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書城自編碼: 3851155
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→醫學內科學
作者: Edward J. Wing, Fred J. Schiff
國際書號(ISBN): 9787565927799
出版社: 北京大学医学出版社有限公司
出版日期: 2023-03-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 1520



** 我創建的書架 **

Concise internal medicine information in a manageable format, from the name you trust.
Known for its concise, easy-to-read writing style and comprehensive coverage, Cecil Essentials of Medicine has been a favorite of students, residents, and instructors through nine outstanding editions. This revised 10th edition continues the tradition of excellence with a focus on high-yield core knowledge of key importance to anyone entering or established in the field of internal medicine. Fully revis
SECTION I Introduction to Medicine
1 Introduction to Medicine, 2
Edward J. Wing, Fred J. Schiffman
SECTION II Cardiovascular Disease
2 Structure and Function of the Normal Heart and Blood Vessels, 4
Nicole L. Lohr, Ivor J. Benjamin
3 Evaluation of the Patient With Cardiovascular Disease, 10
James Kleczka, Noura M. Dabbouseh
4 Diagnostic Tests and Procedures in the Patient With Cardiovascular Disease, 24
Esseim Sharma, Alan R. Morrison
5 Heart Failure and Cardiomyopathy, 43
Daniel J. Levine, Hyeon-Ju Ryoo Ali, Rayan Yousefzai
6 Congenital Heart Disease, 55
Scott Cohen, Michael G. Earing
7 Valvular Heart Disease, 64
Christopher Song
8 Coronary Heart Disease, 77
David E. Lewandowski, Michael P. Cinquegrani
9 Cardiac Arrhythmias, 99
Marcie G. Berger, Jason C. Rubenstein, James A. Roth
10 Pericardial and Myocardial Disease, 123
Jennifer L. Strande, Panayotis Fasseas
11 Other Cardiac Topics, 131
Jinnette Dawn Abbott, Sena Kilic
12 Vascular Diseases and Hypertension, 139
Thomas Sperry, Wanpen Vongpatanasin
SECTION III Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
13 Lung in Health and Disease, 162
Sharon Rounds, Debasree Banerjee, Eric J. Gartman
14 General Approach to Patients With Respiratory Disorders, 165
Michael Raymond Goggins, Brian Casserly, Eric J. Gartman
15 Evaluating Lung Structure and Function, 169
Patrick Koo, F. Dennis McCool, Jigme Michael Sethi
16 Obstructive Lung Diseases, 185
Zoe G.S. Vazquez, Matthew D. Jankowich, Debasree Banerjee
17 Interstitial Lung Diseases, 199
Abhinav Kumar Misra, Matthew D. Jankowich, Barry S. Shea
18 Pulmonary Vascular Diseases, 216
Christopher J. Mullin, James R. Klinger
19 Disorders of the Pleura, Mediastinum, and Chest Wall, 221
Eric J. Gartman, F. Dennis McCool
20 Respiratory Failure, 227
Andrew E. Foderaro, Abhinav Kumar Misra
21 Transitions in Care From Pediatric to Adult Providers for Individuals With Pulmonary Disease, 234
Kate E. Powers, Debasree Banerjee, Robin L. McKinney
SECTION IV Preoperative and Postoperative Care
22 Preoperative and Postoperative Care, 240
Kim A. Eagle, Kwame Dapaah-Afriyie, Arkadiy Finn
SECTION V Renal Disease
23 Renal Structure and Function, 251
Orson W. Moe, Javier A. Neyra
24 Approach to the Patient With Renal Disease, 258
Rajiv Agarwal
25 Fluid and Electrolyte Disorders, 268
Biff F. Palmer
26 Glomerular Diseases, 282
Sanjeev Sethi, An S. De Vriese, Fernando C. Fervenza
27 Major Nonglomerular Disorders of the Kidney, 298
Nilum Rajora, Shani Shastri, Pooja Koolwal, Ramesh Saxena
28 Vascular Disorders of the Kidney, 312
Abdallah Geara, Jeffrey S. Berns
29 Acute Kidney Injury, 324
Mark A. Perazella, Jeffrey M. Turner
30 Chronic Kidney Disease, 334
T. Alp Ikizler, Anna Marie Burgner, Beatrice P. Concepcion
SECTION VI Gastrointestinal Disease
31 Common Clinical Manifestations of Gastrointestinal Disease: Abdominal Pain, 343
Charles M. Bliss, Jr.
32 Common Clinical Manifestations of Gastrointestinal Disease: Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage, 347
Waihong Chung, Abbas Rupawala
33 Common Clinical Manifestations of Gastrointestinal Disease: Malabsorption, 351
Brisas M. Flores, Sharmeel K. Wasan
34 Common Clinical Manifestations of Gastrointestinal Disease: Diarrhea, 358
Ronan Farrell, Sean Fine
35 Endoscopic and Imaging Procedures, 363
Andrew Canakis, Christopher S. Huang
36 Esophageal Disorders, 370
Harlan Rich, Zilla Hussain, Neal D. Dharmadhikari
37 Diseases of the Stomach and Duodenum, 379
Alma M. Guerrero Bready, Akwi W. Asombang, Steven F. Moss
38 Inflammatory Bowel Disease, 392
Talha A. Malik, Michael F. Picco, Francis A. Farraye
39 Diseases of the Pancreas, 402
David R. Lichtenstein, Pushpak Taunk
SECTION VII Diseases of the Liver and Biliary System
40 Laboratory Tests in Liver Diseases, 417
Michael B. Fallon, Ester Little
41 Jaundice, 420
Mohanad T. Al-Qaisi, Mashal Batheja, Michael B. Fallon
42 Acute and Chronic Hepatitis, 426
Nayan M. Patel, Jen Jung Pan, Michael B. Fallon
43 Acute Liver Failure, 434
Anil Seetharam, Michael B. Fallon
44 Cirrhosis of the Liver and Its Complications, 437
Shivang Mehta, Michael B. Fallon
45 Disorders of the Gallbladder and Biliary Tract, 448
Stacie A. F. Vela, Michael B. Fallon
SECTION VIII Hematologic Disease
46 Hematopoiesis and Hematopoietic Failure, 457
Eunice S. Wang, Nancy Berliner
47 Clonal Disorders of the Hematopoietic Stem Cell, 470
Eunice S. Wang, Nancy Berliner
48 Disorders of Red Blood Cells, 489
Ellice Wong, Michal G. Rose, Nancy Berliner
49 Clinical Disorders of Granulocytes and Monocytes, 501
Ellice Wong, Michal G. Rose, Nancy Berliner
50 Disorders of Lymphocytes, 506
Iris Isufi, Stuart Seropian
51 Normal Hemostasis, 522
Lauren Shevell, Alfred I. Lee
52 Disorders of Hemostasis: Bleeding, 530
Aric Parnes
53 Disorders of Hemostasis: Thrombosis, 550
Rebecca Zon, Nathan T. Connell
SECTION IX Oncologic Disease
54 Cancer Biology, 563
Andre De Souza, Wafik S. El-Deiry
55 Cancer Epidemiology, 571
Gary H. Lyman, Nicole M. Kuderer
56 Principles of Cancer Therapy, 577
Davendra P.S. Sohal, Alok A. Khorana
57 Lung Cancer, 583
Zoe G.S. Vazquez, Jason M. Aliotta, Christopher G. Azzoli
58 Gastrointestinal Cancers, 589
Khaldoun Almhanna
59 Genitourinary Cancers, 595
Andre De Souza, Benedito A. Carneiro, Anthony Mega, Timothy Gilligan
60 Breast Cancer, 601
Mary Anne Fenton, Rochelle Strenger
61 Gynecological Cancer, 607
Christina Bandera, Tarra B. Evans, Don Dizon
62 Other Solid Tumors (Head and Neck, Sarcomas, Melanoma, Unknown Primary), 615
Christopher G. Azzoli, Ariel E. Birnbaum, Maria Constantinou, Thomas A. Ollila
63 Complications of Cancer and Cancer Treatment, 620
Pamela Egan, Ari Pelcovits, John Reagan
SECTION X Endocrine Disease and Metabolic Disease
64 Hypothalamic-Pituitary Axis, 626
Diana Maas, Jenna Sarvaideo
65 Thyroid Gland, 635
Theodore C. Friedman
66 Adrenal Gland, 645
Theodore C. Friedman
67 Male Reproductive Endocrinology, 657
Glenn D. Braunstein
68 Diabetes Mellitus, Hypoglycemia, 662
Robert J. Smith
69 Obesity, 678
Osama Hamdy, Marwa Al-Badri
70 Malnutrition, Nutritional Assessment, and Nutritional Support in Adult Patients, 686
Thomas R. Ziegler
71 Disorders of Lipid Metabolism, 692
Russell Bratman, Geetha Gopalakrishnan
SECTION XI Women’s Health
72 Women’s Health Topics, 701
Vidya Gopinath, Yael Tarshish, Kelly McGarry
SECTION XII Men’s Health
73 Men’s Health Topics, 714
Niels V. Johnsen, Douglas F. Milam, Joseph A. Smith, Jr.
SECTION XIII Diseases of Bone and Bone Mineral
74 Normal Physiology of Bone and Mineral Homeostasis, 729
Clemens Bergwitz, John J. Wysolmerski
75 Disorders of Serum Minerals, 739
Emily M. Stein, Yi Liu, Elizabeth Shane
76 Metabolic Bone Diseases, 748
Marcella D. Walker, Thomas J. Weber
77 Osteoporosis, 757
Susan L. Greenspan, Mary P. Kotlarczyk
SECTION XIV Musculoskeletal and Connective Tissue Disease
78 Approach to the Patient With Rheumatic Disease, 767
Niveditha Mohan
79 Rheumatoid Arthritis, 771
Larry W. Moreland, Rayford R. June
80 Spondyloarthritis, 778
Douglas W. Lienesch
81 Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, 783
Sonia Manocha, Tanmayee Bichile, Susan Manzi
82 Systemic Sclerosis, 794
Anna Papazoglou, Robyn T. Domsic
83 Systemic Vasculitis, 801
Kimberly P. Liang, Kelly V. Liang
84 Crystal Arthropathies, 807
Pooja Bhadbhade, Ghaith Noaiseh
85 Osteoarthritis, 813
Joanne S. Cunha, Zuhal Arzomand, Philip Tsoukas
86 Nonarticular Soft Tissue Disorders, 818
Niveditha Mohan
87 Rheumatic Manifestations of Systemic Disorders and Sj?gren’s Syndrome, 822
Andreea Coca, Ghaith Noaiseh
SECTION XV Infectious Disease
88 Host Defenses Against Infection, 830
Richard Bungiro, Edward J. Wing
89 Laboratory Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases, 842
Kimberle Chapin
90 Fever and Febrile Syndromes, 848
Maria D. Mileno
91 Bacteremia and Sepsis, 858
Russell J. McCulloh, Steven M. Opal
92 Infections of the Central Nervous System, 865
Su N. Aung, Allan R. Tunkel
93 Infections of the Head and Neck, 882
David Kim, Roberto Cortez, Tareq Kheirbek
94 Infections of the Lower Respiratory Tract, 887
John R. Lonks, Edward J. Wing
95 Infections of the Heart and Blood Vessels, 895
Raul Macias Gil, Cheston B. Cunha
96 Acute Bacterial Skin and Skin Structure Infections, 903
Sajeev Handa
97 Intraabdominal Infections, 910
Eric Benoit
98 Infectious Diarrhea, 916
Awewura Kwara
99 Infections Involving Bone and Joints, 922
Jerome Larkin
100 Urinary Tract Infections, 925
Abdullah Chahin, Steven M. Opal
101 Health Care–Associated Infections, 929
Paul G. Jacob, Thomas R. Talbot
102 Sexually Transmitted Infections, 935
Philip A. Chan, Susan Cu-Uvin
103 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection, 944
Joseph Metmowlee Garland, Timothy Flanigan, Edward J. Wing
104 Infections in the Immunocompromised Host, 963
Dimitrios Farmakiotis, Ralph Rogers
105 Infectious Diseases of Travelers: Protozoal and Helminthic Infections, 973
Jessica E. Johnson, Rebecca Reece
SECTION XVI Neurologic Disease
106 Neurologic Evaluation of the Patient, 981
Frederick J. Marshall
107 Disorders of Consciousness, 986
Leah Dickstein, Paul M. Vespa
108 Disorders of Sleep, 992
Sagarika Nallu, Selim R. Benbadis
109 Cortical Syndromes, 997
Sinéad M. Murphy, Timothy J. Counihan
110 Dementia and Memory Disturbances, 1001
Frederick J. Marshall
111 Major Disorders of Mood, Thoughts, and Behavior, 1007
Jeffrey M. Lyness, Jennifer H. Richman
112 Autonomic Nervous System Disorders, 1013
William P. Cheshire, Jr.
113 Headache, Neck and Back Pain, and Cranial Neuralgias, 1017
Shane Lyons, Timothy J. Counihan
114 Disorders of Vision and Hearing, 1025
Eavan Mc Govern, Timothy J. Counihan
115 Dizziness and Vertigo, 1033
Jonathan Cahill
116 Disorders of the Motor System, 1037
Ruth B. Schneider, Adolfo Ramirez-Zamora, Christopher G. Tarolli
117 Congenital, Developmental, and Neurocutaneous Disorders, 1048
Kristin A. Seaborg, Jennifer M. Kwon
118 Cerebrovascular Disease, 1056
Mitchell S. V. Elkind
119 Traumatic Brain Injury and Spinal Cord Injury, 1069
Geoffrey S.F. Ling, Jeffrey J. Bazarian
120 Epilepsy, 1073
Andrew S. Blum
121 Central Nervous System Tumors, 1087
Bryan J. Bonder, Lisa R. Rogers
122 Demyelinating and Inflammatory Disorders, 1092
Anne Haney Cross
123 Neuromuscular Diseases: Disorders of the Motor Neuron and Plexus and Peripheral Nerve Disease, 1101
Carlayne E. Jackson, Ratna Bhavaraju-Sanka
124 Muscle Diseases, 1111
Johanna Hamel, Jeffrey M. Statland
125 Neuromuscular Junction Disease, 1122
Emma Ciafaloni
126 The Aging Patient, 1126
Laura A. Previll, Mitchell T. Heflin, Harvey Jay Cohen
SECTION XVIII Palliative Care
127 Palliative Care, 1141
Brandon J. Wilcoxson, Erin M. Denney-Koelsch, Robert G. Holloway
SECTION XIX Alcohol and Substance Use
128 Alcohol and Substance Use, 1151
Richard A. Lange, Joaquin E. Cigarroa



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