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書城自編碼: 3842208
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→工業技術環境科學
作者: 尧一骏,陈樯
國際書號(ISBN): 9787030740168
出版社: 科学出版社
出版日期: 2023-03-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 1015



** 我創建的書架 **

Contents“土壤环境与污染修复丛书”序Chapter 1 Screening Models of Vapor Intrusion 11.1 Introduction 11.2 The general equation governing soil gas transport 41.2.1 Soil gas transport involving no biodegradation 61.2.2 The role of biodegradation in VI 101.2.3 Soil gas transport involving biodegradation 121.3 Contaminant soil gas entry into buildings 211.3.1 The equation governing escape of contaminant from the soil 211.3.2 Indoor air concentration calculation 251.4 The limits of VI screening tools 28References 32Chapter 2 Numerical Models of Vapor Intrusion 412.1 The soil gas transport involving no biodegradation 412.2 The soil gas transport involving biodegradation 452.3 Soil gas entry into the building 482.4 Calculation of indoor air concentration 50References 52Chapter 3 US EPA’s Vapor Intrusion Database and Generic Attenuation Factor 573.1 Introduction of US EPA’s vapor intrusion database 573.2 Examinations of the database based on modeling 583.3 Examinations of the database based on environmental factors 613.4 The generic attenuation factors and influences of background sources 623.5 The importance of appropriate source characterization 66References 71Chapter 4 US EPA’s PVI Database and Vertical Screening Distances 744.1 US EPA’s petroleum vapor intrusion database 744.2 Vertical screening distances 754.3 The capillary effect in cases of dissolve sources 754.3.1 Model validation 764.3.2 Examinations for cases with source in the dissolved phase 774.3.3 Numerical simulations for different soil textures 804.4 The role of soil texture in NAPL source cases 864.4.1 Numerical simulations 864.4.2 Analytical analysis 894.4.3 Refined vertical separation distances based on soil types 91References 94Chapter 5 Preferential Pathways and the Building Pressure Cycling Method 965.1 Introduction of preferential pathway and building pressure cycling 965.2 Numerical simulations of VI involving preferential pathway and BPC 975.2.1 Model validation 985.2.2 The influences of soil permeability and BPC on indoor quality 1005.3 The analytical solutions for the BPC performance in the short term 1035.4 Numerical simulations for the BPC performance in the short term 1085.4.1 Model validation 1095.4.2 Influences of environmental factors 1105.4.3 Requirements for an effective BPC application 1125.5 The application of building pressure cycling to generate aerobic barrier in petroleum vapor intrusion 116References 121Chapter 6 Vapor Intrusion Risk Assessments in Brownfield Redevelopment 1246.1 The basic concept and process of vapor intrusion 1266.2 The basic theory of the J-E model 1286.2.1 Fluxes from the source to the soil near the building calculation 1306.2.2 Calculation of the flux from the soil around the base of the building to the interior of the building 1306.2.3 Derivation of indoor gas-phase concentration and attenuation factor 1316.3 Differences between Volasoil model and J-E model 1326.3.1 Source concentration calculation 1336.3.2 Calculation of indoor air exposure concentration 1336.4 Study of vapor intrusion risk assessment 1346.5 Application of brownfield vapor intrusion risk assessment 1376.6 The future of vapor intrusion risk assessment in brownfield redevelopment 141References 142



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