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書城自編碼: 3776008
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→教材研究生/本科/专科教材
作者: 陈美华
國際書號(ISBN): 9787305082320
出版社: 南京大学出版社
出版日期: 2011-06-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 199



** 我創建的書架 **

Part One Presentation
 Unit One Planning Your Presentation
  1.1 Definition of presentation
  1.2 Differences between conversation and presentation
  1.3 The presentation process
  1.4 Coping effectively with presentation anxiety
  1.5 Speaking in an alapropriate style
  1.6 Principles of an effective presentation
 Unit Two Structuring Your Presentation
  2.1 Focusing on your topic
  2.2 Outlining your presentation
  2.3 Introduction——starting a presentation
  2.4 Body——giving the subject in detail
  2.5 Conclusion——summarizing and concluding
 Unit Three Delivering Your Presentation
  3.1 Using effective visual aids
  3.2 Non-verbal comm Unication
  3.3 Voice elements
  3.4 Performance elements
 Unit Four Thesis Defense
  4.1 Knowing about thesis defense
  4.2 Preparing for a thesis defense
  4.3 Delivering a thesis defense
  Checklist What Will Be Asked?
Part Two Seminars and Tutorials
 Unit One Definition of Seminars and Tutorials
 Unit Two Preparing for a Seminar
 Unit Three R Unning a Seminar
  3.1 Delivering a seminar presentation
  3.2 Asking and dealing with questions
  3.3 Having discussions
 Unit Four Comm Unicating Strategies of a Chair
 Unit Five Tutorials and Consultations
  5.1 Preparation
  5.2 Engaging in discussion
  5,3 Taking notes in discussion groups
  5.4 Follow-up work
  5.5 Conclusion
  5.6 Language points
Part Three International Conference
 Unit One Obtaining Conference Information
  1.1 The internet
  1.2 Professional journals
  1.3 Membership of professional organizations
  1.4 Conference literature
 Unit Two Conference and Organizational Information
  2.1 Different meetings
  2.2 Conference organization and session modes
 Unit Three Call for Conference Papers and Conference Notice
  3.1 Call for conference papers
  3.2 Conference notice
 Unit Four Letters and Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  4.1 Letter of invitation
  4.2 Letter of application
  4.3 Letter of acceptance
  4.4 Curriculum vitae
 Unit Five Conference Presentation and Chairing
  5.1 Preparing and delivering presentation
  5.2 Chairing a meeting
  5.3 Talking with professionals
  5.4 Cultural consideration
  5.5 Participating in other activities
Prior to giving your speech, imagine the execution of your speech in itsentirety: Envision yourself exuding complete confidence as you walk to the podiumand initiate your delivery. See yourself speaking slowly and concisely, making eyecontact with individuals as you move from one audience member to another. Pictureyour audience to be warm andreceptive. Anticipate problem areas and/or mistakesand imagine yourself moving through them gracefully and without incident. If youclose your eyes and visualize yourself successfully delivering the speech, you willliterally trick your brain into believing you‘ve done it and you won’t feel as nervous.
Utilize notes/outline
Well designed outlines and/or notes are acceptable and expected. However,notes should not be read verbatim, and should only be used as reference. Manypeople suffering from public speaking anxiety (stage fright) will use notes as adistraction from making eye contact with their audience. This makes them lookunprepared. Rather, design your outline/notes as such: Write OUt your introductionin full, because this is when yur public speaking anxiety will be at its peak. Usesymbols for key points. Write out transitional sentences in full to avoid abrupttransitions and/or uncomfortable pauses (this will also avoid the ”ummms” and”ahhhs” you might feel compelled to use while you are gathering your wits). Writeyour conclusion in full as well, as this will be the summary, of your message, andshould be communicated clearly. This does not mean reading directly from yournotes, but rather, acts as the insurance against forgetting valuable information.



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