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E.H.贡布里希(E.H. Gombrich,1909—2001年),英国著名艺术史家,1909年出生于奥地利维也纳的一个犹太家庭,后迁居英国。他在维也纳大学获得艺术史博士学位,1936年入职伦敦的瓦尔堡研究院,从1959年起担任院长,并担任伦敦大学古典传统历史教授,直至1976年退休。他曾获得多种荣誉,主要有:1966年获英帝国勋位,1972年受封爵士,1994年获歌德奖和维也纳金质奖章,等等。他的主要著作有《艺术的故事》《艺术与错觉》《木马沉思录》等。
Preface 7
Introduction: On art and artists 21
Strange Beginnings: Prehistoric and primitive peoples; Ancient America 37 Art for Eternity: Egypt, Mesopotamia, Crete 49 The Great Awakening: Greece, seventh to fifth century BC63 The Realm of Beauty: Greece and the Greek world, fourth century BC to first century AD81 World Conquerors: Romans, Buddhists, Jews and Christians, first to fourth century AD 93 A Parting of Ways: Rome and Byzantium, fifth to thirteenth century 103 Looking Eastwards: Islam, China, second to thirteenth century 111 Western Art in the Melting Pot: Europe, sixth to eleventh century 119 The Church Militant: The twelfth century 129 The Church Triumphant: The thirteenth century 139 Courtiers and Burghers: The fourteenth century 155 The Conquest of Reality: The early fifteenth century 167 Tradition and Innovation i: The later fifteenth century in Italy 183 Tradition and Innovation ii: The fifteenth century in the North 201 Harmony Attained: Tuscany and Rome, early sixteenth century 215 Light and Colour: Venice and northern Italy, early sixteenth century 247 The New Learning Spreads: Germany and the Netherlands, early sixteenth century 257 A Crisis of Art: Europe, later sixteenth century 273 Vision and Visions: Catholic Europe, first half of the seventeenth century 293 The Mirror of Nature: Holland, seventeenth century 315 Power and Glory i: Italy, later seventeenth and eighteenth centuries 331 Power and Glory ii: France, Germany and Austria, late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries 339 The Age of Reason: England and France, eighteenth century 347 The Break in Tradition: England, America and France, late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries 361 Permanent Revolution: The nineteenth century 379 In Search of New Standards: The late nineteenth century 411 Experimental Art: The first half of the twentieth century 429 A Story without End
The triumph of Modernism 465
Another turning of the tide 486
The changing past 493
Plates 505
A note on art books 953
List of illustrations by location 985
Detailed illustrations list 997
Index and glossary 1021
Acknowledgements 1043