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Thomas L.Floyd于1964年获得了佛罗里达大学的电气工程学学士学位,同年在德州仪器公司开始了他的职业生涯,期间获得了硕士学位。之后任教于美国多所大学,主要教授电子技术、数字通信系统等课程。余?G,上海工程技术大学教师,长期讲授数字电路基础与电子学课程,具有丰富的教学经验。负责本书第九版、第十版、第十一版的英文版改编和翻译工作。
目??录Chapter 1?Introductory Concepts11-1 Digital and Analog Quantities11-2 Binary Digits, Logic Levels, and Digital Waveforms41-3 Fixed-Function Logic Devices9Chapter 2?Number Systems, Operations, and Codes142-1 Decimal Numbers142-2 Binary Numbers152-3 Decimal-to-Binary Conversion182-4 Binary Arithmetic202-5 Complements of Binary Numbers232-6 Signed Numbers252-7 Arithmetic Operations with Signed Numbers302-8 Hexadecimal Numbers362-9 Octal Numbers412-10?Binary Coded Decimal (BCD)432-11?Digital Codes462-12?Error Codes48Chapter 3?Logic Gates613-1 The Inverter613-2 The AND Gate633-3 The OR Gate693-4 The NAND Gate733-5 The NOR Gate773-6 The Exclusive-OR and Exclusive-NOR Gates813-7 Fixed-Function Logic Gates84Chapter 4?Boolean Algebra and Logic Simplification994-1 Boolean Operations and Expressions994-2 Laws and Rules of Boolean Algebra1004-3 DeMorgan’s Theorems1054-4 Boolean Analysis of Logic Circuits1084-5 Logic Simplification Using Boolean Algebra1104-6 Standard Forms of Boolean Expressions1144-7 Boolean Expressions and Truth Tables1194-8 The Karnaugh Map1224-9 Karnaugh Map SOP Minimization1254-10?Karnaugh Map POS Minimization1334-11?The Quine-McCluskey Method137Chapter 5?Combinational Logic Analysis1495-1 Basic Combinational Logic Circuits1495-2 Implementing Combinational Logic1535-3 The Universal Property of NAND and NOR Gates1585-4 Combinational Logic Using NAND and NOR Gates1605-5 Pulse Waveform Operation164Chapter 6?Functions of Combinational Logic1746-1 Half and Full Adders1746-2 Parallel Binary Adders1776-3 Ripple Carry and Look-Ahead Carry Adders1836-4 Comparators1866-5 Decoders1896-6 Encoders1956-7 Code Converters1986-8 Multiplexers (Data Selectors)2016-9 Demultiplexers2076-10?Parity Generators/Checkers209Chapter 7?Latches, Flip-Flops, and Timers2217-1 Latches2217-2 Flip-Flops2277-3 Flip-Flop Operating Characteristics2367-4 Flip-Flop Applications2387-5 One-Shots2427-6 The Astable Multivibrator249Chapter 8?Shift Registers2618-1 Shift Register Operations2618-2 Types of Shift Register Data I/Os2628-3 Bidirectional Shift Registers2708-4 Shift Register Counters2728-5 Shift Register Applications2758-6 Logic Symbols with Dependency Notation282Chapter 9?Counters2899-1 Finite State Machines2899-2 Asynchronous Counters2919-3 Synchronous Counters2979-4 Up/Down Synchronous Counters3039-5 Design of Synchronous Counters3069-6 Cascaded Counters3139-7 Counter Decoding3169-8 Counter Applications3199-9 Logic Symbols with Dependency Notation323Chapter 10?Data Storage33310-1 Semiconductor Memory Basics33310-2 The Random-Access Memory (RAM)33810-3 The Read-Only Memory (ROM)35010-4 Programmable ROMs35410-5 The Flash Memory35710-6 Memory Expansion36110-7 Special Types of Memories36610-8 Magnetic and Optical Storage370Chapter 11?Signal Conversion and Processing38211-1 Analog-to-Digital Conversion38211-2 Methods of Analog-to-Digital Conversion38811-3 Methods of Digital-to-Analog Conversion39711-4 Digital Signal Processing404Chapter 12?Data Transmission41112-1 Data Transmission Media41112-2 Methods and Modes of Data Transmission41512-3 Modulation of Analog Signals with Digital Data42012-4 Modulation of Digital Signals with Analog Data42312-5 Multiplexing and Demultiplexing42812-6 Bus Basics43312-7 Parallel Buses43712-8 The Universal Serial Bus (USB)44212-9 Other Serial Buses44512-10?Bus Interfacing450Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems463Glossary481Chapter 13?Integrated Circuit Technologies(On Website)