability and Their Measurement 156
5.4.3 Evaluation Parameters of Load Distribution Uniformity and Their Measurement 159
5.4.4 Evaluation Parameters of Backlash and Their Measurement 162
5.5 Accuracy Design of Involute Cylindrical Gear 165
5.5.1 Accuracy Grades and Indication on Engineering Drawing 165
5.5.2 Limit Deviations of Backlash Parameters 166
5.5.3 Tolerance of Gear Blank 169
5.5.4 Tolerance of Gear Pair 170
Project Ⅳ:Measurement of Involute Cylindrical Gear 172
Questions and Exercises 173
Definitions for Key Terms 174
Chapter 6 Tolerance and Measurement of Typical Parts 176
6.1 Tolerance and Fit of Rolling Bearing 177
6.1.1 Tolerance Grades of Rolling Bearing and Application 177
6.1.2 Tolerance Zone and Characteristic of Rolling Bearing 178
6.1.3 Rolling Bearing Fit 179
6.2 Tolerance,Fit and Measurement of Key and Spline 184
6.2.1 Tolerance,Fit and Measurement of Flat Key Connection 184
6.2.2 Tolerance,Fit and Measurement of Rectangle Spline Connection 189
6.3 Tolerance,Fit and Measurement of Common Thread 193
6.3.1 Basic Geometrical Parameters of Common Thread 194
6.3.2 Tolerance and Fit of Common Thread 194
6.3.3 Measurement of Common Thread 198
6.4 Tolerance,Fit and Measurement of Cone 199
6.4.1 Basic Terms of Cone Tolerance and Fit 200
6.4.2 Cone Tolerance Features and Their Selection 202
6.4.3 Measurement of Cone 203
Questions and Exercises 204
Definitions for Key Terms 205
References 207
The course “Interchangeability and Measurement Technology”,also named as“Tolerance and Measurement Technology”,is an important fundamental course to the students majored in engineering and acts as a bridge between the design courses and the manufacturing courses.The purpose of compiling this book by Jiangsu University teaching team is to meet the needs of bilingual teaching for Chinese students as well as the needs of English teaching for international students,in accordance with the requirements related to the internationalization of higher education.This book is a construction achievement of national first-class undergraduate major.
Considering the main difficulties,i.e.,① great variations in basic education levels among international students from different countries and regions,② shortage of English teaching resources for this course,③ imbalance in the quality of faculty,④ barriers in implementing advanced teaching methods,this book will be integrated with the related teaching material in Chinese and the operating bilingual online open course by QR codes.Its main features include:① the QR codes linked to the bilingual online open course are introduced to maximize the benefits of high-quality teaching resources for students,② “special module”,i.e.,teaching objectives and knowledge frame diagrams,questions and exercises,and definitions for key terms,are given in each chapter to encourage students to learn independently and gain key knowledge
points,③ plenty of practical production cases,comprehensive teaching cases,as well as experimental contents in a project-oriented form are provided to improve the engineering practical ability of students.
This book is co-edited by Yuqin Guo,Chenxi Liu and Hongyu Wang.Among them,Guo is mainly responsible for Chapters 4 and 6.Wang is mainly responsible for Chapter 1.And Liu is mainly responsible for the rest Chapters.Shanghai Excellence Ruixin Digital Technology Co.,Ltd.is responsible for producing all the QR codes that are linked to the online open courses.This book is also attributed to the efforts of other colleagues.They are Weiping Mao,Bo Wu,Guiling Liu,Guodong Ren,Zhi Wang,Hongbing Xu and Tao Ge.Also,this book is honored to receive special support from Jiangsu University (Academic Affairs Office,School of Mechanical Engineering). Kai Xue,a Quality Assurance Engineer of Stellantis Company (Canada),roofreaded throughout this book.Here,we would like to express our heartfelt thanks.
Due to the limitations of our knowledge,some potential mistakes are inevitable in this book.It would be much appreciated if you could provide with any valuable comments.



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