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書城自編碼: 3871884
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→管理一般管理學
作者: 樊茗玥,王丽敏,[克罗地亚]德拉加纳·奥斯
國際書號(ISBN): 9787030723628
出版社: 科学出版社
出版日期: 2023-05-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 556



** 我創建的書架 **

ContentsPlan: Strategic ManagementChapter1 The Talent Management Plan of Siensol Environment Protection Industry Group 31.1 troduction 31.2 From “Organization Inventory” to “Talent Inventory Clarifying the Thinking on Strategic Talent 41.3 Building a Talent Pool and Drawing a “Talent Map” 51.4 Attaching Importance to Cultivation and Building a “Power Engine” 61.5 Breaking the Rules, Introducing Competitions, and, Finally,Creating the Catfish Effect 7Chapter2 Can Qianzhiguan Tea Turn the Corner in the Context of he “Internet Plus” Agriculture 92.1 Introduction 92.2 Local Industry Efforts: Arduous and Lengthy 102.3 First Light of Morning 122.4 Slowly But Surely 142.5 One Small Shift Can Yield Significant Results 202.6 The Road to the Future 23Chapter3 Brand Marketing of Geographical Indication Products in injiang Tianxiaxiang 253.1 Introduction 253.2 GI Product Marketing Issues 263.3 Explaining the Path to Success for Tianxiaxiang 273.4 Future Developments 303.5 Suggestions for “Xinjiang Melon and Fruit, Famous All Over the World” 31Chapter4 TikTok: How a Chinese Short Video App Became a Successful Global Brand 334.1 Introduction 34.2 The Rise of ByteDance 344.3 Marketing Promotion 394.4 Artificial Intelligence Technology 414.5 Meeting the Needs of Users 424.6 Future Developments 434.7 Conclusion 44References 44Organization:EntrepreneurshipChapter5 Chasing the Dream: Canwangda9s Cross-Border E-Commerce Journey 495.1 Introduction 495.2 Refining Ideas, Targeting Cross-Border E-Commerce 495.3 Reducing Costs and Improving Quality 515.4 Conclusion 53Chapter6 Can Small Earthworms Bring Big Entrepreneurial Opportunities 556.1 Introduction 556.2 Company Profile 576.3 The State of Agricultural Production 586.4 Entrepreneurial Inspiration 586.5 Product Test 596.6 Building an Ecological Chain of Large Agricultural Industries 61Chapter7 Big Data Entrepreneurship in Healthcare 637.1 Introduction 637.2 What Kind of Health Experience Do Patients Need/Get? 647.3 Entrepreneurial Inspiration 657.4 Entrepreneurial Plan 667.5 The First Stage of Implementation 687.6 The Second Stage of Implementation 707.7 Conclusion 71Leadership:Humanistic ManagementChapter8 A Great Florist: The Initial Heart of the Founder of the Dongxin International Flower Company 758.1 Introduction 758.2 Developing a Love for Flowers 758.3 Dropping the “Iron Rice Bowl” 778.4 Explorations and Innovations 778.5 Technology Promotes Flower Development 788.6 Original Mission Creates a Future 80Chapter9 Person and Job Matching in the Newly Established Department of a New Energy Power Company 819.1 Introduction 819.2 Data Management Reform in the FSSC of the NP Company 859.3 Position Setting in the FSSC 879.4 Human Resources Management Challenges Faced by the 89Control:Information ManagementChapter10 Information Management of Adverse Events Across Multi-Disciplinary Hospital Teams 9510.1 Introuction 9510.2 Decision to Design and Develop an Independent Adverse Events System 9710.3 Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technology to Improve System Functions 99Chapter11 “Smart Brain” Installation for a Follow-up System for Patients 10111.1 Introduction 10211.2.Summary of Options 10311.3.The Spark ftat Solves the Problem 10311.4.Further Development 105Chapter12 A Smart Internet Hospital: Building the AHJU Internet Hospital 10712.1 Introduction 10712.2 Backgromd 10812.3 Project Reqdrements 11012.4 Overall Project Design 11312.5 Detailed Design of the Subsystem 11512.6 Project Implementation 11812.7 Project Staging Plm 120Innovation:Organizational Innovation ManagementChapter13 JD’s Strategic Cross-Border Expansion: Offering Retail as the Strategy Solution Abroad 12313.1 Intoduction 123132 Compmy Profile 12513.3 The Rise of fte Comply 12713.4 Next Steps 131References 131Chapter14 Operations of the TV Series Hua Qian Gu 133141 Intoduction 13314.2 Before Production —“Make the Cocoon into a Butterfly” 13414.3 In Production—Audience “fUll Participation in National Production” 13414.4 After Production—Parallel Management 13614.5 The Way to Success 138References 139Chapter15 Xiaomi Mobile Phone’s “Social Manufacturing\Journey 14115.1 Introduction 14115.2 Focus on User Experience and Complete Crowdsourcing Mode 14215.3 Methods of Parallel Management 14415.4 Cons^ers Transfom hto m “R&D Team” 14515.5 The Road to Success 146References 147Teaching Notes for Management Case SamplesChapter 16 Teaching Note for the Smart Internet Hospital Case:The Building Process of the AHJU Internet Hospital 15116.1 Teaching Obj ectives 15116 2 Discussion Points 15216.3 Analysis Ideas 15216.4 Theoretical Basis and Analysis 15416.5 Teaching PIaan 163Chapter17 Teaching Note for the Case of Person and Job Matching in the Newly Established Department of a New Energy Power Company 16717.1 Teaching Objectives 16717.2 Discussion Points 16817.3 Analysis Ideas 16817.4 Class Discussion 16917.5 Tea



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