編輯推薦: |
一本轻松有趣的青少年人文知识读本;了解中西文化异同的入门级读物。1、“碎片化”拆解宏大主题,用一个个小故事或生活细节揭示中西方文明的奥秘。2、对比贯穿全书: 50个主题,中西对对碰。3、一本包罗万象的人文知识百科。6、跟着专家学者实地探查,涨知识的同时,培养孩子的独立思考能力。
內容簡介: |
图书《从长安到罗马》第二季原汁原味地保留了纪录片的精彩,5个系列50个主题,涉及美食、时尚、建筑、艺术、政治等各个方面。学者为你当导游,带你行走西安和罗马之间,结合历史文物、人物事件不断地对比、追问和发现,用文明互鉴的方式讲述一个人类历史文化的伟大故事。Over 2,000 years, the commercial and cultural exchanges between Chang’an and Rome, the starting and end point of the Silk Road respectively, have never been interrupted. Instead, they have made a significant contribution to the evolution and development of human civilization.The book which has the same name as one hundred-episode microdocumentary Chang’an meets Rome, includes 50 themes covering culture, society, architecture, music, art, commerce, military and so on. Scholars visit Xi’an and Rome, using historical relics and events to constantly compare, question and discover, and guide readers to explore and think deeper on Eastern and Western cultures.