內容簡介: |
《纯粹理性批判》Kritik der Reinen Vernunft P 02《爱丽丝梦游仙境》Alice‘s Adventures in Wonderland P 04《一千零一夜》Arabian Nights P 06《物种起源》On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection,or The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life P 08《美国鸟类》The Birds of America P 10《芙萝拉神殿》Temple of Flora P 12《百科全书,或科学、艺术和工艺详解词典》Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire Raisonné des Sciences, des Arts et des Métiers P 14《自然哲学的数学原理》Philosophi? Naturalis Principia Mathematica P 16《关于托勒密和哥白尼两大世界体系的对话 》Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems P 18《几何原本》Elements P 20《堂吉诃德》El Ingenioso Hidalgo don Qvixote de la Mancha P 22《威廉·莎士比亚先生的喜剧、历史剧和悲剧》Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, Tragedies P 24《谷登堡圣经》Gutenberg Bible P 26《人的权利》Rights of Man P 28《红楼梦》Dream of the Red Chamber P 30《贝奥武夫》Beowulf P 32《坎特伯雷故事集》The Canterbury Tales P 34《农事诗·牧歌·埃涅阿斯纪》Maronis Bucolica, Georgica et Aeneis P 36《浮士德》Faust P 38《列王纪》Shahnameh Baysonqori P 40《药物论》De Materia Medica P 42《变形记》Metamorphoses P 44《福音书》Gospels P 46《宇宙志》Cosmographia P 48《神圣日历书》Aubin Tonalamatl P 50《人体比例四书》Vier Bücher von Menschlicher Proportion P 52《哲学珠玑》Margarita Philosophica P 54《论人体构造》De Humani Corporis Fabrica Libri Septem P 56《人权与公民权宣言》Déclaration des Droits de L’homme et du Citoyen P 58《纽伦堡编年史》Liber Chronicarum P 60《埃及描述》Description de L‘égypte P 62《日月星辰的故事》The Story of the Sun, Moon, and Stars P 64《随笔集》Les Essais P 66《尼伯龙根之歌》Das Nibelungenlied und die Klage P 68《大宪章》Magna Carta P 70《1799—1804美洲赤道地区旅行的个人叙述》Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America during the Years 1799—1804P 72《易经集注》Collected Commentarieson the I ChingP 74《金刚般若波罗蜜经》Vajracchedikā Praj?āpāramitā SūtraP 76《罗摩衍那》Rāmāya?aP 78《源氏小镜》The Small Mirror of GenjiP 80《马可·波罗游记》Les Voyages de Marco Polo de VeniseP 82《时祷书》Book of HoursP 84《奥德赛》OdysseyP 86《罪与罚》Crime and PunishmentP 88《伊索寓言》Aesopus MoralisatusP 90《十日谈》Le Decameron de Jean BoccaceP 92《颍滨先生道德经解》Interpretation of Tao Te Chingby YingbinP 94《八十天环游地球》Around the World in Eighty DaysP 96《一九八四》Nineteen Eighty-FourP 98《神曲》La Divina CommediaP 100《自然界的艺术形态》Kunstformen der NaturP 102《古兰经》Qur’anP 104