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『簡體書』Contemporary Bamboo Architecture in China (中国现代竹建筑)(英文版)

書城自編碼: 3748160
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→建筑建筑科学
作者: 刘可为、许清风、王戈、陈复明、冷予冰、杨军、[美]肯特.A.
國際書號(ISBN): 9787302580218
出版社: 清华大学出版社
出版日期: 2022-04-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 32开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 857



** 我創建的書架 **

刘可为:国际组织官员。1981年出生,四川省彭州人。2007年毕业于北京交通大学结构工程专业获硕士学位,现任国际竹藤组织全球竹建筑项目协调员。长期从事竹建筑国际项目合作,与全球20多个国家的公共和私营部门展开过工作。创建并担任首个全球竹建筑专家工作组(INBAR Construction Task Force)经理,召集了30多位来自全球18个国家的竹建筑专家。现担任国际标准化组织木结构技术委员会竹结构工作组(ISO/TC165 WG12)召集人,负责5项竹结构国际标准的开发和制修订工作。参编中国技术标准共6项,发表学术论文20多篇,主编学术专著1本,学术会议文集1本,译著1本, 荣获省部级奖项1项。担任中国城市科学研究会和中国林产工业协会牵头的 “木竹建筑工作委员会” 的专家委员、中国城市科学研究会可持续土木工程研究专业委员会、中国工程建设标准化协会木材及复合材结构委员会委员。
1 Distribution of Bamboo Forest Resources and Species
for Construction 1
1.1 Chinese and Global Markets for Bamboo Structural Products 4
References 5
2 Types and Characteristics of Bamboo Materials
for Construction Uses 7
2.1 Structure and Morphology of Bamboo 8
2.2 Bamboo as a Load-Bearing Structural Material 9
2.2.1 Full-Culm Bamboo 9
2.2.2 Engineered Bamboo 15
2.3 Bamboo as Enclosure and Decoration Materials 19
2.3.1 Bamboo Flooring 19
2.3.2 Indoor Bamboo Decorative Materials 20
2.4 Bamboo in Other Structural Load-Bearing Applications 22
2.4.1 Bamboo Scaffolding 22
2.4.2 Bamboo-Reinforced Concrete Structures 23
2.4.3 Bamboo-Reinforced Masonry Structures 24
2.4.4 Application of Bamboo Bars in Soil Reinforcement
Engineering 24
2.4.5 Application of Bamboo in Strengthening of Existing
Structures 25
References 26
3 Research and Development Status of Different Types
of Bamboo Structures 31
3.1 Full Culm Bamboo Structures 31
3.1.1 Research Status of Full Culm Bamboo Structures 43
3.1.2 Summary of Full Culm Bamboo Structures 46
3.2 Engineered Bamboo Structures 46
3.2.1 Research Achievements in Engineered Bamboo
Structures 53
28 Contents
3.2.2 Summary of Engineered Bamboo Structures 55
References 55
4 Standards 59
4.1 International Standards 59
4.2 Chinese Bamboo Standards 62
References 69
5 International Organizations, Research Institutions,
and Production and Processing Enterprises in China 71
5.1 International Organization 71
5.2 Research Institutions 72
5.2.1 Bibliographic Analysis Methodology 72
5.2.2 Findings 72
5.3 Production and Processing Enterprises 75
References 78
6 Case Studies 79
6.1 Bamboo as Decorative Materials 80
6.2 Bamboo as Structural Materials 123
6.3 Landscapes 200
6.4 Rural Construction 232
6.5 Transport Facilities 245
6.6 Water Pipelines and Urban Municipal Tunnels 255
References 260
7 Opportunities and Challenges for the Modern Bamboo
Construction Industry in China 261
7.1 Advantages for Competition 261
7.1.1 Resources and Material Advantages 261
7.1.2 Industrial and Technological Advantages 263
7.1.3 The Advantage of Eco-culture Value 264
7.2 Disadvantages for Competition 264
7.2.1 Inadequate Basic Research 264
7.2.2 Inadequate Penetration of Automation in Bamboo
Processing Industries 265
7.2.3 Lack of Standardisation 265
7.2.4 Lack of Capacity-Building for Professionals 266
7.3 Opportunities 266
7.3.1 Support by National Policies 266
7.3.2 Towns with Local Characteristics and Revitalization
of Rural Areas 267
7.4 Threats 267
7.4.1 The Rising Cost of Labour 267
7.4.2 Low Public Awareness of Bamboo Architecture 268
7.4.3 Risk in Bamboo Enterprises 268
7.5 Summary 269
References 269
With the largest population in the world, China needs a large number of buildings to provide necessary support for people’s work and life. However, large-scale urban construction, dominated by concrete and steel, results in increased carbon emis-sions and places a burden on energy resources and the environment. Sustainable urban development faces enormous challenges. In recent years, people have begun to explore more environmentally friendly building materials and methods, and the use of natural building materials is popular among urban planners and builders. However, due to the lack of forest resources in China and the need to import large amounts of wood from other countries, bamboo has garnered attention as a natural native alternative to wood.
China not only has the richest bamboo resources in the world, but also has a deep-rooted bamboo cultural tradition. How to make rational use of this natural material so that bamboo architecture can play its unique role in sustainable urban and rural construction has become a new direction of exploration.
Against the background of global bamboo architecture development, this book describes the distribution of bamboo forest and bamboo species for construction, the types and characteristics of bamboo materials for construction, the development history and research status of different forms of bamboo architecture. We go on to describe standards, relevant international organizations, research institutions and production and processing enterprises and typical cases. Starting from six aspects, this book systematically describes bamboo building development in China, analyzes the opportunities and challenges faced by the bamboo construction industry in China and provides guidance for the development of the bamboo construction industry in China.
In the .rst chapter, the main species of bamboo used for construction and the distribution of resources are presented. Chapter 2 focuses on the introduction of two types of bamboo materials which are widely used in the construction sector: full-culm bamboo and engineered bamboo. The chapter introduces each type from the perspective of three potential uses: structural load-bearing materials, enclosure and decorative materials and other functional materials. Chapter 2 also introduces the physical and mechanical properties of these bamboo materials with relevant test
12 Preface
methods, as well as the research status of long-term performance, durability and .re resistance. At the same time, the application and research status of bamboo in other construction realms are brie.y introduced, including bamboo scaffolding, bamboo-reinforced concrete and masonry, bamboo soil reinforcement, bamboo reinforce-ment for existing structures, etc. Chapter 3 introduces the development history and research status of full-culm and engineered bamboo structures. Chapter 4 system-atically analyzes international standards related to bamboo structures, as well as the development of China’s current national and provincial standards and industry and association standards. Chapter 5 brie.y introduces the international organiza-tions, research institutions and production and processing enterprises which are engaged in research, application and promotion of bamboo architecture in China. In Chap. 6, more than 70 exemplary (commercial) cases constructed mostly since 2014 are selected to provide a detailed overview of the use of bamboo as deco-rative and structural materials. In order to fully explore the potential of bamboo in engineering applications, the authors introduce the use of bamboo construction for transportation facilities (bridges, highway landscape fences and bus stations), landscape, water pipelines and urban municipal tunnels. The authors hope readers are inspired by these most vivid cases and experience the charm of modern Chinese bamboo architecture. In Chap. 7, the authors apply strength–weakness–opportunity– threat (SWOT) analysis to enumerate opportunities and challenges faced by China’s modern bamboo construction industry. Approaches to leveraging opportunities and overcoming challenges are presented.
This book seeks to objectively describe commercial cases to showcase the status of the bamboo construction sector in China. No commercial endorsement is intended or should be implied in any instance. Please enjoy this book as it was intended: as a
unique source of reference.
Beijing, China K. W. Liu
Shanghai, China Q. F. Xu
Beijing, China G. Wang
Beijing, China F. M. Chen
Shanghai, China Y. B. Leng
Beijing, China J. Yang
Pittsburgh, USA K. A. Harries



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