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書城自編碼: 3872357
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→教材研究生/本科/专科教材
作者: 刘陈艳
國際書號(ISBN): 9787300316642
出版社: 中国人民大学出版社
出版日期: 2023-05-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 199



** 我創建的書架 **

本教材系统梳理传统文化资源,结合有关的神话故事、历史故事及名人轶事等,挖掘那些跨越时空、超越国度、富有永恒魅力,具有当代价值的文化精神的话题,形成了八章内容:章 炎黄故里 晋国传奇、第二章 佛教圣地 匠心守护 、第三章 边塞风情 巾帼担当、第四章 一代晋商 诚信义利 、第五章 华夏之根 文明开端、第六章 武圣关帝 春秋大义、第七章 太行神韵 震古铄今 、第八章 黄河母亲 大禹丰功。每个章节包括A、B、C三节内容,A篇课文是一篇说明文,介绍本文化特色区的历史渊源、文化遗产等。B篇课文是一篇记叙文,是该文化区的历史故事、神话传说或名人轶事。C篇课文为补充阅读,大多数是与耳熟能详的诗词、歌曲。课文后面的练习以“产出导向法”为理论基础进行编写,突出“学用结合”,得到文秋芳“产出导向法”云教研共同体的指导。
Chapter 1 The Birthplace of China’s 5,000-year Civilization
Section A Cultural Treasure
Shanxi—the Birthplace of China’s 5,000-year Civilization
Section B Story Sharing
Chinese Idioms of Jin State
Section C Extended Reading
Traditional Festivals in Tang Poems
Chapter 2 Frontier Fortress Culture
Section A Cultural Treasure
Frontier Fortresses: A Bond of Warfare and Peace
Section B Story Sharing
Mu Guiying—The Female General of the Yang Family
Section C Extended Reading
A Frontier Poet and His Poems at High Tang
Chapter 3 Shanxi Merchants
Section A Cultural Treasure
Shanxi Merchants—500 Years’ Glory in Business
Section B Story Sharing
Qiao Zhiyong—A Distinguished Shanxi Merchant
Section C Extended Reading
A Song—Go out West (Version 1)
Chapter 4 Ancestral Root Culture
Section A Cultural Treasure
Southern Shanxi—Roots of Chinese Civilization
Section B Story Sharing
Emperor Yellow Tackling Chiyou
Chapter 5 Guangong Culture
Section A Cultural Treasure
Guan Yu—The Saint of War
Section B Story Sharing
Guan Yu Abandoning Rank and Wealth
Section C Extended Reading
Guan Yu in Two-part Allegorical Sayings
Chapter 6 Taihang Culture
Section A Cultural Treasure
Colorful Taihang
Section B Story Sharing
Ancient Myths in Taihang
Section C Extended Reading
Chapter 7 The Yellow River Culture
Section A Cultural Treasure
The Long-standing Yellow River Culture in Shanxi
Section B Story Sharing
Yu the Great Conquering the Floodwater
Section C Extended Reading
Chapter 8 World Heritage Sites
Section A Cultural Treasure
Unique Cultural Landmarks
Section B Story Sharing
Liang and Lin’s Joint Expedition in Shanxi
Section C Extended Reading
Datong: City of Diverse Cultures
Chapter 1 The Birthplace of China‘s 5,000-year Civilization
Angel, an international student, checked the website of School of International Education (SIE) for the latest updates on the short 3-day Tomb-Sweeping Day, the occasion used by Chinese people to commemorate their ancestors. She is interested in learning more about this and sent a (voice) message to the office of SIE to inquire more.
As an Assistant Manager in SIE, you have been tasked with writing a letter to her. In your letter, you should cover the following topics in English: 1) customs of Tomb-Sweeping Day in your hometown; 2) the origin of Tomb-Sweeping Day; 3) the social background of Shanxi province in that period. You will be able to complete the task after studying the unit.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to:
? understand the province’s impor tance in agriculture society and China’s civilization development by identifying the location, the historical sites, and historical origins of Shanxi province;
? tell stories about idioms derived from the state of Jin with correct cohesive devices, analyzing the effect of cultural background of local people on their interpreting faithfulness and filial piety;
? reply an email to talk about the customs and related activities of Tomb-Sweeping Day with reference to legends of Jie Zitui, enhancing the understanding of Chinese traditions and virtues.
Section A Cultural Treasure
Task 1
Shanxi is renowned for being the birthplace of China’s ancient civilization that has spanned 5,000 years. The accompanying images showcase several notable historical landmarks located in Shanxi. Please select a picture and enlighten your peers with your knowledge about its history, location, or other noteworthy features.
Task 2
Talk about the other historical sites in Shanxi province.
Shanxi?Dthe Birthplace of Chinas 5,000-year Civi



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