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書城自編碼: 3746938
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→外語英语学术著作
作者: R. H. Robins
國際書號(ISBN): 9787521331745
出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社
出版日期: 2022-04-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 408



** 我創建的書架 **

《普通语言学概论(第四版)》是”当代国外语言学与应用语言学文库(升级版)”中的一本。世界知名语言学家R. H. Robins从纵横两方面综述了现代西方语言学研究的学术源流,也概述了各细分领域的基础理论。本书条理清晰,论述全面,通俗易懂,是国内部分高校推荐的考研参考书和专业课用书。
本书是世界知名语言学家R. H. Robins的经典著作,从纵横两方面综述了现代西方语言学研究的学术源流,同时也概述了各细分领域的基础理论。本书条理清晰,论述全面,通俗易懂,是国内部分高校推荐的考研参考书和专业课用书。
R. H. 罗宾斯(R. H. Robins):英国语言学家,1970年任伦敦大学语音学与语言学系主任,1974年任欧洲语言学会会长,1977年起任国际语言学家常设委员会会长。
Preface to first edition xxxv
Preface to second edition xxxix
Preface to third edition xli
Preface to fourth edition xliii
System of reference xlv
Transcriptions and abbreviations xlvii
1 General linguistics: the scope of the subject
1.1 General linguistics as the study of language 1
1.2 Linguistics as a science 6
1.3 The range of general linguistics 11
1.4 Semantics 21
General bibliography 34
Bibliography for Chapter 1 38
Notes to Chapter 1 40
2 Theoretical and methodological considerations
2.1 Abstractions 43
2.2 Dialect, idiolect, style 48
2.3 General and particular 60
2.4 The structural treatment of lexical meaning 64
Bibliography for Chapter 2 71
Notes to Chapter 2 72
3 Phonetics
3.1 Articulatory phonetics 77
3.2 The organs of speech 82
3.3 Segmentation: vowel and consonant 85
3.4 Acoustic phonetics 98
3.5 Plurisegmental features 101
3.6 Phonetics in linguistics 110
Bibliography for Chapter 3 111
Notes to Chapter 3 112
4 Phonology
4.1 Speech and writing 114
4.2 Narrow and broad transcription: phonetics and phonology 118
4.3 The phoneme theory 121
4.4 Further developments 144
Bibliography for Chapter 4 167
Notes to Chapter 4 170
5 Grammar: grammatical elements
5.1 Preliminary questions 177
5.2 The sentence 182
5.3 The word 184
5.4 The morpheme 192
5.5 The semantic status of morphemes 202
Bibliography for Chapters 5 and 6 203
Notes to Chapter 5 206
6 Grammar: grammatical classes, structures, and categories
6.1 Syntactic relations 208
6.2 Word classes 210
6.3 Immediate constituents 215
6.4 Grammatical categories 227
6.5 Subclasses, irregularities, and economy 247
6.6 Grammatical semantics 253
Notes to Chapter 6 268
7 Current linguistic theory
7.1 Theory formation 277
7.2 Transformational-generative linguistics (TG) 280
7.3 Other current theories 297
7.4 Earlier post-‘structuralist theories 307
7.5 Postscript 320
Bibliography for Chapter 7 324
Notes to Chapter 7 327
8 Linguistic comparison
8.1 Historically orientated comparison of languages 334
8.2 Typological comparison 367
Bibliography for Chapter 8 386
Notes to Chapter 8 389
9 Wider perspectives
9.1 Linguistics, anthropology and sociology 396
9.2 Linguistics and philosophy 404
9.3 Linguistics and psychology 408
9.4 Linguistics and language teaching: linguistics and communications engineering 412
9.5 Linguistics and literature 416
9.6 Outline of the history of linguistic studies in Western Europe 423
Bibliography for Chapter 9 429
Notes to Chapter 9 432
Index 436



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