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書城自編碼: 3753659
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→工業技術電工技術
作者: 赵阳等
國際書號(ISBN): 9787030673916
出版社: 科学出版社
出版日期: 2022-05-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 862



** 我創建的書架 **

This book highlights principles and applications of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Affter introducing the basic concepts, research progress, standardizations and limitations of EMC, the book puts emphasis on presenting the mechanisms and suppression principles of conducted electromagnetic interference (EMI) noise, radiated EMI noise, and electromagnetic susceptibility (EMS) problems such as electrostatic discharge (ESD), electric fast transient (EFT) and surge. By showing EMC case studies and solved examples, the book provides effective solutions to practical engineering problems.
Contents Chapter 1 Introduction of Electromagnetic Compatibility 1 1.1 Electromagnetic Compatibility History and Basic Concepts 1 1.2 Electromagnetic Compatibility Standards and Measurement 2 1.2.1 FCC Standard 3 1.2.2 CISPR Standard 3 1.2.3 GB Standard 4 1.3 Electromagnetic Compatibility Terminology 4 References 6 Chapter 2 Conducted EMI Noise Generation Mechanism, Measurement and Diagnosis 7 2.1 Generation Mechanism and Analysis of Conducted EMI Noise 7 2.1.1 Common Mode and Differential Mode Definition 7 2.1.2 Conducted EMI Noise Generation Mechanism 8 2.1.3 Equivalent Circuit of Conducted EMI Noise 13 2.2 Conducted EMI Noise Measurement Method 15 2.2.1 Line Impedance Stabilization Network Structure 15 2.2.2 LISN Metrology Characteristic Parameters 17 2.2.3 Calibration of Measurement Characteristic Parameters 20 2.3 Diagnosis of Conducted EMI Noise 23 2.3.1 Principles of Conducted EMI Noise Diagnosis 23 2.3.2 Noise Separation Network 27 2.3.3 Noise Separation Network Characteristics Measurement Method 30 2.3.4 Experimental Verification 33 References 34Chapter 3 Conducted EMI Noise Suppression Methods and Cases Study 35 3.1 Suppression Principle of Conducted EMI Noise 35 3.1.1 Internal Noise Suppression 35 3.1.2 External Noise Suppression 37 3.2 Suppression Methods of Conducted EMI Noise 40 3.2.1 Ground 40 3.2.2 Conducted EMI Noise Suppression Devices 51 3.2.3 EMI Filter 57 3.3 Suppression Case Study of Conducted EMI Noise 67 3.3.1 Case #No.1 67 3.3.2 Case #No.2 73 References 77 Chapter 4 Radiated EMI Noise Generation Mechanism, Measurement and Diagnosis 78 4.1 Generation Mechanism and Analysis of Radiated EMI Noise 78 4.1.1 Common Mode and Differential Mode Definition 78 4.1.2 Radiated EMI Noise Generation Mechanism 83 4.1.3 Equivalent Circuit of Radiated EMI Noise 88 4.2 Radiated EMI Noise Measurement Method 93 4.2.1 Anechoic Chamber Classification and Working Principles 93 4.2.2 Radiated EMI Noise Measurement Equipment and Composition 95 4.2.3 Radiation Emission Limitation 98 4.2.4 Requirements of the Device Under Test 99 4.3 Diagnosis of Radiated EMI Noise 100 4.3.1 Principles of Radiated EMI Noise Diagnosis 100 4.3.2 Near-field Wave Impedance Measurement for Radiated EMI Noise Diagnosis 103 References 105 Chapter 5 Radiated EMI Noise Suppression Methods and Cases Study 107 5.1 Suppression Principles of Radiated EMI Noise 107 5.1.1 Common Mode Suppression Principles 107 5.1.2 Differential Mode Suppression Principles 108 5.2 Suppression Methods and Analysis of Radiated EMI Noise 109 5.2.1 Common Mode Suppression Method 109 5.2.2 Differential Mode Suppression Method 131 5.3 Case Study 134 5.3.1 Case Study 1 134 5.3.2 Case Study 2 138 References 145 Chapter 6 Principle and Analysis of EMS: Static Electricity Mechanism and Protection 146 6.1 ESD Generation Mechanism 146 6.2 Electrostatic Protection Theory 148 6.2.1 Implementation Standards and Test Methods of ESD 148 6.2.2 ESD Suppression Device 152 6.2.3 ESD Suppression Method 156 6.3 ESD Case Study 1 163 6.3.1 Product Introduction 163 6.3.2 Problem Description 163 6.3.3 Problem Diagnosis and Analysis 164 6.3.4 Modification Measures and Theoretical Analysis 164 6.3.5 Final Modification Results 166 6.3.6 Summary 166 6.4 ESD Case Study 2 167 6.4.1 Problem Description and Diagnosis 167 6.4.2 ESD Protection Scheme 168 6.4.3 Experimental Results and Analysis 170 References 171 Chapter 7 Principle and Analysis of EMS: EFT Mechanism and Protection 173 7.1 Formation Mechanism of EFT 173 7.1.1 Mechanism and Analysis of EFT 173 7.1.2 EFT Interference Mechanism 176 7.2 EFT Protection Theory 177 7.2.1 EFT Standardization and Testing Methods 177 7.2.2 EFT Restraint Measures 182 7.3 Principle and Analysis of EMS: EFT Case Analysis 185 7.3.1 Analysis of EFT Case 1 1857.3.2 Analysis of EFT Case 2 191 References 196 Chapter 8 Introduction of Other EMI Issues: CS, RS and Surge 198 8.1 Conducted Interference Susceptibility (CS) 198 8.1.1 Generation Mechanism and Analysis of CS 198 8.1.2 Implementation Standards and Test Methods of CS 198 8.2 Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Field Susceptibility (RS) 200 8.2.1 Generation Mechanism and Analysis of RS 200 8.2.2 Implementation Standards and Test Methods of RS 201 8.2.3 Test System and Test Method of Radiation Susceptibility in Anechoic Chamber 212 8.3 Lightning Surge 215 8.3.1 Generation Mechanism and Analysis of Lightning Surge 215 8.3.2 Implemental Standards and Test Methods of Lightning Surge 217 References 223



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